商务信函写作常用句型Establishing Business Relations 1. We have your name and address from and are now writing to you for the establishment of business relations. 从得知贵公司及地址,所以发函以恳求建立业务关系。2. We have learned by that you are one of the leading importers of Chinese chemicals and pharmaceutics in your country. 从获知贵公司是中国化学品和制药品的主要进口商之一。3. Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. 我公司专营食品出口,我们愿与你们进行交易。4. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods. 特别荣幸向您介绍,我公司是一家从事轻工业产品贸易的国营企业。5. In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples under separate cover for your inspection. 为了促进我们之间的业务往来,现在邮寄样本供贵方参考。6. We have obtained your name and contact details from the, who has informed us that you want to import light industrial goods manufactured in China. 经 的介绍, 我们得知贵公司的名称和联系方式,并了解到贵公司想在中国进口一些轻工业产品。7. It is hoped that by our joint efforts, we can promote business as well as friendship. 希望通过我们的共同努力,我们可以促进业务往来,增加友情。8. Your desire to expand trade with us on the basis of equality and mutual benefit coincides with ours. 在同等互利基础上我们双方都希望扩大贸易往来。9. Enclosed you will find a copy of our latest catalogue for your reference. 随函附上我方最新的书目以供贵方参考。10. If you are interested in any our products, please let us know and we will provide you with a quotation. 假如您对我方产品感爱好的话,请务必让我们知道,我们会为您报价。Enquiry 1. We are interested in as advertised in 我方对最近在 上刊登的广告很感爱好。2. I understand you are manufacturers of/ deal in and I should like to receive your current catalogue. 我知道贵方是的制造商/经销商,因此我想要一份贵方最新的产品书目。3. Please also state whether you can supply the goods from stock as we need them urgently. 由于急需这批货物,还请贵方说明能否供应现货。4. If you can supply suitable goods, we may place regular orders for large quantities. 贵方如能供应合适的货物,我方很可能定期订购大批量的货物。5. We would like to know your terms of trade. 我们想知道你方的贸易条件。我们想知道贵方的贸易条件。6. If terms and delivery date are satisfactory, we should expect to place regular orders with you. 假如条款和交货期令人满足,我们会定期订购 7. Will you please state whether, in these circumstances, you are able to allow us a special discount? 请贵公司在回函中阐明,假如我们定期大宗订购,是否可以享有实惠打折。8. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current pricelist for? 我公司拟进口,请贵公司惠寄一份产品书目及现行价目表。9. We thank you in advance for all your cooperation in this matter. We greatly appreciate your help in providing answers to our enquiries. 对于贵方对此事的合作,我们预先加以感谢。假如能对我们询价赐予答复,我们不胜感谢。10. We shall be obliged if you will send us some samples with the best term at your earliest convenience. 假如贵方能及早寄给我们一些样品并赐予我们最实惠的条件, 我们将不胜感谢。Offer 1. Thank you for your letter of As requested we enclose 感谢贵方日的来函。按贵方的要求,随函附寄 2. I was pleased to learn that you are interested in our 很兴奋获悉贵方对我方的感爱好。3. In reply to your enquiry for walnuts, we offer you 500 tons of walnuts as follow:为复贵方 500 吨核桃的询盘,我们特向贵方发盘如下:4. We offer, subject to your reply reaching here on before May 5th, 500 Good Baby Brand Bicycles at USD 35. 我方现向你方报 500 辆好孩子牌自行车,每辆 35 美元,此报盘以你方 5 月 5 日前复到我方有效。5. We now make you an offer subject to your acceptance before August 20. 现报盘如下,以你方 8 月 20 日前接受为有效。6. We require payment by irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. 我们要求以不行撤销信用证即期汇票支付,在装运前 30 天开出。7. Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents. 我们支付方式是保兑的,不行撤销即期信用证,凭全套装运单据支付。8. We look forward to receiving a trial order from you soon. 希望尽快收到贵方的试购订单。9. We shall be pleased to send you any further information you may need. 我方很兴奋供应贵方须要的任何其他信息。10. Any orders you place with us will have our prompt attention. 贵方给我们下的任何订单都将得到快速的处理。Counter-offer 1. While we thank you for your offer of , we point out with regretthat your price is on the high side. 感谢贵方的报盘,我们非常缺憾地指出你们的报价偏高。