关于疫情的初中英语作文精选5篇 在全部中国人的心里,注定是一个永生难忘的记忆。新型冠状病毒的肆虐,让辞旧迎新的钟声更加沉重,人们脸上的那一个个口罩,让这个春节倍感冷清。今日我就给大家整理了关于疫情的初中作文,希望对大家的工作和学习有所帮助,欢迎阅读! 关于疫情的初中作文1 背影有大有小,有哀痛也有不舍的。最让我感动的是2022年白衣天使们逆行的背影。 There are big and small back, there are sad and reluctant. What moved me most is the back of the angels in white in 2022. 新的一年来了以往的春节都是热喧闹闹的,大街小巷都挤满了人,超市、菜场更是人山人海,每个角落都能听到人们的笑声。 The new year is coming In the past, the Spring Festival was full of bustle, streets and alleys were full of people, supermarkets and vegetable farms were even more crowded, people could hear people's laughter in every corner. 可今年的年却没有了年的样子,新型冠状病毒来到我们的身边,破坏了喧闹非凡的春节和无忧无虑的假期。 Novel coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree holiday. 新型冠状病毒长得像一个皇冠,因此得名。他就像一个傲岸无知的国王,把人们都锁在家里,不能出去。 The novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and ignorant king who locked people in his home and could not go out. 疾风知劲草,大浪现英雄。钟南山爷爷带领着医护队探讨药品,李兰娟奶奶也为此疫情做出了极大的贡献。一方有难,八方支援。多数医护人员听到消息纷纷从四面八方赶往武汉支援。 The wind knows the grass, the waves show the hero. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan led the medical team to study drugs, and Grandma Li Lanjuan also made a great contribution to the epidemic. If one side is in trouble, support from all sides. Countless medical staff rushed to Wuhan from all directions to support when they heard the news. 每当在新闻中看到白衣天使们穿着7层厚厚的防护服时,我都想对他们说一句:感谢,你们辛苦了!在密不透风的防护服里,医者们大汗淋漓。他们几乎没有休息时间,因为他们还要争分夺秒从死神手里夺回病人的生命。 Whenever I see angels in white wearing 7 thick protective clothing in the news, I want to say to them: Thank you, you've worked hard! In the airtight protective clothing, the doctors are sweating profusely. They have little rest time because they have to fight against the clock to take the patient's life back from death. 我希望这次没有硝烟的斗争早日结束。白衣天使们,你们辛苦了! I hope the war will be over as soon as possible. Angels in white, you work hard! 关于疫情的初中作文2 这几天我特别难受,因为原来我们是要去广州旅游的,就是因为武汉爆发的这个新型冠状病毒,害的我们不能去玩了。 I'm very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of the outbreak of this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we can't play anymore. 昨天晚上妈妈给我讲了这个新型冠状病毒的绘本,从里面我知道了这个病毒原来是长在野生动物身上的,但是因为有些人吃野生动物,捕杀野生动物,使这个新型冠状病毒跑到我们人类身上安家落户了。虽然这个病毒很危急,但是人们还是有方法应付它的,尤其是那些医生们很努力地在治疗被感染的病人们,有的病人已经康复出院了。我和外公、外婆、爸爸、妈妈、弟弟都待在家里,不敢出门,假如有人要出去买菜,我肯定会提示他:“别忘了带上口罩!” Last night, my mother told me about the picture book of the new coronavirus. I learned from it that the virus was originally grown on wild animals, but because some people eat wild animals and kill wild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled down. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal with it, especially those doctors who are working hard to treat the infected patients, some of whom have recovered and left the hospital. I stay at home with my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and brother. I dare not go out. If someone wants to go out to buy food, I will remind him: "don't forget to put on the mask!" 病毒给人类带来了很大的灾难,我想对大家说:“加油!我们有方法应付这个病毒,我们肯定会成功的!” The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! " 关于疫情的初中作文3 2022鼠年,这个新年跟平常有所不同,爸爸妈妈取消了各家各户的拜年和聚餐,取消了假期旅行,取消了全部的户外活动,因为在外面,正有一种新发觉的病毒,叫新型冠状病毒,简称NCP。这种病毒来自于野生动物的身上,因为偶然的缘由,人在和野生动物接触的时候,这种病毒就传染给了人类。 Pay New Year's call to novel coronavirus, or NCP, which is cancelled in the year of the rat. The new year's Eve is different from usual. Mom and dad cancelled the new year's Eve dinner and dinner, cancelled the holiday travel and cancelled all outdoor activities, because there is a new virus that is called a new coronavirus, or NCP. The virus comes from wild animals. Due to accidental reasons, when people contact with wild animals, the virus is transmitted to humans. 