关于疫情的英语作文范文5篇2022 背影有大有小,有哀痛也有不舍的。最让我感动的是2022年白衣天使们逆行的背影。今日我就给大家整理了关于疫情的英语作文,希望对大家的工作和学习有所帮助,欢迎阅读! 关于疫情的英语作文1 尊敬的叔叔阿姨: Dear uncle and aunt: 你们好!我和你们未曾谋面,但是我知道你们是在这场没有硝烟的战斗中的勇士,你们有一个共同的名字叫做英雄! Hello! I haven't met you, but I know you are warriors in this battle without gunpowder. You have a common name called Hero! 疫情就像冲锋号,你们抛下家中幼小的孩子、瞒着父母、恋恋不舍地和恋人分开,义无反顾地冲向疫情第一线。你们说:“医院是战场,作为战士,我们不冲上去,谁上去?”是啊,我们可以不去武汉,你们不行!我们可以不去医院,但是你们不行! The epidemic is like the Stormtrooper. You leave your young children behind, hide from your parents, and are reluctant to part with your lover. You rush to the front line of the epidemic without hesitation. You said: "the hospital is a battlefield, as soldiers, we do not rush up, who goes up?" yes, we can not go to Wuhan, you can not! We can not go to the hospital, but you can not! “哪里有什么白衣天使,不过是一群孩子换了一身衣服,学着前辈的样子,治病救人与死神抢人罢了。” "Where is there any angel in white? It's just a group of children who have changed their clothes and are learning the way of their predecessors. It's just a matter of curing diseases and saving lives and robbing people from death." 在这几天的新闻上看到你们医护人员辛苦而憔悴的身影,听见你们嘶哑的声音,还有那被防护口罩勒肿的脸颊,泪水静静的在我眼眶里打转。 In the news of these days, I saw the hard and haggard figure of your medical staff, heard your hoarse voice, and the swollen cheek of the protective mask, and the tears quietly rolled in my eyes. 你们是英雄,是白衣战士,我信任病毒肯定会很快被你们战胜,成功肯定属于我们! You are heroes and soldiers in white. I believe that the virus will be defeated by you soon. The victory will belong to us! 在这场战斗中,还有多数静默无闻的英雄用他们的感人事迹深深震撼着我们。战斗须要武器,而这场战斗的武器就是各种药物、各种口罩、防护服等用品,我们要向负责这块后勤保障工作的叔叔阿姨说一声,你们辛苦了! In this battle, there are countless unknown heroes who deeply shocked us with their touching deeds. We need weapons for the battle, and the weapons for this battle are all kinds of medicines, masks, protective clothing and other supplies. We want to say to the uncle and aunt in charge of this logistics support work that you are working hard! 正是你们没日没夜的生产医疗物质,废寝忘食地调配、运输物资,才能让这些“武器”能送到一线战场,让它们能爱护好我们的白衣战士,帮助病人战胜病毒。 It is you who produce medical materials day and night, allocate and transport materials without sleep or food, so that these "weapons" can be sent to the front-line battlefield, so that they can protect our soldiers in white and help patients overcome the virus. 看到各地医疗物资纷纷告急的消息,国内外同胞心急火燎地想尽各种方法,把物资送到一线“将士”手中。因为你们知道,没有防护口罩、没有防护服的医护人员,如同战场上赤膊上阵的战士,在敌人面前只有送死的结果。我们想对你们说一句,感谢您!静默无闻的幕后英雄们! Seeing the news that medical materials are in urgent need all over the country, compatriots at home and abroad are eager to find various ways to deliver the materials to the front-line "generals". Because you know, medical staff without protective masks and protective clothing are like soldiers with bare hands on the battlefield. They will only die in front of the enemy. We would like to say to you, thank you! Unknown behind the scenes heroes! 我还要感谢那些埋头待在试验室研发抗病毒药物的叔叔阿姨们,有了你们,才能在最短的时间里研发出超敏2022-nCov病毒的检测试剂盒,让更多的病人能刚好发觉并隔离。而抗病毒喷雾的研制胜利,更将爱护好白衣战士们。信任在不久的将来,战胜病毒的药物肯定会尽快生产出来,届时我们就能在这阳光下畅快的呼吸了! I would also like to thank those uncles and aunts who are immersed in the research and development of antiviral drugs in the laboratory. With you, we can develop a super sensitive 2022 ncov virus detection kit in the shortest time, so that more patients can find and isolate in time. The success of the antiviral spray will protect the white warriors. I believe that in the near future, the drugs to defeat the virus will be produced as soon as possible, and then we will be able to breathe freely in the sun! 