Task 6Academic Course Topic -SummarizevListening (an excerpt from a lecture 60-90”to listen)vSpeaking (summarize the lecture and demonstrate an understanding of how the examples relate to the overall topic 20”to prepare&60”to speak)vFeatures:vWords:230280vListening and notetaking:90”120”vPreparation Time:20”vResponse Time:60”Answer sample for referencevTopicvExample 1vExample 2Sample patternsvIn the lecture,the professor talks about/explains _.(main points from the listening material)vthe professor discusses/argues/demonstrates/*in several points/aspects.According to what the professor says,_vDefinition(If there is)vHe uses/provides examples to explain/illustrate this definition/method/phenomenon/theory.vProfessor takes _ as an example.Sample TPO1 Mathematical Capabilities of Babies Using the research described by the professor,explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.ExpressionsvThey say there is evidence that babies as young as five months old can do basic arithmetic that they can add.vSo they devised an experiment where in this experiment,a baby is shown a doll on a table.vOK,so the baby looks at the doll.Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll,so now the doll is hidden behind the screen.vThe researcher takes a second doll and very obviously places it behind the screen with the first one.vWhat the researchers did was they secretly took away one of the dolls.And then when they raised the screen back upvThey recorded the babys eye movements on camera.SampleNon-verbal communicationDifferentiate RepetitionclarificationvScript:So to finish up,Im going to list five things that differentiate verbal and nonverbal communication.Id like you to note them down.First,while spoken languages differ from country to country,emotions are communicated in much the same nonverbal way throughout the world.Second,although we know a lot about the grammar of spoken language,we still dont know a lot about the grammar of N.V.C.vThird,we dont have any dictionaries for N.V.C.If you go to a foreign country and somebody makes a hand gesture you dont understand,theres no dictionary to help you.And fourth,we can ask for repetition or clarification of what somebody has said,but its practically impossible to ask,“Could you repeat that smile?”or“What does that facial expression mean?”vWe have to understand nonverbal communication the first time around.And finally,we can hide our true feelings with spoken language,but its more difficult with N.V.C.We cant just stop ourselves from turning red,or slow down our heartbeat,right?vSo whether we like it or not,body language cant liealthough Ill bet there are times we all wish it could.So in conclusion then,nonverbal communication is an integral part of communication.Note-Taking:Verbal N.V.C.1.spoken L df.coun coun,emtion same2.X gram of NVC3.X dictionary 4 NVC4.X repetitn/clarificatn understand the NVC 1st time around.5.cant hide our true feelin of NVC*NVC is an integral part of com.