银行招聘考试模拟冲刺试题集7辑银行招聘考试模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第1辑由世界银行提出并被多数国家认可和采用,对国内生产总值测算进行的指标是( )。A.人类发展指数 B.环境GDPC.绿色GDP D.幸福指数答案:C解析:1946年,希克斯在其著作中提到了绿色GDP,即可持续收入这一概念。它是对传统GDP的修正。主要考核的是某个国家或地区在考虑了自然资源、环境影响等多重因素之后,将经济活动中所付出的资源耗减成本和环境降级成本从GDP中予以扣除的经济活动最终成果。从上个世纪70年代开始,联合国和世界银行等国际组织均致力于研究并推广绿色GDP这一理念,促进了绿色GDP这一测算指标被更多国家认可和采用。目前,中国也正在积极的开展绿色GDP核算方法的研究,并取得了一定的成果。因此,本题答案为C。资料:packing tipsMark your bags with a brightly colored string or ribbon to assist you in identifying your bag quickly on the baggage caroused.For security reasons, ensure you pack your bags yourself and do not at any time leave them unattended. Never carry a package or baggage for someone else unless you have completely checked the contents.Never wrap or package gifts; security personnel may need to inspet them.Keep medication and fragile items in your carry-on baggage. Keep all medication in its orginal, labelled container and carry the physicians prescription with you.When you check your bags, make sure you get the correct number of luggage claim stubs and that each one is marked with the correct city name of your destination on your luggage tags.Malaysia Airline advisers that the following items may not be included in your baggage and liability is limited under the applicable international Convention for your damage of loss:-cash, negotiable bonds, deed, etc-jewellery, antiques or similar valuable items-any item of a fragile or brittle nature (e.g. glassware)-electrical/electronic items (e.g. computer, camera, mobile phone, audio equipment)-food or any perishable item-any item that has insufficient packaging (e.g. surfboard, bicycle, musical instrument)Which of the following items may NOT be included in your baggage advised by Malaysia Airlines?A.PapersB.CashC.Plastic bottleD.Clothes答案:B解析:本题考查细节理解。the following items; may NOT be included in your baggage; advised by Malaysia Airlines第六段Malaysia Airline advisers that the following items may not be included in your baggage and liability is limited under the applicable international Convention for your damage of loss:-cash, negotiable bonds, deed, etc.-jewellery, antiques or similar valuable items-any item of a fragile or brittle nature (e.g. glassware)-electrical/electronic items (e.g. computer, camera, mobile phone, audio equipment)-food or any perishable item-any item that has insufficient packaging (e.g. surfboard, bicycle, musical instrument)马来西亚航空公司顾问指出,下列物品不要包含在您的行李中,并且根据适用的国际公约,您的损失责任有限:-现金,可转让债券,契约等-首饰,古董或类似贵重物品-任何脆弱或易碎物品(例如玻璃器皿)-电子/电子物品(例如电脑,相机,手机,音响设备)-食物或任何易腐物品-包装不足的物品(例如冲浪板,自行车,乐器)题目意为“马来西亚航空公司建议的行李中不要包含下列哪些物品?”选项A意为“论文”;选项B意为“现金”;选项C意为“塑料瓶”;选项D意为“衣服”。根据主题句,只有选项B与题意相符。根据测算,全国城乡普遍实施“单独二胎”政策,将使总人口在2030年达到14.53亿,峰值人口增加1500万;2050年,总人口下降为13.85亿,但比现行生育率增加约5000万人,“单独二胎”与现行生育政策相比,2030年老龄化水平从24.1%降到23.8%;2050年从34.1%降到32.8%;直到2074年以后,该政策会影响老年人口数量。