最终,让我们再一次向在抗击武汉新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情战斗中的勇士们、幕后的后勤保障、科研研发的英雄们致以最崇高的敬意! Finally, let us novel coronavirus fight against the outbreak of new Wuhan coronavirus pneumonia warriors, behind the scenes logistics support, R & D of the heroes of the highest respect. 祝你们安康! Good health to you! 关于疫情的英语作文2 前几天,我通过老师发来的冠状病毒的绘本,才有了一些了解,这是一种从动物身上转移到人体的一种病毒!这种病毒现在已经感染了许多人,被传染的人大部分都会发烧、咳嗽、呼吸困难,严峻的会有生命危急! A few days ago, I got to know something through the picture book of coronavirus sent by my teacher. It's a kind of virus transferred from animals to human body! This virus has infected many people now, most of the infected people will have fever, cough, dyspnea, serious life-threatening! 现在有好多的医生护士,每天都在冒着生命危急救治病人,他们特别特别的辛苦!所以我们要想帮助他们,只有自己爱护好自己,才能和病毒做斗争。大家肯定要记住,少出门,出门时必需要戴口罩,勤洗手,不去人群密集的地方!等到这个春节过后,我们就可以开快乐心的去上学玩耍了! Now there are many doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to treat patients every day. They are very, very hard! So if we want to help them, we can only fight against the virus if we protect ourselves. You must remember that you must wear masks and wash your hands frequently when you go out. Do not go to crowded places! After the Spring Festival, we can go to school and play happily! 我知道只有自己做到,才不会给他人带来危害!也希望生病的叔叔阿姨们能够早日康复! I know that only by doing it myself can I do no harm to others! Also hope that the sick uncles and aunts can recover soon! 关于疫情的英语作文3 这是一场艰难但又必胜的“战役”,这是一场全民动员、众志成城的“战斗”。面对疫情,要牢筑我们的身体和精神“防线”,在党和政府的领导下,统一包含人民群众、医疗科研、社会组织等强大“战线”,坚决打赢这场疫情防控“阻击战”。我们聚焦微观人群,不得不提的是老党员这个群体,在疫情面前,他们坚决“亮剑”。 This is an arduous but inevitable "battle", a "battle" in which the whole people mobilize and unite as one. In the face of the epidemic, we need to firmly build our physical and mental "defense line", under the leadership of the party and the government, unify a strong "front" including the people, medical research, social organizations, and resolutely win the "Resistance War" of epidemic prevention and control. When we focus on the micro population, we have to mention the old party members. In front of the epidemic, they are determined to "shine the sword". “战疫”中他们带头讲自律,坦诚不隐瞒。这段时间来,一些人知道自家有或者接触武汉旅居史的要隔离视察,过不了心理和思想关,所以存在瞒报状况,最终导致了更多的损害。我们的一些老党员就主动站出来,不但坦诚自己的真实状况,还主动帮助我们的医务人员、政府工作人员等工作,更好地对当地的返乡人员进行了全面的摸排,这其中难免会遭到一些人的埋怨,但他们出于整个疫情防控的全局和大义,承受住压力,做好表率。 In the "war epidemic", they took the lead in self-discipline and were honest. In this period of time, some people know that they have or contact with the history of residence in Wuhan to observe in isolation, unable to pass the psychological and ideological hurdles, so there is a situation of concealment, which eventually leads to more harm. Some of our old party members took the initiative to stand up, not only to be frank with their real situation, but also to assist our medical staff, government staff and other work, and better to conduct a comprehensive search and arrangement of local returning personnel, which inevitably met with complaints from some people, but they took the pressure and set a good example for the overall situation and righteousness of the whole epidemic prevention and control. “战疫”中他们就认这个理,倔强不退步。在打好疫情“阻击战”的过程中,他们自觉到街头小巷劝散集聚人员,他们主动劝散红白喜事、宗教信仰等群体性活动,他们不讲通融,就认这个理儿,肯定要确保把这件事给落实了才行。他们自己守在村口路头,不让人员随意进出,他们干事一丝不苟、“不讲情面”。他们主动到“自我隔离”人员村蹲守,保证他们“乖乖待在家里”度过视察期。尽管遭遇不少的谩骂和误会,他们照旧义无反顾,顶着压力上,他们笃定“责任重于泰山”,这场“战疫”容不得丝毫疏忽和大意。 