2023年奥运会开幕式致辞(全文完整)下面是我为大家整理的奥运会开幕式致辞(全文完整),供大家参考。Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee, delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in the National Stadium in north Beijing, China, on Aug. 8, 2023.Mr. President of the People"s Republic of China, Mr. Liu Qi, Members of the Organizing Committee, dear Chinese friends, dear athletes:For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the world"s athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games. Tonight that dream comes true. Congratulations, Beijing.You have chosen as the theme of these Games One World, One Dream. That is what we are tonight.As one world, we grieved with you over the tragic earthquake in Sichuan Province. We were moved by the great courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. As one dream, may these Olympic Games bring you joy, hope and pride.Athletes, the Games were created for you by our founder, Pierre de Coubertin. These Games belong to you. Let them be the athletes" Games. Have fun! Remember, they are about much more than the performance alone. They are about the peaceful gathering of 204 national Olympic committees, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion or political system. Please compete in the spirit of the Olympic values, excellence, friendship and respect.Dear athletes, remember that you are role models for the youths of the world. Reject doping and cheating. Make us proud of your achievements and your conduct.As we bring the Olympic dream to life, our warm thanks go to the Beijing Organizing Committee for its tireless work. Our special thanks also go to the thousands of gracious volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible.Beijing, you are a host to the present and a gateway to the future. Thank you.I now have the honor of asking the President of the People"s Republic of China to open the Games of the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era. 公司规章制度 一、公司形象 1 、员工必须清楚地了解公司的经营范围和管理结构, 并能向客户及外界正确地介绍公司情况。2、在接待公司内外人员的垂询、 要求等任何场合, 应注视对方, 微笑应答, 切不可冒犯对方。3、在任何场合应用语规范, 语气温和, 音量适中, 严禁大声喧哗。4、遇有客人进入工作场地应礼貌劝阻, 上班时间(包括午餐时间)办公室内应保证有人接待。5、接听电话应及时, 一般铃响不应超过三声, 如受话人不能接听, 离之最近的职员应主动接听, 重要电话作好接听记录, 严禁占用公司电话时间太长。6、员工在接听电话、 洽谈业务、 发送电子邮件及招待来宾时, 必须时刻注重公司形象,按照具体规定使用公司统一的名片、 公司标识及落款。7、员工在工作时间内须保持良好的精神面貌。8、员工要注重个人仪态仪表, 工作时间的着装及修饰须大方得体。二、生活作息 1 、员工应严格按照公司统一的工作作息时间规定上下班。