2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第1卷 沟通管理计划的一个目的是提供有关以下什么的信息?( )A获取和储存信息的方法B当不需要项目小组成员的时候将小组成员调离项目的方法C项目组织与干系人的责任关系D每个项目小组成员的经验和技能水平正确答案:A 在下列哪类网络图中不使用虚拟活动?( )ACPMBDetailedCPDMDPERT正确答案:C 149 The project stakeholders should be actively involved with the _ phase(s) of the life cycle. A. ConceptualB. Development.C. ExecutionD. FinishE. All of the above正确答案:E 在完成的项目进度上,Roberta 发现关键路径显示项目将在 4 月 15 日完成。当她研究进度时,她发现有好多任务有工序移动。任务B有 10天的工序移动,而任务F 有总共 5天的工序移动。如果 B任务开始推迟15 天,项目完成的日期是什么时候?a. 4月25b. 没有足够的信息计算c. 4月20d. 4月10正确答案:Bb. 任务 B 有10 天的工序移动, 这意味着任务 B 可以推后 10 天而不影响它的下一个工序。我们知道任务 B 将要比可用的工序移动多 5天完成,但我们不知道它下一工序的信息,这5天是否影响它后续任务的完成日期。因此我们不能预测完成日期。 Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:A the future is unknown.B unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.C we cannot control risk events.D project risk impact can be measured and controlledE All of the above.正确答案:E BestCo公司与国防部签订了一份建造计算机中心的固定价格合同尽管项目在预算和进度计划范围内但国防部因设施与预期不符提出异议而扣除10%的最终费用这种情况本能够通过以下方式加以避免 ( )A正规的范围核查系统B成本加激励合同C变更控制计划D合同中有关预期质量的规定正确答案:C 17 The behavioral responsibilities of a project manager may also include dealing with:A. The publicB Regulatory personnelC. The legal environmentD. Environmental issuesE. All of the above正确答案:E Which of the following utility functions reflects risk-aversion:A uniformB increasingC decreasingD exponentialE B and D only正确答案:C2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第2卷 你门公司正在设立一个质量成本法来判断质量问题的相对重要性,并以此来识别降低成本的主要途径。你们成本评估成本内部不合格成本和外部不合格成本。然而当你检查质量成本的时候,你发现培训及相关费用也是一个主要的影响因素。培训成本被包含在下列哪个方面之中?( )A预防成本B评估成本C内部不合格成本D外部不合格成本正确答案:A Using "I" or "My' instead of "most people" or "our group" _ message credibility.A decreasesB increasesC has no effect onD distortsE A and B正确答案:B A project manager who allows the team to make the majority of the decisions is demonstrating a(n) _ leadership style.A Laissez-faireB Boss-centeredC Subordinate centeredD AutocraticE Demographic正确答案:C 150 In the PDM, common constraints include:A. Start-to-startB. Finish-to-startC. Finish-to-finishD. B and C onlyE. A, B, and C.正确答案:E The most expensive phase of life cycle costing is:A . R D.B . Applied research.C . ProductionD . Operations and support.E . Termination.正确答案:D 21 Using the scenario in the special window, the project manager:A. will probably spend the weekend reviewing the data.B. Won't ask for the report again.C. Has a preference for written communication.D. Has chosen an inappropriate medium.E. Is experiencing communication overload正确答案:E The majority of product defects could be prevented in most processes if manufactures would do the following:A . Increase the use of acceptance control charts instead of standard three-sigma control charts.B . Make a concerted effort to eliminate the potential for product defects in the design stage.C . Create a quality control department.D . A and B.E . A and C正确答案:B 195 Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:A. developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)B. obtaining insurance against lossC. identification of project risksD. performing contingent planningE. developing planning alternatives正确答案:C2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第3卷 组员向您吐露说尽管他一直在使用项目管理专业人员PMP的称号但他并不符合项目管理专业人员标准在劝告他并发现他想继续其欺骗后您应 ( )A与项目管理国际学会联系进行核查和采取后续行动B通过您的沟通网络私下传讯C要求该组员辞去该项目中的职务D继续监视事态发展正确答案:A 已经完成了需求和功能规格的制定,正在制定验收测试策略。在项目的什么阶段时刻, 项目经理应该安排处理哪些与项目计划预计发生偏差的事件?a. 