24 Chapter 4:Global Markets Multiple Choice 1.Internet usage is determined entirely by size b.population c.all of the above d.none of the above(d;Medium,p.70)2.The greatest challenges to e-marketing opportunities lie in _.a.countries with emerging economies b.countries with developed economies c.countries in Asia d.countries in South America(a;Easy;p.71)3._ are ideally suited for the broad range of e-marketing activities.a.Emerging economies b.Developed countries c.Underdeveloped countries d.Least developed countries(LDCs)(b;medium,pp.72-73)4.Emerging economies _.a.have low levels of GDP b.are experiencing rapid growth c.are working toward improved standards of living for their citizens d.all of the above(d;Easy;p.73)5.Businesses in emerging economies must deal with problems such as _.a.fewer computer users b.expanded credit card use c.several methods of online payment d.all of the above(a;Medium;p.74)25 6.A company operating from a country with an emerging economy and wanting to target markets in developed countries must understand similarity differences dissimilarity d.domestic markets(a;Hard;p.74)7.A company based in an emerging economy and wanting to market to their domestic target market must understand similarity differences dissimilarity d.domestic markets(b;Hard;p.74)8.All of the following are examples of market similarity between developed countries,except _.a.high literacy rates b.high Internet usage rates c.distrust of credit cards d.efficient package delivery services(c;Medium;p.75)9.One of the biggest differences between developed countries and countries with emerging economies is/are _.a.the limited use and acceptance of credit cards in underdeveloped countries b.the types of products purchased online c.the clear definition of market segments willing to shop online in underdeveloped countries d.all of the above(a;Hard;p.75)10.E-marketers working in emerging economies should know and understand many credit cards are in circulation b.consumer attitudes toward credit card purchases c.all of the above d.none of the above(c;Easy;pp.75-76)11.A viable alternative to credit card payment is/are _.26 transfers on delivery c.postal orders d.all of the above(d;Medium;p.77)12.All of the following are technological challenges in emerging economies,except access to and use of computers and telephones b.high Internet costs c.predictable power supplies d.slow Internet connection speeds (c;Medium,p.81)13.Although labor costs may be quite low,technology and other business costs can be quite high because of _.a.privately-owned telephone monopolies b.lack of competition between ISPs c.lower Internet-related business costs than those in developed countries d.all of the above(b;Hard;p.84)14.In order to avoid the problem of excessive download times,e-marketers need to do all of the following,except _.a.consider the countrys overall bandwidth b.keep graphics detailed and captivating c.limit the number of pictures d.understand the target market(b;Hard;p.86)15._ and the supporting technology have the potential to dramatically change the face of e-marketing around the world.a.Unpredictable electricity sources b.Cell Phones c.Language translators d.Internet cafes(b;Medium;pp.88-89)16.In order to maximize the potential of the mobile Internet,e-marketers must a.modify existing Web site content for the smaller screens on cell phone displays b.resolve cumbersome text entry using tiny keyboards c.decide how to price services d.all of the above(d;Medium;p.89)17._ are those countries with the worlds poorest economies.27 a.Underdeveloped countries b.Emerging economies c.Least developed countries d.Developed countries(c;Hard;p.90)18.Least developed countries(LDCs)often have two completely different economies.This is known as a _ economy.a.side by side b.dual c.double d.have-not(b;Hard;p.91)19._ means that between countries and between different groups of people within countries,there is a wide division between those who have real access to information and communication technology and those who do not.a.Digital disparity b.The digital divide c.Technological division d.Technological poverty (b;Hard;p.91)20.A global e-marketer needs to realize that most Internet connections in the developing world are through _.a.broadband connections b.wireless connections c.dial-up connections d.DSL connections (c;Medium;p.85-6)21.MorganStanley predicts that within five years(2009),_ will have the largest number of Internet users in the world.a.The United States b.China c.India d.Russia (b;Easy,p.93)22.Successful global e-marketers understand that one of the keys to success is to _.a.have a strategy that is similar in all countries b.have a strong wireless campaign c.have a strategy that is adaptable to different markets d.emphasize web design and graphic in their Web sites (c;Hard;p.96)23.Credit cards can potentially be stolen on the Internet from all the following except 28 _.a.the merchants site b.the governments database c.the users computer transit from the user to the merchant (b;Medium,p.78)24.In an emerging economy e-Marketers must know many credit cards are in circulation b.consumer attitudes towards the use of credit c.both a&b d.none of the above(c;Medium;p.76)True/False 25.Every country can improve its level of economic development through increased efficiencies in production,distribution,and sale of goods and services.a.True b.False(a;Hard;p.73)26.Successful marketing on the Internet can leapfrog a company from nowhere to somewhere overnight.a.True b.False(a;Easy;p.74)27.Limited credit card use only slightly restricts a target markets purchasing ability.a.True b.False(b;Medium;p.75-6)28.Savvy online marketers adapt their Web sites to the target markets needs and preferences.a.True b.False(a;Easy;p.76)29.Low rates of computer ownership,indirectly limits opportunities for entrepreneurs in emerging economies.a.True b.False(b;Hard;p.81)29 30.Countries with emerging economies often have lower Internet-related business costs.a.True b.False(b;Medium;p.84)31.Every e-marketer needs to understand how connection speeds influence download rates.a.True b.False(a;Easy,p.86)32.Understanding a countrys history is an unimportant element in assessing foreign markets.a.True b.False(b;medium;p.89)33.The increased availability of cell phones will eliminate the challenges of wireless e-marketing.a.True b.False(b;Hard;p.89)34.Technology can generally boost a nations overall production capacity and efficiency.a.True b.False(a;Easy;p.73)35.To be successful in China the e-marketer must be flexible and willing to adapt to local markets.a.True b.False(a;Hard;p.93)36.For the Global e-marketer Internet penetration is the main and overriding factor in selecting specific targets for entry.a.True b.False(b;Hard,p.71)30 Essay 37.What effects will the increasing number of non-US users have on the Internet?Content more diversified Language more important issue Convergence of style,tastes and products More homogenous marketplace(Medium,p.70)38.What are some of the possible solutions to the limited use of credit cards in emerging economies?COD Payment at physical location Bank Transfers Postal or money orders Prepaid Credit Cards or Digital Cash (Easy,p.77)39.What are the most serious technological challenges to e-marketing in emerging economies?Limited access to computers Telephone access Slow Internet Connection Speeds Cost or lack of availability of Internet Service Providers Inconsistent or lack of electricity (Medium;p.81-87)40.The use of mobile phones to connect to the Internet solves some of the problems for e-marketers in emerging economies.What new challenges arise out of the use of cell phones for Internet access?Smaller Screens Small keypads Short length for e-mails Create content that works on the Short Messaging Service(SMS)(Easy;pp.88-90)41.Concern over credit card security is a major issue for Internet transactions especially in emerging economies.How have e-marketers tried to prevent credit card theft and alleviate these concerns?Encryption Alogrithms Public and Private Keys Secure shopping mode(explanation of secure shopping mode)Guarantees Limit Liability on Credit Cards Use of security professionals to setup processes(Medium;pp.78-81)31 42.For an Internet or e-commerce company that only sells in the US,that wants to expand globally,what kind of strategy would you recommend for their initial expansion?What are some of the factors you would consider in pursuing this strategy?Market Similarity strategy Foreign markets that have similar characteristics to the US Developed economy High usage of computers and the Internet High penetration of broadband High literacy rates General acceptance and usage of credit cards Efficient delivery system Secure online payment system (Hard;pp.74-77)