2022项目管理师经典例题5辑2022项目管理师经典例题5辑 第1辑 A plan has budgeted three weeks of effort for consultants, but the job was done in only two weeks. Calculate the variance:A 1.50%B 33.00%C 75%D 67%E None of the above.正确答案:B 使用下表中的数据运用帕累托定律在何处采取纠正行动最为有效 ( )出问题的地方 出问题的百分比设计 60开发 15样机 10测试 10制造 5A样机B设计C开发D制造正确答案:B 你同项目小组讨论控制时间表的最佳途径,你希望能够控制那些改变项目进度的因素。同时你还想知道进度在什么时候发生变化,这样你可以采取相应的控制措施。你同小组成员讨论如何为衡量和报告项目进度作准备,为此你同意利用以下:A、 进度表管理计划B、 网络图表C、 项目进度表D、 技术基线正确答案:C Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:A Project sponsorB Project teamC Project managerD Functional managerE All of the above are possible, based upon the size and complexity of the project正确答案:C 你现在试图利用当前项目的挣值进程报告来培训软件开发人员如何进行挣值计算。你计划在自助餐厅的公告板上公布项目的结果,这样就可以使团队知道项目的进展情况。利用下面所列的当前的状况数据,回答下面 4346 四个问题。PV=2,200美元 EV=2,000美元 AC=2,500美元 BAC=10,000美元第 43 题 根据挣值分析,SV和上面所描述的项目状况是( )A-300美元;项目进程提前B+8,000美元,项目进程准时C+200美元,项目进程提前D-200美元,项目进程延后正确答案:D Parametric estimates are based on variables such as:A.Detailed planning and cost restraints.B.Physical characteristics and historical data.C.The WBS and similar projects.D.Project objectives and manpower allocations.E.Precise measurements and multiple inputs.正确答案:BB The key purpose of project control is to:A Plan ahead for uncertainties.B Generate status reports.C Keep the project on track.D Develop the project road map.E All of the above.正确答案:C 145 Scheduling systems such as PERT, ADM, and PDM are project management tools to be used by:A. The project manager and project office personnel.B. The project team and functional managers.C. The project sponsor.D. All of the above.E. A and B only正确答案:E2022项目管理师经典例题5辑 第2辑 什么时候必须进行进度计划变更?选择一个最为可能的情况A、 和协会重新谈判B、 更换设备C、 成本超支D、 人员流失正确答案:D 120 A calendar that identifies when a project may be performed on an activity is called a:A. Project calendar.B. Resource calendar.C. Milestone point.D. Key point.E. Work unit正确答案:A 16 Inspection of a complex project according to specifications is accomplished by _.A. inspection by attributes.B cyclical inspectionC. quality conformance inspectionD. original inspectionE. None of the above正确答案:C 你是一位项目经理,管理着一个医疗数据库系统项目。公司有专业的编程人员负责设计程序,但是你需要从外部购买硬件。项目中负责合同管理的人员告诉你,需要向承包商提供一份产品描述,这个产品描述也被称作A、工作说明B、合同范围说明C、项目章程D、合同正确答案:A The project charter is prepared in which scope management process?A . InitiationB . Scope planningC . Scope DefinitionD . Scope change controlE . Scope verification正确答案:A 你是某个项目的项目经理,由于明天要去见一个比较难缠的客户,所以比较焦虑。正在郁闷的时候,你的一个高级合作伙伴打电话说把你调到另外一个项目中。根据你在项目管理方面的经验,你知道任命一名项目经理的最佳时机应该是:A、在项目启动阶段B、在编制项目计划阶段C、在项目生命周期的定义阶段结束的时候D、在项目生命周期开始研究阶段以前正确答案:A A computer tape which contains historical project information is called _ tape.A.DatabaseB.Baseline.C.Archive.D.Lessons learned.E.Life cycle summary.正确答案:CC 137 Using the situation shown in the Special window and assuming continues efficiency for work-in-progress and fixed price contract for task four. The estimate at completion is:A. $19KB. $21KC. $26KD. $29KE. indeterminate正确答案:C2022项目管理师经典例题5辑 第3辑 153 Your sponsor announce to you and your team that his/her door is open to everyone wishing to discuss project problems. Yet, the sponsor seems to be annoyed whenever someone does stop by, even when discussing a serious problems. This is an example of.A. semanticsB. credibilityC. inconsistent signalsD. perceptual differencesE. misunderstood role正确答案:C 预测人力资源需求状况需要对人力资源的供求两方面作出预测下列哪一项不是预测人力资源需求的理论( )ADelphiB回归分析CRERTD人员配置表正确答案:C 当你正在制定你的项目计划的时候,你想回顾你的组织机构中正式的政策和做法。