当未预料到的事件发生的时候,由于这种方法节省你宝贵的时间b. 意外事件规划应该贯穿于整个项目生命周期c. 仅在风险管理计划制定期间d. 意外事件规划主要地在项目设计阶段进行正确答案:B 在项目的收尾阶段,一系列的行政事物必须得到实施和了结。一个基本的关注就是评估项目的有效程度。成功完成着一任务的一个方法就是( )A准备一个业绩报告B实施审查C进行业绩评价D进行采购审核正确答案:C 104 Methods and techniques used to examine cost and technical data are called feasibility studies. The economic aspects of a feasibility study include interest rates, present worth factors, operating costs, depreciation and _.A. Capitalization costs.B. Technical skill requirements.C. Technology forecasting.D. Strategic marketing intelligence.E. All of the above.正确答案:A 资源平衡通常:( )A增加项目总成本B推迟项目完成日期C要求更少的资源D要求更多的资源正确答案:B Good project objectives must be:A.General rather than specificB.Established without considering resource boundsC.Realistic and attainableD.Overly complexE.Measurable, intangible and verifiable正确答案:CC 你正对当前的项目使用挣值进度报告,努力让你的软件开发商了解挣值的意义。你计划将项目的结果写在餐厅的布告栏上,以便让团队知道项目进展的情况。应用以下列出的信息来回答问题 5860 :PV=2200美元EV=2000美元AC=2500美元BAC=10000美元第 58 题 根据挣值分析,以上描述的SV和项目状态是( )A-300美元;项目提前完成B+8000美元;项目按时完成C+200美元;项目提前完成D-200美元;项目比原计划滞后正确答案:D 现金的通货膨胀、政策的不稳定和来自国家和地方政府及特殊利益团体间的竞争都会影响国际项目管理。国际项目的项目经理应认识到跨文化氛围的主要因素,并将重点放在 ( )A建立一个绩效报告系统B建立一个系统来管理沟通C为信息的发布建立一个进度计划以满足对信息沟通的需求D对正规的书面项目报告要利用翻译服务正确答案:B2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第4卷 一个刚正形成的团队需要( )A一个组织机构图B替代及选择C机构及特性D着重点及组织正确答案:C The first step in building a PERT/CPM network is to:A Create a flow chartB Determine the critical pathC Show task relationshipsD Create a work breakdown structureE None of the above.正确答案:D 在众多跨职能活动中,哪类组织最有效?A、 矩阵组织B、 项目型C、 职能型D、 任何组织正确答案:A On November 1, $1000 worth of work on task A was supposed to have been done (BCWS); however, the BCWP was $850. Calculate the schedule variance:A ¥-100B ¥100C ¥-150D ¥150E 85%正确答案:C 一个项目经理在一个队员没有同地集结的项目团队中促成最佳团队绩效的关键方法是( )A建立信任B建立奖励和认同系统C得到其他部门职能经理的支持D运用他或她的权力来控制项目的各个方面正确答案:A 进行活动排序时可采用多种工具和技术。工具和技术的选区由几个因素决定。如果项目经理决定把子网或部分网作为他/她的进度计划编制技术的一部分,这对项目意味着什么?( )A该工作非常特殊,在不同的阶段需要特殊的网络图。B在现有的电子网络上可以获取管理资源的软件C在项目整个生命周期有几个相同或几乎相同的活动系列反复重复。D项目中存在多个关键路径。正确答案:C 178 "Fast-tracked" projects awarded and begun before all planning and risk assessment information is complete and available may _ .A. be completed in reduced overall time than other projects.B. be in a higher risk category than other projects.C. not be compatible with project risk and assessmentD. A and BE. All of the above正确答案:D 183 You must produce 27 widgets. You can only produce 9 widgets per production run. Each production line setup costs $1000. Each widget consumes $10 worth of material and $5 worth of labor. What is the total fixed cost for producing the widgets.A. $3,000B. $27,000C. $27,270D. $1,335E. $1,000正确答案:E2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第5卷 As a control tool, the bar chart (Gantt) methods is most beneficial for:A.rearranging conflicting tasksB.depicting actual versus planned tasksC.showing the outer dependencies of tasksD.A and C.E.A and D正确答案:BB 一种项目经理和项目队员之间没有信息互动的管理方式叫做( )A以自我为中心的B民主的C参与式的D放任自流的正确答案:D The project life-cycle can be described as:A project concept, project planning, project execution, and project close-out.B project planning, work authorization, and project reporting.C project planning, project control, project definition, WBS development, and project termination.D project concept, project execution, and project reporting.E All of the above.