2. We are in receipt of your offer, however, we regret to inform you that the price of is on the high side for the market. 感谢贵方的报盘,但我们不得不告知贵方,的价格过高,不太符合本地体市场的要求。3. We note that your price is not reasonable; shall we meet us half way? 我们认为你方报价不合适,我们各让一半好吗? 4. While we would like to conclude the transaction with you, we can’t reduce the price to the level you suggested because it will leave us with no profit. 虽然我们很想和你方交易,但把价格降到你们所说的水平是不行能的,因我们将没有利润。5. While you can reduce your offer by 2%, it is not acceptable to us. 尽管你方能在报价上削减 2%,但我们仍旧不能接受。6. Information indicates that some kinds of the said articles made in other countries have been sold here at a level about 3% lower than that of yours.有消息表明,此地销售的别国生产的产品的价格水平比贵方低 3%左右。7. If you would reduce your price by, say 10%, we might conclude the deal. 如你方情愿降价,譬如说,降 10%,或许能达成交易。8. But unfortunately in the offer you ask for payment by irrevocable letter of credit at sight. 只是信中所要求的不行撤销信用证、见票即付的信用证支付方式,我方很难接受。9. We would like you to accept and feel sure that such an accommodation would be conductive to encouraging future business between us. 鉴于我们之间许久的贸易关系,希望贵方能接受 10. Your kindness in giving priority to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated. 恳请贵方优先考虑我们的恳求,如蒙得到你们满足的答复,将不胜感谢。Acceptance and Confirmation 1. We are pleased to receive your order. 特别兴奋收悉贵方的订单。2. We want to say how pleased we were to receive your order offor and welcome you as one of our customers. 我们特别兴奋地收到贵方的订单,欢迎你方成为我们的客户。3. We confirm supply of the prints at the prices stated in your letter and are arranging for dispatch next week by 我们确认,以你方信中所列价格供应货物,我们已经支配下星期以方式交换。4. We feel confident you will be completely satisfied with our products. 我们信任贵方定会满足我们的产品。5. We have pleasure in confirming the above order, and are sending you Sales Confirmation in duplicate, a copy of which is to be counter-signed and returned for our records. 兹确认上项订货,并寄送第号售货确认书,一式两份,其中一份请签完寄回,以供查询。6. We are pleased to receive your order, which will have our prompt and careful attention. 特别兴奋收到贵方的订单,对贵方的订单, 我方将快速而仔细地办理。7. As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we have available, we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue. 你方可能尚未留意到我公司其他产品,现随函附寄一份书目。8. We hope that our first order with you will lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a happy working relationship. 我们希望本次首订单的执行能扩大我们的业务往来,也标记着我们形成了一个开心的合作关系。9. We hope you can satisfy with our cooperation and look forward to your repeat order. 希望贵方能满足我们的合作并期盼您的再次订购。Order and Contract 1. Thank you for your quotation of 贵方对的报价已获悉,感谢。2. Thank you for your offer of February 14. Your price and quality turned out to be satisfactory and we are sending you an order for the following. 贵方 2 月 14 日的报盘已收悉,感谢。我们对价格和质量均感到满足,现发送订单如下:3. Please supply the following items as quickly as possible and chargeto our account. 请尽快供应下列货物并将贷款记入我方账户。4. We are pleased to enclose a trial order/ purchase order/ revised order/ substitute order for 20,000 pieces of plastic toy mobile phone. 我们很兴奋地附寄一份试订单/选购订单/修改订单/替代订单订购 2000 件塑料玩具手机。5. Prompt delivery would be appreciated as the goods are needed urgently. 由于急需这些货物,望马上交货。6. Please acknowledge receipt of this order and confirm that you will be able to deliver by请确认收到此订单,并确认能在日之前交货。7. We hope to receive your advice of delivery by return of post. 我方希望收到贵方寄来的交货通知书。8. Enclosed please find two copies of Purchase Contract No. , which we trust, will be found in order. Kindly sign and return our copy for our filing. 随函附寄购货合同,一式两份,其中一份请会签寄回,以供查询。9. We are pleased to see that your goods meet our requirements. 很兴奋看的您的货物符合我们的要求。10. We need the goods urgently and it is imperative that the ordered goods reach us by the end of this month. 我们急需此货,因此,所定货物务必于本月底前运到。