In the "war epidemic", they recognized this principle and were stubborn. In the process of fighting the "interdiction war" of the epidemic, they consciously went to the streets and alleys to persuade people to disperse. They took the initiative to persuade people to disperse mass activities such as weddings and funerals, religious beliefs and so on. If they didn't talk about accommodation, they would recognize this principle and make sure that this matter was implemented. They guard the road at the entrance of the village by themselves, and do not allow personnel to enter or leave at will. They are meticulous in their work and "do not show affection". They take the initiative to squat in the "self isolation" village to ensure that they "stay at home" through the observation period. Despite a lot of abuse and misunderstanding, they are still unrepentant. Under pressure, they firmly believe that "responsibility is more important than Mount Tai". This "war epidemic" can not tolerate any negligence and carelessness. “战疫”中他们做得特别细,细抠不模糊。这些老党员,他们做得特别细,他们细抠各类宣扬标语,看专业术语用词是否规范;他们会亲自到各老人活动场所、商店、村部查看广播工具,确保正常运用;他们会亲自督看口罩回收垃圾桶是否定点摆放、废弃口罩是否做破坏处理;他们会不定期到街头巷尾去查看是否有不戴口罩、感冒人员流窜,主动协作医务人员和政府人员的工作。他们把工作做得很细,不容得一丝敷衍。 In the "war epidemic", they did it very carefully and meticulously. These old party members, who are very meticulous, carefully pick up all kinds of propaganda slogans to see whether the terms are standardized; they will personally go to the old people's activity places, shops and village departments to check the broadcast tools to ensure normal use; they will personally supervise the recycling bin of masks to see whether the negative points are placed and the discarded masks are damaged; They will go to the streets from time to time to check whether there are people who don't wear masks and have a cold running around, and actively cooperate with the work of medical staff and government personnel. They do their work in such detail that they can't be perfunctory. “战疫”中他们干的接地气,实在不漂移。我们的一些群众,特殊是农村地区,有些群众的文化素养比较欠缺,存在不识字和听不懂一般话和对于一些政策措施不理解等问题。这时候,老党员们又站了出来,他们把一些疫情防控的基本学问用图画的形式表现出来,编制地方群众易于接受的“顺口溜”,结合地方特色制成“防疫山歌”“防疫小曲”等。他们还自觉蹲守在公告面前或者入户宣扬,用本地话和实例解读相关的科普学问和政策措施,他们打通了政策举措宣扬和落地之间的“桥梁”。 In "war epidemic", the ground air they dry does not float. Some of our people, especially in rural areas, are lack of cultural literacy. There are problems such as being unable to read and understand Mandarin, and not understanding some policies and measures. At this time, the old party members stood up again. They showed some basic knowledge of epidemic prevention and control in the form of pictures, compiled "flurry" which is easy to be accepted by the local people, and made "epidemic prevention folk songs" and "epidemic prevention ditty" combined with local characteristics. They also consciously crouch in front of the announcement or enter the home to publicize, interpret the relevant popular science knowledge and policy measures with local words and examples, and open up the "bridge" between policy measures publicity and implementation. 在这次必胜的“战疫”中,我们要刚好用好、亮出老党员群体这把“宝刀”,让老党员的特别作用充分彰显,让这场“战疫”调动更多力气,让举措落实的“最终一公里”打通,我们坚信在众志成城的奋战中,病疫将彻底被扫灭,我们必将取得完全彻底的宏大成功。 In this "war epidemic", we need to make good use of and show the "sword" of the old party members in a timely manner, so that the special role of the old party members can be fully demonstrated, so that this "war epidemic" can mobilize more forces, so that the "last mile" of the implementation of the measures can be opened up. We firmly believe that in the struggle to become a city, the disease epidemic will be completely eradicated, and we will achieve a complete and great victory 。 关于疫情的英语作文4 尊敬的叔叔阿姨: Dear uncle and aunt: 你们好!我和你们未曾谋面,但是我知道你们是在这场没有硝烟的战斗中的勇士,你们有一个共同的名字叫做英雄! Hello! I haven't met you, but I know you are warriors in this battle without gunpowder. You have a common name called Hero! 