正确答案:A 32 The erection of foundation formwork before the placement of foundation concrete would be an example of a _ dependency.A. DiscretionaryB. MandatoryC. ExternalD. Soft logicE. Subcontracted正确答案:B The rule of seven used by quality control engineers states that if a run of seven or more samples lays on one side of the process mean, then the process is out of control. What is the probability that this condition is the result of random variations.A . 14.30%B . 3.12%C . 2.73%D . 1.56%E . 0.78%正确答案:D 预算更新通常在什么时候进行?A、 项目经理知道如果不修订预算则会导致成本超支B、 范围变更得到批准C、 项目的任何一个方面重新制定了基准计划D、 应急或管理储备被动用正确答案:B The range of time allowed for an activity to be completed in is the _.A Planned time (Duration).B Float time (LS - ES, or LF - EF).C Critical time (when ES = LS, or EF = LF).D Scheduled time (LF - ES).E Event.正确答案:D When comparing the cost of competing projects, which of the following is typically NOT considered?A.Opportunity costs.B.Direct costs.C.Sunk costs.D.Indirect costs.E.Burden rates.正确答案:CC2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第6卷 161 Project alternatives are examined during the _ phase of the projectA. conceptualB. finishC. developmentD. implementationE. A and C正确答案:E 61 In small companies, project managers and line managers are:A. Never the same personB. Always the same personC. Sometimes the same personD. Always in disagreement with each otherE. Forced to act as their own sponsors正确答案:C 你负责管理一个项目,项目团队中的成员拥有各种技能和特长。你想要劝说各位成员共享他们关于此项目的相关知识,以便做出更好的决策,最适合该过程的管理风格是:( )A自由放任型B民主型C专制独裁型D指导型正确答案:B Middle (functional) managers have the greatest influence in the direction of the project in which type of organizational structure?A.Project.B.Strong matrix.C.Weak matrix.D.Project coordinator.E.Project expeditor.正确答案:CC 152 Which of the following can affect network durations?A. Skills of the resource poolB. Calendar datesC. ConstraintsD. All of the aboveE. A and B only正确答案:E 你的首席工程师估计,一个工作包的工作量最可能需要的完成时间为50周。如果一切都很顺利的话,也可能在40周内完成;但是如果情况糟糕的话,则需要180周才能完成。使用计划评审技术(PERT)估计一下这个工作包的完成时间是多少?( )A45周B70周C90周D140周正确答案:B 如果一个工作包原计划花费1500美元于今天完成,但是,到今天花费了1350美元却只完成了2/3,则成本偏差是( )A+150美元B-150美元C-350美元D-500美元正确答案:C 62 A summary WBS is usually developed in theA. Conceptual phaseB. implementation phaseC. planning phaseD. close-out phaseE. All of the above phases正确答案:A2022项目管理师考试历年真题精选7卷 第7卷 与其他人交换意见并达成协议的过程被叫做 ( )A双赢B谈判C得到肯定答复D面对正确答案:B 你作为项目经理正致力于通过自动售货机和快餐业来向大众推销山羊奶。你的首要任务是准备一个项目成本估计。你准备使用类比估计。下面哪一个不是类比估计的特征?A提供严密的估计B是专家判断的一种形式C在实际成本±10%以内的准确率D利用以前的类似项目的成本作为当前项目成本估计的基础正确答案:C 进度报告的50-50规则被用于 ( )A计算精确的EVB提供一个EV的良好估计值C确定进度偏差D确定货币的进度偏差正确答案:B 收益/成本比率为3.2的意思是:( )A每单位美元利益为3.2美元B每美元利益为3.2美元C每单位产品利润为3.2美元D每单位美元利润为3.2美元正确答案:B 在项目的收尾阶段,一系列的行政事物必须得到实施和了结。一个基本的关注就是评估项目的有效程度。成功完成着一任务的一个方法就是a准备一个业绩报告b实施审查c进行业绩评价d进行采购审核正确答案:C 你们公司目前有一个开发新型无线录像机产品的项目,现在有一个小组正在编制项目计划,而你正是这个小组的一份子。在编制项目计划的时候,大家要考虑到很多相关的问题。下列哪项是在编制项目计划的过程中必须考虑到的约束条件?( )A以往的业绩记录B类似项目的财务记录C预先确定的预算D从以往项目中获取的项目工作经验正确答案:C 175 The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _ .A. Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B. Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C. Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D. Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E. B and C正确答案:C Which of the following are among Phil Crosby's "absolutes of quality'.A . the performance of standard is zero defectsB . do everything right the first time, each timeC . constantly improve each product and each serviceD . the measurement system is the cost of nonconformanceE . A and D only正确答案:E