人类难以反抗这种新型病毒,所以生病的时候会发烧、干咳、呼吸困难等紧急症状,这种病毒最厉害的地方就是能人传染给人。所以,要想预防病毒,我们应当少出门、勤洗手、出门戴口罩,并且不去人员密集的地方,自己不生病就是对这场战役最好的贡献。 It is difficult for human beings to resist this new virus, so when they are ill, they will have fever, dry cough, dyspnea and other emergency symptoms. The most serious place of this virus is that it can be transmitted to people. Therefore, in order to prevent the virus, we should go out less, wash our hands frequently, wear masks when going out, and do not go to densely populated places. Not getting sick is the best contribution to this campaign. 现在医院里有许很多多英勇而又专业的医生叔叔和护士阿姨,他们不顾自己可能会被传染的危急,正在日日夜夜的诊断、治疗和照看那些被感染的病人们。我们要感谢这些白衣天使们,正因为有他们,才有我们安逸的生活。 Now there are many brave and professional doctors, aunts and nurses in the hospital. They are diagnosing, treating and caring for the infected patients day and night, regardless of the risk of infection. We want to thank these angels in white, because of them, we have a comfortable life. 我信任,只要我们大家坚持下去,总有一天,爸爸妈妈会告知我们:“我们最终打赢了这场病毒的战役了!” I believe that as long as we all stick to it, one day, mom and dad will tell us, "we finally won the battle of the virus!" 关于疫情的初中作文4 今年春节,无论是在手机上、电视上,还是在小区里,我听得最多的话不是“新年欢乐,恭喜发财”,而是”勤洗手、勤通风、少出门,出门肯定要带口罩“的宣扬,而造成这一现象的就是从武汉扩散出来的主角”新型冠状病毒“,须全民防控及自我隔离。 Happy new year, mobile phone, TV or novel coronavirus, the most important thing I heard this Spring Festival is not "happy new year, but I am glad to be rich". Instead, I am "washing hands frequently, ventilation and going out, and I must wear masks". This phenomenon is the new type of coronavirus, which is the main character diffused from Wuhan. 这种肺炎特别可怕,一人病了就会快速传染开来,甚至还会威逼到生命。据传本次事务的源头是一些无知的人为满意自己的口腹之欲食用野生动物及国家爱护动物,而动物身上携带的大量未知或已知病毒,从而导致了这次悲剧的发生。 This kind of pneumonia is very terrible. If a person is ill, it will spread quickly and even threaten his life. It is said that the source of this incident is that some ignorant people eat wild animals and national protected animals to satisfy their appetite, and a large number of unknown or known viruses carried by animals lead to the tragedy. 动物是人类的好挚友,也是生态链中关键的一环。我曾看过一部电影宠爱,它讲解并描述的是人和动物之间好玩又感人的故事,小动物是那么可爱,那么弱小,无良的黑心人类,你是怎么忍心肆意虐杀的呢? Animals are good friends of human beings and a key link in the ecological chain. I have seen a movie "pet", which tells an interesting and touching story between people and animals. How can you bear to kill a small, weak and evil black hearted human? 疫情当前,全国人民在党中心的领导下,上下一心,同疫情战斗究竟,我们始终在一起!为了战胜病毒,众多的白衣天使逆行而上,为了节约防护用品,他们不喝水、不上洗手间,穿着厚重的防护服,好些小姐姐因长时间戴口罩,脸都磨破了,露出红红的血丝,甚至部分医护人员因夜以继日的救治工作而感染病毒,他们是最可敬的,值得我们学习的! At present, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the whole nation is working together to fight the epidemic. We are always together! In order to fight against the virus, many angels in white are retrograde. In order to save protective equipment, they don't drink water, go to the bathroom, wear heavy protective clothing, and many young ladies wear masks for a long time, their faces are worn, showing red blood, even Some medical staff are infected with virus because of the day and night treatment work. They are the most respectable and worthy of our study! 目前,全国上下有钱出钱,有力出力,国外的华人华侨也到处购买口罩等防护用品邮寄到国内,支援国家。我也将今年的压岁钱托付爸爸捐给武汉了,疫情当前,人人有责! At present, the whole country has money to pay and make great efforts. Overseas Chinese also buy masks and other protective articles and mail them to China to support the country. I also entrusted my father to donate this year's new year's money to Wuhan. At present, everyone is responsible for the epidemic! 