疫情就像冲锋号,你们抛下家中幼小的孩子、瞒着父母、恋恋不舍地和恋人分开,义无反顾地冲向疫情第一线。你们说:“医院是战场,作为战士,我们不冲上去,谁上去?”是啊,我们可以不去武汉,你们不行!我们可以不去医院,但是你们不行! The epidemic is like the Stormtrooper. You leave your young children behind, hide from your parents, and are reluctant to part with your lover. You rush to the front line of the epidemic without hesitation. You said: "the hospital is a battlefield, as soldiers, we do not rush up, who goes up?" yes, we can not go to Wuhan, you can not! We can not go to the hospital, but you can not! “哪里有什么白衣天使,不过是一群孩子换了一身衣服,学着前辈的样子,治病救人与死神抢人罢了。” "Where is there any angel in white? It's just a group of children who have changed their clothes and are learning the way of their predecessors. It's just a matter of curing diseases and saving lives and robbing people from death." 在这几天的新闻上看到你们医护人员辛苦而憔悴的身影,听见你们嘶哑的声音,还有那被防护口罩勒肿的脸颊,泪水静静的在我眼眶里打转。 In the news of these days, I saw the hard and haggard figure of your medical staff, heard your hoarse voice, and the swollen cheek of the protective mask, and the tears quietly rolled in my eyes. 你们是英雄,是白衣战士,我信任病毒肯定会很快被你们战胜,成功肯定属于我们! You are heroes and soldiers in white. I believe that the virus will be defeated by you soon. The victory will belong to us! 在这场战斗中,还有多数静默无闻的英雄用他们的感人事迹深深震撼着我们。战斗须要武器,而这场战斗的武器就是各种药物、各种口罩、防护服等用品,我们要向负责这块后勤保障工作的叔叔阿姨说一声,你们辛苦了! In this battle, there are countless unknown heroes who deeply shocked us with their touching deeds. We need weapons for the battle, and the weapons for this battle are all kinds of medicines, masks, protective clothing and other supplies. We want to say to the uncle and aunt in charge of this logistics support work that you are working hard! 正是你们没日没夜的生产医疗物质,废寝忘食地调配、运输物资,才能让这些“武器”能送到一线战场,让它们能爱护好我们的白衣战士,帮助病人战胜病毒。 It is you who produce medical materials day and night, allocate and transport materials without sleep or food, so that these "weapons" can be sent to the front-line battlefield, so that they can protect our soldiers in white and help patients overcome the virus. 看到各地医疗物资纷纷告急的消息,国内外同胞心急火燎地想尽各种方法,把物资送到一线“将士”手中。因为你们知道,没有防护口罩、没有防护服的医护人员,如同战场上赤膊上阵的战士,在敌人面前只有送死的结果。我们想对你们说一句,感谢您!静默无闻的幕后英雄们! Seeing the news that medical materials are in urgent need all over the country, compatriots at home and abroad are eager to find various ways to deliver the materials to the front-line "generals". Because you know, medical staff without protective masks and protective clothing are like soldiers with bare hands on the battlefield. They will only die in front of the enemy. We would like to say to you, thank you! Unknown behind the scenes heroes! 我还要感谢那些埋头待在试验室研发抗病毒药物的叔叔阿姨们,有了你们,才能在最短的时间里研发出超敏20x-nCov病毒的检测试剂盒,让更多的病人能刚好发觉并隔离。而抗病毒喷雾的研制胜利,更将爱护好白衣战士们。信任在不久的将来,战胜病毒的药物肯定会尽快生产出来,届时我们就能在这阳光下畅快的呼吸了! I would also like to thank those uncles and aunts who are immersed in the research and development of antiviral drugs in the laboratory. With you, we can develop a super sensitive 20x ncov virus detection kit in the shortest time, so that more patients can find and isolate in time. The success of the antiviral spray will protect the white warriors. I believe that in the near future, the drugs to defeat the virus will be produced as soon as possible, and then we will be able to breathe freely in the sun! 最终,让我们再一次向在抗击武汉新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情战斗中的勇士们、幕后的后勤保障、科研研发的英雄们致以最崇高的敬意! Finally, let us novel coronavirus fight against the outbreak of new Wuhan coronavirus pneumonia warriors, behind the scenes logistics support, R & D of the heroes of the highest respect. 祝你们安康! Good health to you!