Thevalue The value of English TestingAbstractTesting, an approach, is usually presented as a meansof checking mass, of peoples English level in useout of campus, of both teachers teaching and studentslearning. In the 21st century, around the world,testing is also a means of getting employed, promoted,and better lived as well. With the development ofeconomics, culture, politics, social science etc. inEnglish speaking countries, English becomes auniversal and practical tool of getting various fieldsof information. Learning English, at present, is notonly a fashion of reflecting whatever, but also anapproach of improving living standard and socialstatus. Therefore, there is no other means to checkthe level of people learning of their English, buttesting. In peoples republic of China (PRC),nationally, at the moment, we have many differenttests covering different objectives, especially theinclination of getting employed as one of evidences,as non-native speakers: CET (College English Test),TEM (Test of English Major), MSET (Middle SchoolEnglish Test) etc. This paper discusses the value ofEnglish testing, in teaching and learning fields inthe campus of college, under the analysis of theteachers teaching purpose and students learningresult with the theory of educational psychologyresearch.I. IntroductionTeaching and learning are closely related to testing.Testing is a means of enabling quality of teachersteaching and acquisition of students languagelearning. Testing covers the aspects of measurementand evaluation although these three concepts (testing,measurement evaluation) are set with respectivemeaning. In the following, I shall mainly discuss therelations between teaching and learning, betweentesting, teaching and learning, the functions ofevaluation and measurement, how to test, in order toprove the value of English Testing.II. Testing:Testing is the running of a system or a programagainst a predetermined series of data to arrive at apredictable result for the purpose of establishing theacceptability of the system or program. (ElectronicOxford Dictionary, 2002). English Testing is one ofkey processes in English language teaching. Itspurpose is to prove the success of English Teachingand Learning, also helps students to review theirlearning and learn more. Testing includes testingtarget, testing contents and testing approach. So doesEnglish Teaching Testing. The target of CollegeEnglish Teaching Testing (CETT) is to, periodically,check how students learn the language, such as theirabilities of using the language. The contents arefirmly limited in what they have learnt, we shouldnever test over or under their learning, or thetesting would be anamorphic. The Testing Approachincludes written tests, oral tests and practice.III. Teaching and Learning.In terms of testing, teaching and learning arephilosophically influenced with each other. TeachersTeaching can both promote and prevent StudentsLearning. The research of teaching approach,Teachers teaching attitudes and responsibilities,Teachers knowledge and Teaching Materials fordifferent objects (different English level students)are the key ways to make teaching and testingsuccessful and active. Harmoniously combining theserespects, as long as teachers are concerned, theirteaching could promote their teaching and studentstheir learning. Students their learning, includestheir learning attitudes, methods and abilities, alsoaffects teachers of their previously mentionedaspects. The cooperation of teachers and students,being included in teaching and learning, can also makesense in language teaching and learning.IV. Testing, Teaching and Learning: Before talking about Testing, Teaching and Learningtheir relations, for both teachers and students, wehave to be clear that Testing is not a way todifficult the students, is not a way to give some highor low scores to students either, it is a way toreview what they have learnt, to train their abilitiesof putting what they have learnt into effect, to helpthem learn more. Between Testing and Teaching, thelatter is superior. Teaching for teachers, is a meansto transmit knowledge, information, or whateverrelated, to learners. Testing is, in fact, one of thestandards, to weigh teaching, whether successfully orunsuccessfully, but it is not the last words.Teaching, also, is not for testing. If we went in thewrong way to consider it like that, we would befalsely promoted to gain the high scores as our aim.In terms of testing and learning, at present, we,because we, till now, havent found a decent approachto judge whether our students are learnt or not,thats why we have been misleading them to capturethe high score as their aim. Learning, in education,is to learn to use in real way, to use what we allhave learnt in bettering our society, in whateverfields because of the divisions of the work. Testingis useful to judge learning, but it is not the onlyway. We are able to take other ways intoconsideration, such as experimenting etc. A correctarrangement of these three aspects do help ourdevelopment of education, otherwise both teaches andstudents are doomed to blind themselves to go in thewrong way. It is far from our new policy of educationof quality, even of the opposite.V. Functions of evaluation and measurement in terms oftesting: Measurement in English testing is a means of tellinglearners what are their scores in the test and whatlevel they have comparatively in a group or a unity.Evaluation in testing refers to the explanation of thescores. It solves the problem of “How”-how are thescores? High, low, medium or else, in other words, inwhat degree they have learnt? Etc.The function of measurement and evaluation is toprompt learners to learn. After an 12下一页