我信任在大家的共同努力下,肯定会很快战胜疫情的! I believe that with the joint efforts of all of you, we will defeat the epidemic soon! 中国加油!武汉加油! Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan! 关于疫情的初中作文5 春节是人人宠爱的节日,举国上下,喧闹非凡。家家都处于劳碌之中,买年货、包饺子、贴对联等。而就在这家家快乐的氛围之中,病毒趁虚而入。 The Spring Festival is a festival that everyone loves. The whole country is very busy. Every family is busy, buying new year's products, making dumplings, pasting couplets, etc. And in the happy atmosphere of this family, the virus takes advantage of the situation. 新型冠状病毒是2022年年末发觉的最为严峻的病毒。而它的到来,让我们大失所望,喧闹的大年没有了往日的喧闹,原来应团聚的亲人被它弄得支离破裂。 The novel coronavirus was the most serious virus found at the end of 2022. But its arrival, let us greatly disappointed, the bustling new year did not have the past bustling, should have reunited the family member to be broken by it. 现在,这种新型病毒处于高发期,主要发生地为武汉。并涉及到周边省市,现有病例上万,死亡上百。新型病毒不仅存在于我国,还涉及到了其他二十三个国家。 Now, the new virus is in a high incidence period, mainly in Wuhan. And related to the surrounding provinces and cities, there are tens of thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths. The new virus exists not only in China, but also in 23 other countries. 这种病毒全名为:新型冠状病毒2022-nCoV,病毒经呼吸道飞沫即可传播,老年人感染后病情会比较严峻,据专家介绍,人们主要传染源是因为接触了一种野生动物中华菊头蝠,这种病毒还具有潜藏期一般为14天左右,潜藏期内还存在传染性。 The novel coronavirus 2022-nCoV is the name of the virus. The virus can spread through respiratory droplets. The infection of the elderly will be more serious. According to experts, the main source of infection is a contact with a wild animal, the Chinese chrysanthemum bat. The virus has a latent period of about 14 days, and there is still contagion in the incubation period. 人体病毒是能在人体寄生繁殖,并能致病的病毒引起的传染病。为了防止我们受到病毒的传染,就要留意以下几项了:1。定时开门窗通风。2。接种疫苗。3。养成良好的卫生习惯。4。加强熬炼。5。生活要有规律。6。衣、食细微环节要留意。7。切莫讳疾忌医。8。少出门,戴口罩。 Human viruses are infectious diseases caused by viruses that can parasitize and reproduce in human body and cause disease. In order to prevent us from being infected by the virus, we should pay attention to the following items: 1. Open doors and windows regularly for ventilation. 2. vaccination. 3. Develop good hygiene habits. 4. Exercise more. 5. Life should be regular. 6. Pay attention to the details of clothes and food. 7. Don't shy away from medical treatment. 8. Don't go out. Wear a mask. 1月28日,中国工程院院士、国家卫健委高级别专家组成员李兰娟透露,她所在国家重点试验室已经胜利分别出了新型冠状病毒的毒株,而这就意味着我们离拥有疫苗就更近了一步,意味着我们将赢得这场病毒阻击战的成功。 Novel coronavirus strain was successfully isolated from the Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the national health and Health Committee of China, Li Lanjuan, member of the Chinese Academy of engineering and National Health Protection Committee of the high level expert group in January 28th. 所以,我们现在更应当远离病毒。殊不知我们一个微妙的举动就会让在前线的工作人员功亏一篑,但近几日来我发觉我国又增加了很多病例,这很让我懊恼,而前线的工作人员唯恐更是有苦说不出。 So, we should stay away from the virus now. I don't know that our delicate action will make the staff on the front line fall short. But in recent days, I found that there are many more cases in China, which makes me very upset. I'm afraid the staff on the front line can't tell. 抗击病毒,从我做起。抗击病毒不是一个人的事,更不是两个人的事,而是我们大家的事。相反,我们更要以身为样,让大家像我看齐。 Fight against the virus, from me. The fight against the virus is not about one person, or two people, but about all of us. On the contrary, we should be more like ourselves and let everyone look like me. 我信任,我们肯定会赢得这次病毒所基站的成功。加油! I believe that we will win the victory of the base station of the virus. Come on! 关于疫情的初中作文精选5篇本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第16页 共16页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页