商务英语翻译常用语集锦 2 作者:日期:个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 3 商务英语翻译日常用语集锦 1、商务书信常用开头语(1特此奉告等 We please to ifom o tat W ha th leasure i informin you tat e hav o ai yu of/ht We hik it advisable to nform you fthat e are leae to have this pprtty o remining u of/tht W tae the advnage o his ortuity to bring efr our notice Peae llw us o cal yur attenn o Perm u to remin u ofthat M we ak our attention t e ee i or dty to ifr ou of/tha 2)为(目的)奉告某某事项 Th urpose of tis letr i to for you f/that Th bect f thi ettr i to tell o that By thi lettr e pos vt.)o inform yu o/tat The present(信,函)eve o aqaint you hat 3)惠请告知某某事项 Pse inform me of/tht Kindly nfo me oftat e good enough to frm me of/hat shoul e ld f ou wou info m othat We sall be obige if ou ill infr u tha We shal be pleased o have you informton reging on/as to/out (4)特确认我方某月某日函件 We onfirm our lette of th 0 of this month We cfir ur last etter of h 10 Jne We cnfirm th parculas of our inqur by elepone f this mornng I confirming ur telegram of his morning,Cofirmin our repects f th 10th Ma,)敬悉贵公司某月某日函电 We re pleased to acknowlege receipt o your fvou of the 1s une.or le of May 5 ws ry elcme.Yur etter of April 10 gae me ch pesue.Your favur of the Ot.10th is tat han We re i eceip of your eer of the 7th ul.We tnk yu for your lettr of e 5th May Man thaks for yur et of the 5t Ju.Your letter h 5t Ma a j reached e.Yur favour f he th My is nw befr e.(6)特回复贵公司某月某日函所表达有关事项 I ave he pleasure of sttng,i asr to your nquiry of un,hat In ply to yur letter of the 5th of May,I ave to nfo ou f/hat I rely to o letter f the 10th May,relive to,woud s that I m in eceipt of your favour of the 7th May,and in eons inform you that In nwe o yur favou f the 5th My regading,I epy follws:nring you eter of the 8h of Frary,would ay tht 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 4 7非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于 W egr to inform ou of/tht W re sor to hv to raw our attention o We eet o hve to sa tha t s mst regrettale tt we hae to iorm ou f/ht T our greatet rgrt must hew 因此,据此,随函)form ou of/t i wit rege and reluctnce hat we hve to ino you/tht It gies u a ep w hat w have to annnce y tht I causes much orrow t ha o say hat I feel sorr for hving to anounce yo tht I expres m orrow for nnouncig ou hat 8)我们得悉甚为遗憾 ae very sor to hear/now that a inded sorry to hr hat W y uh egt t hea th I i th et regret hat we just arn th Muc t our rget e hav herd that T ur dee regt e wer inomed of/t (9我们对于您某月某日来函的询价深表谢意。e thank you er much for your inuiry of h 10th o May.thank you for yu uir o h 10th May.We re very ch oblig y your nuir dated he 10th y.Thaks fo your kin inqury May.0兹函附某某,请查收 Encloed pease nd Enclsed we hnd o We encl eewit e hae plsure i encosig hrewit We are peasd o enclose eewt 11遵照某月某日来函指示 In aordnc with the insrucons gven/naied in yur favour of th 1th May ccorng to the decions cntained in urs of t 6th ay Acrng to the nstutins gvn in your lettr und te f te 1th of ast month In conformity th/to ou intruon f th 10th May 12如以下所记、如附件所述等 A stated beow Athe yo wil find As o n th net e As indiaed overleaf(下页,反面)s at f hereof ent wih is As the draigs attache As shown in the eclsed documn As alry metion As etied n e evous leter 1 商务书信常用完毕语(1我们盼望于近日内收到回复。个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 5 W hope to receiv your favour at an rly date We awt th god nw h pience.We ope t rei a faurable ep per etrn mail awat te fvou o yor aly/romp repl A promt rpy wou ratly oblige us.pro rly ud hep s greatly o prp repl would be grealy appeciated.e look rwar o eceiving your ear reply.As matter is rnt,erly repy will blig Wil y kindly inform us imeatl what y wish u to do?We are awitin/xious to recee ou early rpl.W sou appete an eay eply.We hope o ceive yur reply wit te a pssbble dela Plese sen your rel b th rlet livery.Peae repy mmeiaely.Pleas for ith or epy as early as posble.Ma we emind ou ha e are stl awiing yor earl repy?ay w equest the favr of your eary reply?2)关于某某事项,谨表谢意。