另外,城乡普遍推行“单独二胎”政策15年,劳动年龄人口规模开始增加,2030年15-59岁劳动年龄人口数量从8.75%亿升到8.77亿;2050年从7.00亿升至7.26亿。资料表明,按现行生育率2050年我国总人口约为A.13.15亿人 B.12.38亿人 C.12.35亿人 D.13.35亿人答案:D解析:13.35亿人解析:由文字部分可知,全国城乡普遍实施“单独二胎”政策后,2050年,总人口将为13.85亿人,比现行生育率增加约5000万人,即按现行生育率2050年我国总人口约为13.85-0.5=13.35亿人,答案选D。What should an employee who has read the notice do next?A. Send an e-mail indicating session preferenceB. Show up for the Tuesday training sessionC. Call the office manager to discuss schedulingD. Go to the lunchroom and sign up for a session.答案:D解析:类比推理。类比推理考察的是一种推理能力,先给考生一对相关的词然后要求考生在备选答案中找出一对与之在逻辑关系上最为贴近或相似的词。熟悉:陌生()A.虚无:缥缈B.组织:国家C.实在:虚伪D.剪刀:工具答案:C解析:熟悉和陌生是反义词,是在和虚伪是反义词。地震:核试验2022年汕头农村信用社真题()A.天灾:人祸B.辛迪加:垄断C.感冒:洗澡D.疾病:医生答案:C解析:核试验可能引发地震,洗澡可能引发感冒。第42题答案是_A.soB.butC.howeverD.had答案:B解析:根据句意,前面说这个学生通过考试被大学录取,后面说他第一天没去。可知前后意思是转折关系,故选B。下列哪一种不是解释货币本质的学说? ()A.货币名目论B.纸币供给论C.“一般等价物”理论D.货币金属论答案:B解析:解释货币本质的学说主要包括:货币金属论、货币名目论、货币职能论和.劳动价值论(货币是充当一般等价物的特殊商品),故B项符合题千要求,ACD项均是用于解释货币本质的学说。本题选非,所以答案选B.银行招聘考试模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第2辑地壳中含量最多的元素是( )。A.铁 B.氧 C.氢 D.铝答案:B解析:地壳中含量最多的元素是氧元素,含量最多的金属元素是铝元素。故选B项。物美超市的收银台平均每小时有60名顾客前来排队付款每一个收银台每小时能应付80名顾客付款。某天某时刻,超市如果只开设一个收银台付款开始4小时就没有顾客排队了,问如果当时开设两个收银台,则付款开始几小时就没有顾客排队了?()A.2B.18C.16D.08答案:D解析:一个收银台付款4小时就没有顾客排队了,则初始排队人数为4×804×60=80人,设两个收银台用时为x,则80×2×x=80+60x,解得x=0.8。某培训学校为了加强与用人单位的合作,决定派遣若干工作人员前往用人单位协商。按要求,学校领导做出决定: (1)在 A、B、C、D、E 这 5 人中至少应派出 3 人; (2)在 A、B 两人中至少要派出 1 人; (3)在 B、C 两人中至多能派出 1 人; (4)若要派出 D,则 C、E 两人都要派出。据此,能够推出肯定会派遣( )A.B B.C C.E D.D答案:C解析:题目中所要求出的是肯定会被派遣的人,此题可反其道行之,采用假设法,假设五人中的一人不会被派出。假设 C 选项中的 E 不会被派遣,则 D 不会被派遣,此时若 C 被派遣,则 B 不被派遣,A 被派遣,派遣的人数低于 3 个人,不符合题意,而若分别假设 A、B、D 三个选项中的人不被派遣,仍会符合题意,不会低于 3 个人,所以,E 肯定会被派遣,答案为C资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But l've also learned that if you don't have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they'll simply never get done. And that means you won't make the progress that's really going to move your business forward.1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIMEFace it. You aren't cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead are likely certain times when you are at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That's normal. Maybe for you, it's bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrive in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identity that when you feel your most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion-it isn't optional. That way you're guaranteed to have a regular, designed period when you can at least on those bigger to-dos.2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it's the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first-we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and forces if you're going to get any meaningful work done.One of