规范的爱尔兰留学入学申请书范文 爱尔兰教化体系完善,教化质量高,其软件、电信、工程、医学等专业在世界上享有盛誉。爱尔兰留学申请文书如何写呢?下面就是我给大家带来的规范的爱尔兰留学入学申请书范文最新,希望能帮助到大家! 规范的爱尔兰留学入学申请书范文 Dear _, My decision to apply for a degree course in Accounting and Finance stems from my research in the college library and my career aspiration to become a chartered accountant. I particularly enjoy administrative work, numerical and statistical exercises, and opportunities to work with others as a team. I am confident that these strengths and transferable skills will be developed in a degree course, and valuable in my subsequent career In order to get a head start, I have arranged a two-week work experience programme with Ahmed and Co accountancy, which provides services for well-known restaurants, cafes and other businesses. These two week work experience will provide me with a greater understanding of the basic skills required of an accountant, and introduce me to techniques such as cash balance appraisal, budgetary control and current cost accounting I am currently studying A- Level ICT and History and AS- Level Urdu and Business Studies. Studying AS-Level Business Studies will provide the foundations and understanding of real life problems faced by businesses and the right solutions that are used by professional businesses in order to succeed and A-Level in ICT will give me a better understanding of advanced technology available that can be used in order to process more easily with less time consuming I am a very active sportsman, taking advantage all sports facilities that my college provides. I have represented my college in cricket, football, basketball and cross-country and the medals, certificates and trophies accomplished can represent these. I hope to take these achievements further by representing the university in the sports facilities it will provide and by achieving more medals and trophies as possible I believe university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learning in a challenging environment so I am applying for a degree in accounting and finance, which will enable me to acquire the skills required to understand the world of business and help me become a chartered accountant I look forward to the challenge of a demanding degree course, and am confident that I have the personal qualities and academic motivation to make a success of it. Yours sincerely, 留学爱尔兰节约费用途径 1.国内读预科 就读国外高校本科课程,预科几乎是的门槛。统计表明,目前约有60%的自费生因语言不过关而滞留在国外的预科学校。因此,建议出国留学前,在国内把语言学好,有肯定的外语基础,就节约了在国外读预科的学费。中国学生可在国内完成国外预科课程,可节约8万元至10万元。 2.“免雅思” 中国学生在申请爱尔兰高校时无须供应雅思或托福成果,只需参与一个由爱尔兰高校在全国范围内组织的英文测试即可。以往家长和学生一般都在高考后才起先办理出国手续,再去考雅思或者考托福,这一过程往往都会奢侈一年的时间。 3.尽量避开热门地区学校 国外的高校,不同的地区花费也不同。因此,要尽量避开学费和生活费双高的地区。 4.申请奖学金 对于成果比较优秀的学生来说,可以申请国外高校的奖学金。国外高校奖学金的项目名目繁多,嘉奖力度也比较大,有的甚至可学费全免。对经济实力有限的国内学生来说,如能获得全额奖学金,无疑是给家庭和自己减轻了许多生活上大的负担。 5.打工 在爱尔兰,参与一年以上时间全日制教化、已获得被爱尔兰教化科学部所承认学历的非欧盟国家学生可以从事临时性的工作,即学生平常每周可以打工20个小时、学校放假期间可以全职打工。 爱尔兰留学申请流程 一、确定目标 大家要尽快的将自己的要申请的学校和专业确定下来,保证自己有足够的时间对它们进行了解,从而可以为后续的材料打算和整理留出足够的时间,可以参与家长和其他人的看法。 大家主要须要对比的,针对学校,是排名状况、硬件设施、师资水平、专业种类和人文服务;针对学校,则主要是录用条件、课程支配、就业状况等基础的内容。 二、打算材料 一般在学校官方网站中,大家就可以找到自己所申请专业对应的要求,满意要求的打算是在平常,绩点考察的是大家平常考试的平均分数,而语言则须要接受培训并且参与考试。 学历证明和成果单,以及IELTS考试分数表,大家完成之后是干脆获得的;而文书中的简历和陈述,同样须要自己来写,内容和各市都有要求,而举荐信则须要提前联系举荐人,才能够拿到手。 三、递交申请 爱尔兰的高校没有统一的申请时间,而且申请也没有统一的平台,大家须要关注学校的信息,了解开放申请渠道的时间,干脆在投递申请表,并且根据要求邮寄申请的材料。 投递了申请之后,审核也许须要3-4周的时间,大家会在这之后接连收到学校的通知,大家在进行对比之后,确定自己感爱好的专业来确认即可,须要交纳后续可以抵学费的留位费。 四、办理签证 在出国前,还要将自己的签证办好,基本的材料都是现成的,大家只须要根据要求去医院进行体检,并且将自己预存的保证金的资金证明开好,材料就打算完成了。 递签之前要先和学校预约,然后带着材料去使馆接受检查和审核,或许会有面试的过程,不过都不会很难,大家照实回答问题即可,签证审核须要2-3周的时间。 规范的爱尔兰留学入学申请书范文本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页