lease accet ou thanks n adanc for ou usua kind attntion.leae aept or tnks fr the tble you hav tke We are obliged to yu or your kin ateton in his matt.ar greatly bliged o ou fo yor tra order ust reeiv.W thank you fo your ordr us eceie We hank y for he speial cae yu hve vn to he mtter.e tndr(vt.提出)you our sinre thans fr u gerous treame f us n tis affi llow u to thak ou for e nness extended to us.W ae ery sesible yu frenly services n or bhaf,for hich pleae acept ou sincere thnk 3请原谅我的回信延迟。Please xcue my lte epl to yor vey riendly letter of Mrc I op o wll oive e for ot havn writt(to yu for so log I hop you ill excus me o ot havig repled to you unti ta have t/ust pooize to ou for not answerig your lte in time mst as o to kin acct r ecus,late as they a(4我们对您的照顾谨致谢意。eqest you to accept our warmest tans fr te anticipated vour.We thank y in adance for tha antiiaed fvour.5我们尽我们所能为您效劳。e ssre you of our be sevices t l time.W shall be peaed to f rvc to you at al times.(请原谅给您添了麻烦。W op ou will pardo u or troubng you.We eget he rbe we ae casing yu.I reget the trouble it aused yo.We st you ill exse us fr this convnece.e wish to crae our kind orbeanc fo this toube.idly excu e f toling you in tis matter.个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 6(7请宽恕某某事项。ls excus ths clerical(职员的)ero.e tendr you ur apoogy fo e nconvniene this error may have aused you.e euest ou to cp ou reg fo the ero o our clerk.We greatl regre that we hve aused ou such an invenienc.We wish to epre ou reg f the annoync ti mitak hs ausd yu.We frak admit we were at fault nd we are anxius t ri e cnseences(8请多加照顾。W slcit(请求,恳求 a niuance of ur vaue favour.We soliit continuace of your ofdence and supprt hope we may ecee your further fvou 9)如有时机,我们必会报答您。It ould ive a great leure to redr you simlar eice sould an oportniy ocur We shl on a similar occasion be leas to recate.e hope o be ae reiprte yor godwill o a imila occason.W ar alwy rad to reder you such or imilar srice.W shall be happy to v an oprtunty of recproctng to ou on a siilar occsion.商务信函常用句型的翻译 1.建立贸易关系:我们愿与贵公司建立商务关系。We are illng o etblih ade rlation with our company.我们希望与您建立业务往来。lease alw s t expess u hp f opig n ccoun it yu 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商务关系。This crporation is secialized in hdig e mpt n exprt business in ectonic poucts nd ises to nr int buiness elats wih o 2.自我推荐:请容我们自我介绍,我们是首屈一指的贸易公司。Let us intruce urelve as a eaing trading m n 本公司经营这项业务已多年,并享有很高的国际信誉。Our copany as bee thi ne of buines for y years and enjoys gh interntional rstig.我们的产品质量一流,我们的客户一直把本公司视为最可信赖的公司。u poducts e f very gd qualty and our firm is alys egaded by ou cutoes a t most reliale oe.3推销产品:我们从获知贵公司的名称,不知贵公司对这一系列的产品是否有兴趣。our nm as bn given yad w lke to inquir wthe yu are itrs in hese lines.我们新研制的已推出上市,特此奉告。We re peaed o nform ta we have just arketed ou nlyeeloed.我们盼望能成为贵公司的供给商。e re lesed to et in oh wh you fo h uppl of 我们的新产品刚刚推出上市,相信您乐于知道。You wil be itrted to her hat e hav just arketed ur nw prduc 相认您对本公司新出品的会感兴趣。o wl be nterted n or ne rot .索取资料:我们对贵方的新产品甚感兴趣,希望能寄来贵公司的产品目录及价目表。个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 7 We e tersed n yr nw rodct an shal be pleas to hve a catalog ad price st.我们从纽约时报上看到贵公司的广告,但愿能收到产品的价目表及详细资料。e ave se yur dvetiseet in The Nw York Times ad shoud e lad to e your ri lst ad detail f you trms.获知贵公司有上市,望能赐寄完整详细资料。We ear tha yo he u n he marke and houl be gld o hae ful detail.如蒙赐寄贵公司新产品的详细资料,我们将深表感谢。We shld ppreate fll paticulrs of you ewly dveloped pruct.如蒙赐寄有关的样品和价目表,我们将甚为感谢。We should e blge i yo woud ed us paterns(r smes d prce list of your .5寄发资料:很快乐寄你一邮包,内装 We ae pleae t d you by arcl pos pakage cnaiing 欣寄我方目录,提供我方各类产品的详细情况。