the most effective methods l've found is to put physical barriers between us. I'll work from a conference room or even from home on accession in order to get some literal space from people needing "just one quick thing. "What may the author discuss later ?A.The author may like about the administration system.B.The author may teach the readers to make a timetable.C.The author may put forward another suggestion.D.The author may discuss the office environments.答案:C解析:本题考查的是推理判断。 author discuss later题干意为“作者之后也许会讨论什么?” 通览全文可知,文章讲的是如何管理好自己的时间,并给出了两个建议,因此接下来作者也会再提出一个建议,故选项C正确。()将引起美元对日元贬值。A.美国的货币供给增加 B.美国的利率上升C.日本的利率下降 D.日本从美国的进口增加答案:A解析:美国货币供给量增加,LM曲线右移,收入y提高,利率r下降,国际收支逆差,在浮动汇率下,将引起美元对日元贬值。美国利率上升,引起资本流入美国,资本账户顺差,美元将对日元升值,B不正确;日本利率下降,引起资本流出日本,日元将贬值,C不正确;日本从美国的进口增加,对美元的需求增加,美元对日元将升值,D不正确。与十六进制数CD等值的十进制数是()。A.204B.205C.206 D.203答案:B解析:(CD)16=1216+13=192+13=(205)10,故选B项。2022年,长春市汽车工业完成产值48885亿元,比上年增长l65;完成工业增加值11047亿元。2022年111月,汽车工业实现主营业务收入49542亿元,比上年同期增长ll6;实现利润总额4421亿元,比上年同期增长l68,高于全市利润增幅l7个百分点;实现税金总额325亿元。比上年同期增长l75。 2022年长春市汽车工业各月产值完成情况表单位:亿元 月份本月止累计 上年同月止累计 累计增长 1月 313.8 185.5 69.2 2月 649.8 569.2 14.2 3月 1104.5 914.3 20.8 4月 1523.3 1270.1 19.9 5月 1958.7 1611.2 216 6月 2455.2 1973.4 24.4 7月 2753.5 2331.9 18.1 8月 3188.7 2698.6 182 9月 3624.0 3059.5 18.5 10月 4056.1 3450.8 17.5 11月 4502.0 3840.7 17.2 12月 4888.5 4196.9 16.5 2022年下列各月中,长春市汽车工业产值同比增长率最小的是()。A.8月B.10月C.11月D.12月答案:D解析:由表格数据列表可得 比较可知应选择D。人文教育的重要目的在于使学生经由大学教育,能 够_纯粹功利的职业取向,_狭隘的专业意识,从细小的专业分支中走出来。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.抑制 扭转 B.制止 克服C.抵制 克服 D.制止 扭转答案:C解析:从原文给出的材料看,对于“纯粹功利的职业取向”、“狭隘的专业意识”的 态度应是学生经由人文教育后的自觉,而不应有强迫强制的意味。“抵制”指阻止、抗拒、排斥 有害的事物,使不能侵入或发生作用,有主动的意味。“克服”指用意志和力量去战胜(敌对势 力、缺点、错误、坏现象、不利条件等)。“扭转”指纠正或改变事物的发展方向,不与“意识"搭 配。“制止”指强迫使停止。银行招聘考试模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第3辑 短期资金市场又称资本市场,是一年以下的短期资金的融通市场,如同业拆借、票据贴现、短期债券及可转让存单的买卖。( ) 答案:错解析:短期资金市场(又称货币市场),是一年以下的短期资金的融通市场,如同业拆借、票据贴现、短期债券及可转让存单的买卖。资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible: engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better. The result is more than just a new notebook. Its the future of the notebook. And now, with sixth-generation Intel processors, improved graphics performance, faster flash storage, and up to 10 hours of battery life. MacBook is even more capable.The moment you open your MacBook, its gorgeous 12-inch Retina display with edge-to-edge glass brings everything into focus. Every photo leaps off the screen in rich, vibrant detail. Over 3 million pixels render each letter with crystal clarity. And it all comes to light on the thinnest Retina display ever on a Mac, meticulously honed to deliver a bold visual experience within an impossibly minimal design.What can be inferred from the article?A.MacBook sells very well.B.The design of MacBook lacks details.C.It is very hard to create such a product as the new MacBook.D.The design of MacBook is classic.