你的一个团队成员给你罗列出了可能需要考虑的问题。她的列表上共有四个条款。下面哪一个组织机构的政策对项目的影响不是必须考虑的?A、连续的提高目标B、项目进展状况会议C、员工工作表现评估D、项目所耗费的时间(以小时计)正确答案:B 163 All of the following statements define the role of a meeting chairperson except:A. Initiates and concludes discussionB. Controls irrelevant discussionC. Resolves strong disagreementsD. Produces meeting agendaE. Consolidates agreements正确答案:D Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:A developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)B obtaining insurance against lossC identification of project risksD performing contingent planningE developing planning alternatives正确答案:C 当代冲突观认为:( )A冲突是不好的B冲突是由麻烦制造者引起的C应该避免冲突D冲突常常是有利的正确答案:D 权变措施的确定是在风险管理的哪个步骤 ( )A风险识别B风险定性分析C风险应对规划D风险监控正确答案:D 196 A common mistake in communications is to _ of the receiver.A. overestimate the knowledgeB. underestimate the knowledgeC. underestimate the intelligenceD. overestimate the intelligenceE. None of the above正确答案:A2022项目管理师经典例题5辑 第4辑 对于成员之间的空间距离比较远的项目小组,项目经理提高小组的绩效的一个关键方法是( )A建立小组成员间的信任B建立一个奖励和认可机制C获取在其它地区的职能经理的支持D对项目的所有方面进行控制正确答案:A 31 Cost forecasting calculations include:A. EAC = ACWP + (BAC - BCWP)B. EAC = BAC/CPIC. EAC = ACWP + (BAC/CPI)D. All of the above.E. A and B正确答案:E Two sources of variation in the length of hex bolts exist. Production variation and measurement error. The QC manager knows that the standard deviation from these sources is 0.24" and 0.43" , respectively. What is the total standard deviation.A . .10 inch.B . .19 inch.C . .34 inch.D . .49 inch.E . .67 inch.正确答案:D 30 Work packages are used to:A. Represent units of work at a level where work is performed.B. Clearly distinguish one work package from all others assigned to a single functional group.C. Limit the work to be performed to relatively short periods of time.D. All of the above.E. A and B only正确答案:D 84 The capacity to get an individual or group to perform. a given task is described as:A. AuthorityB. PowerC. InfluenceD. LeadershipE. Motivation正确答案:E The technique most commonly used to determine the profitability of a project includes _ methods.A . Net present value (NPV).B . Return on investment (ROI).C . Discounted cash flow (DCF)D . Payout time and risk sensitivity analysis.E . All of the above.正确答案:E Deflection involves the transfer of risk by:A Contracting out to another partyB Developing schedule alternative.C Establishing functions under the project manager to handle risk events.D Disaster planning and responses.E None of the above.正确答案:A 如果把活动H的历时缩短两个星期(H的历时为4),那么总历时是多少(见图一)A、16星期B、17星期C、15星期D、18星期正确答案:B2022项目管理师经典例题5辑 第5辑 以下哪项不是风险管理过程的输入 ( )A历史资料B经验教训CWBSD项目状态报告正确答案:D 个人承担风险的意愿是取决于A、 决策树模型B、 蒙特卡罗方法C、 敏感分析D、 效用功能正确答案:D 采用逆推进法的目的在于决定A、 关键路径B、 最早完成日期C、 最迟开始日期D、 赶工日期正确答案:C Communication always makes use of.A symbolsB wordsC languageD gesturesE All of the above.正确答案:E 在一个典型的项目中,什么时候风险最大而对资金的影响最少?( )A在概念阶段B在(或靠近)项目收尾阶段C在执行阶段D在换了项目经理的时候正确答案:A In Project Risk Management, Risk Response may include actions to:A reduce the probability of risk eventsB change the scope, budget, schedule or quality specifications of the projectC reduce the consequences or severity of impacts of a potential risk eventD A and CE All of the above.正确答案:E 以下哪项不是项目失败的原因?A、 计划要求在太短的时间完成太多的任务B、 财务估算不到位C、 有一个中心计划编制部门执行计划编制D、 管理层项目管理经验不足正确答案:D BestCo公司与国防部签订了一份建造计算机中心的固定价格合同尽管项目在预算和进度计划范围内但国防部因设施与预期不符提出异议而扣除10%的最终费用这种情况本能够通过以下方式加以避免 ( )A正规的范围核查系统B成本加激励合同C变更控制计划D合同中有关预期质量的规定正确答案:C