We have pleasue in sending you our atalogue,which givs fu foraton but our vrio products.奉上我方产品样品,在贵方展厅展出。W shoul be pleased o let yu hae amples t gve eontration a your prises.为使贵方对我方各种款式的手工艺品有初步了解,今航邮奉上我方目录和一些样品资料,供贵方参考。I order to give ou oe id of vars aliies of handcrafts e crry,we hv pleasure in orwarding yo by airmail caaogue d a w sple bos or our perusal.附寄资料:随函附上本公司新出品的样品,请查收。You will find eclosed ith ths letr a ampe f new.随函附上购货合同第号两份,希查收,谅无误。请会签并退我方一份备案。Encosed ples fnd tw coes o urcase Contrct ,hh we rust will e fund i rer.Kdl ign and return one oy r our fi.我们很快乐地附上询价单第号,请贵方报离岸价格。have plsure enclosing ur fle 我们确认向贵方购置,随函附上订单确认书供参照。We confrm havin prcse fro yo A conrtion der is encse fr you rfen.7.请求做代理商:我们深盼与英国公司接洽,希望成为其销售代理商之一。We are axious to nt soe Briish fims with a view to ctin s ter selin aets.如蒙考虑担任销售你们代理商,我们将十分快乐。We sould b ld i yo ould consder o aplicat t act s agens for te sa of your 8请求报价:兹函请提供的报价。We ar witin o inie qtations fr the sppy o 请将定期供给之报价赐知。lese e s hae a quotaton for he relar suply fo 请将以下货品的最低价格赐知。Kiny quot s your lo pices or he gds listed beow.询价:随函寄上询价单一份。e ar eosig her wi an nqiry et.如果贵方对感兴趣,请告具体询价。If o are itersted in or ,leas let u now wih a specific iury 一收到贵方具体询价单,我方马上航空邮上样品册并报价。个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 8 Quoaions and smple boo wll e aired o you upon eceit of our pecifi ury.1 价格:我们发现你方报价比我们从其他地方收到的略为偏高,请你方降价,以适应竞争。e find your quotaion sligtly hgher han ths w ve rcved from othr soucs,a ask ou t reuce your pri to met th mptiio.我们很抱歉地通知你方价格无竞争力,假设贵方能降低价格,使我方可承受的话,我们仍对交易感兴趣。Wer sory to infor yu tt our rie h been fud ucompetitiv,ut wee till intreste in doing businss if you can rig down your ice to an acceptable level.商务信函中的常用鸣谢句式 一、用动词 thank 和名词 thanks 这是最常用的一种句型,后面用 fr 引出向对方表示感谢的原因。例 1 方案部经理感谢她的同事们如此通力合作。he manar f he planning deprmen thakd hr colleages or being o coeraive.例 2 非常感谢您把我介绍给你们的总经理。Thank you for introducg m to yor gnral mnager 例 3 感谢您给我安排了与比尔斯特恩先生的会晤。I wan to thank you r arranging for me to meet with Mr.Bll Strn.例 4 感谢你方对低瓦特微波炉的询盘。Tan u fr yu inuirfor lw wattag Micowave On.其他表达法还有:would lke to thank W express our sincere thaks t o Specia thnk are end wh Aitionl taks g to for i coment and advie y tanks are ls due to mn fiends an oleagues at 二、用形容词 indbted indbte有“蒙恩之意。常用的词组是 b inebed to sb.。例 1 我十分感谢一直如此努力工作的全体员工。Im inbte to a he saff who hav ben wokng o ard 例 2 你方对我展览会的协助我们不胜感谢。We ar ieted o ou o our sisac in our exhiitin.三、用 obige bligd 一词经常用来表示感谢。常用的词组是 be olid to b.。例我很感谢你的热情好客。am obige to you fo yr grcious optay 例 2我非常感谢你帮助。Im mch oblged to o.例凭贵公司与 AB公司过去的业务关系,您是否建议我们和他们做承兑交单?如蒙赐告,不胜感谢。We soud e bliged if yo would inor s whethe yu busns relaions h ABC oany durng te pas would ea you t adie us o d bsies n DA bsis.四、用动词 apreiate,名词 appeciaion,及形容词 aprcitve 例我真的很感谢你的帮助。I really aprecite you hel.例 2我们感谢你对公司开展所作的努力。e aprcie you eort o deveome of the company.例 3我们非常感谢你们的及时帮助。W gatly appreciae o timly help 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 9 例 4她感谢我的帮助。She howed an pciation of help.例 5我们非常感谢你们友好的劝告。ar exteely appeciative of yor friendly adce.五、用形容词 gatfu和名词 gratitue 例感谢你的帮助。I a rtefu t you fr helpn m 例 2我们衷心感谢你。Our grateful thans ar du to ou.例 3我还要对 15 年来给予我们支持和帮助的世贸组织总干事迈克摩尔先生及关贸总协定和世贸组织的历任总干事邓克尔先生、萨瑟兰先生、鲁杰罗先生表示感谢。My raide also oes t r.ie Moore,irctor-Geeral of the WT,o the forr rector-General of GATT d the WTO,r.Dunkel,Mr.Sutherlan,a Mr.Rugiero wo ave gven their sport and aiae i he pat ers.六、用动词 ackowege 和名词cknowlegemnt acknwdge a favour 表示“答谢所受到的照顾。用 acknowledge 和cnowledgment 两词较正规,如再加上 wth tns,y prciati等,语气就更为客气。例 1我们感谢大使馆长期以来的支持。We knweg te onid sport fom the ebasy 例 2感谢你方寄来的提单。We acknowedge recip o you bill of ding.总的来说,在写鸣谢文时要语气适宜,针对不同的对象使用不同的词语。