答案:C解析:本题的问题是“从文章中可以推断出什么?”。选项A意为“MacBook卖得很好”;选项B意为“MacBook的设计缺乏细节”;选项C意为“制作像新款MacBook这样的产品非常困难”;选项D意为“MacBook的设计很经典”。选项A文中未提及,故不选;选项B与主题句中“重新构想每个元素”、注重细节不符,故错误;;选项C与主题句中“做不可能的事”意思相符,故正确;选项D与主题句中“不可思议的设计、大胆的视觉体验”不符,MacBook设计并不是追求经典,而是突破和创新,故错误,因此答案C符合题意。根据下列内容,回答196-200题。Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasingpopulation will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increas-ing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes.Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will pro-duce large volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are poi-sonous. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified. This willinvolve ever-increasing quantities of agriculture chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drasticsteps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be lessened. The first relates to thetreatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard. This involves the processing of solid wastesprior to disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the wateror best reduce pollution upon final disposal.A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manureis spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants areused in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained. Effluents from other process-ing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat andpoultry processing plants,are currently converting former waste production into marketablebyproducts. Other industries have potential economic uses for their waste products.The purpose of this passage is_.A.to warn the reader of the dwindling water supplyB.to explain industrial uses of waterC.to acquaint the reader with water pollution problemsD.to demonstrate various measures to solve the pollution problem答案:C解析:根据文章第一段的第一句“Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex"可知将来水污染的问题会变得越来越严峻和复杂。下面具体阐述了可能产生的严重问题,作者在第二段和第三段讲了解决这一问题的两个措施。所以,此文章的目的是让读者熟悉和了解水污染问题,C为正确答案。下列哪个组合的陈述可能正确?()。.2022年上述五个城市GDP增速均实现两位数增长.2022年广州经济总量首次超过北京.2022年同期重庆GDP总量也是第五位A.B和C.和D.、和答案:D解析:由图表可见,2022年第一季度五市增速均实现两位数增长,所以全年实现两位数增长也是完全有可能的,也就是说是有可能的;第一季度广州经济总量(748.6亿元)已经超过北京(666.3亿元),那么全年超过北京也是有可能的,即也是有可能的;2022年第一季度五市总量中,重庆是第五位,五市的增速又相差不远,所以2022年同期重庆总量也可能是第五位,也有可能。故三个陈述都有可能,为正确答案。对于基准利率,2022年10月29日,中国人民银行决定放开( )。A.上浮存款利率 B.存款利率下限C.下浮贷款利率 D.贷款利率下限答案:B解析:2022年10月29日,中国人民银行决定放开人民币存款利率的下限,允许 金融机构下浮存款利率,故A选项不正确,B选项正确。2022年10月29日,中国人民银行决 定放开人民币贷款利率的上限,允许金融机构(城乡信用社除外)上浮贷款利率,故CD选项不 正确。类比推理。类比推理考察的是一种推理能力,先给考生一对相关的词。然后要求考生在备选答案中找出一对与之在逻辑关系上最为贴近或相似的词。()对于洪水相当于工业对于()A.地震工业B.气候轻工业C.自然灾害纺织业D.风力污染答案:C解析:洪水是一种自然灾害,纺织业是工业的一种。故答案选C。我国金融机构体系的主体是( )。A.国有商业银行B.证券公司C.中央银行D.保险公司答案:A解析:The students who are not _ with the progress they have made in their study willhave great success.A.contentB.seriousC.friendlyD.popular答案:A解析:be contentwith意为“对感到满意”。该句意为:那些不满足于自己在学习中取得点滴进步的学生将会获得大的成功。银行招聘考试模拟冲刺试题集7辑 第4辑资料:Job DescriptionA+E Networks Co-Branded Creative Department is looking for a motivated candidate with 1-3 yearsexperience to be part of a unique department on the A&E brand. The selected candidate will be working on co-branded sponsored entertainment and branded partnerships for A&E Network.Our preferred candidate will possess a passion for the A+E brands and is knowledgeable of co-brandeded sponsored entertainment. The Production Coordinator will be a valued team member by acting as Grand Central and supporting the team (internal and external) with all logistical needs, such as collecting assets to produce spots and keeping track of all department activities to support the overall workflow. The right candidate will have a balance between being detail oriented/organized when it comes to the production process and deadlines, as well as having the desire to contribute to development.Which of the following quality may help a candidate to get the job?A.Hardworking but taciturnB.Little knowledge of co-branded sponsored entertainmentC.Experience with on-air promotion productionD.With little post production experience答案:C解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 help a candidate; get the job第十段Prior Production Assistant experience with on-air promotion production preferred.(优先考虑有电视宣传制作助理经验的候选人。)第4题问“下列哪种特质可以帮助候选人获得这份工作?”。第十段提到了一“优先考虑有电视宣传制作助理经验的候选人。” 主题句和C选项“有电视宣传制作经验”信息一致,所以答案应为C选项。A选项“努力工作但沉默寡言”,该选项并未提及,而且通过整个职位描述,该份工作需要和人进行沟通交流,沉默寡言不适合此份工作。B选项“不了解品牌联合赞助活动”,第二段第一句提到“knowledgeable of co-brandeded spcociod entertainment.”了解该活动,所以B选项排除。D选项“没有后期制作经验”,第十段说“Qualification Requirements Minimum 1 yr previous show production or post production experience.”需要有至少一年的后期制作经验,所以D选项排除。四只同样的瓶子内分别装有一定数量的油,每瓶和其他各瓶分别合称一次,记录千克数如下:8,9,10,11,12,13。已知四只空瓶的重量之和以及油的重量之和均为质数,求最重的两瓶内有多少油?A.9B.10C.11D.12答案:D解析:每瓶的重量记录了6×2÷4=3次,则4瓶油(含瓶)共重(8+9+10+1l+12+13)+3=21千克,已知油重之和及瓶重之和均为质数,所以它们必为一奇一偶而是偶数的质数只有2故瓶重之和为2千克,油重之和为212=19千克,每只瓶重2÷405千克最重的两瓶内的油为l30.5x2=12千克应选择D。决定市场类型划分的主要因素包括()。A.厂商所生产产品的差别程度 B.单个厂商对市场价格的控制程度 C.厂商进入或退出一个行业的难易程度 D.市场上厂商的数目答案:A,B,C,D解析:There currently seems to be a large_between the number of people employed in service industries, and those employed in the primary sector.A.differentB.differentialC.discriminationD.discrepancy答案:B解析:本题横线处需要一个名词。选项A是形容词,意为“不同的”。选项B既有名词词性,也有形容词词性。作名词时,意为“微分;差别”;作形容词时,意为“微分;差别”。选项C是名词,意为“歧视,区别”。选项D是名词,意为“矛盾;不符”。题目意为“目前,服务业就业人数与初级部门就业人数之间存在很大差别。”某农村信用社如果出现支付风险,可以按法定程序,经过批准后,由( )通过拆借市场拆入资金。A.市农村金融体制改革领导小组办公室B.管辖人民银行C.该农村信用社D.该农村信用社联社答案:B解析:农村信用社如果出现支付风险,可以按法定程序,经过批准后,由管辖人民银行通过拆借市场拆入资金。B项正确 真实经济周期理论认为,市场机制本身是完善的,在长期或短期中都可以自发地使经济实现充分就业的均衡。() 答案:对解析:真实经济周期理论认为,市场机制本身是完善的。在长期或短期中都可以自发地使经济实现充