韩国艺术留学申请书范文 去韩国留学后,无论回国还是留韩发展,都比较简单。近年来中韩的贸易交往越来越紧密,拥有两国语言的小伙伴找工作会更加轻松。更多韩国艺术留学申请书范文点击“韩国留学”查看。 韩国艺术留学申请书 Dear _, Whenever I have set a goal in life, my mind has always drifted to the example set by Lester Wunderman. Growing up poor amidst the Great Depression, he went on to become a marketing mastermind, responsible for innovative direct media techniques such as the insert card and Gold Box. Wunderman was never content to accept setbacks. When faced with a struggle, I have always sought to emulate him by emerging from obstacles - not with a sense of defeat - but with a renewed sense of determination and greater problem-solving skills. While at school, I underwent a two-day hospital procedure that caused me to miss a considerable amount of class; as a result, I fell behind in my studies and faced extensive makeup work. I quickly made a vow, however, not to allow my schoolwork to suffer. By spending many hours on my academics even while rebuilding my physical health, I continued to excel in school, achieving high grades in my GCSEs. After graduation, I decided to gain exposure to the insurance field, taking a position at Norwich Union Insurance. As a sales advisor, I primarily generated insurance quotes. After one year, I craved greater challenge, deciding to look for new opportunities. Transferring to the travel section, I assumed the position of Travel Executive, during which I performed many customer service tasks and managed the distribution of insurance certificates.Yet, I still yearned for more challenge, more risk and more opportunity. After two years of service at Norwich Union, I decided to enter the perpetually stimulating field of business. However, I wanted to pursue a business career after gaining a thorough mastery of the subject matter; therefore, I needed a university degree. During 200 , I immersed myself in thorough preparations for business school, learning to write business plans, model businesses and carry out statistical tests. Through my self-directed study and experience in the Management position, Im thoroughly familiar with the concepts behind strategy, marketing. While an academic record can reveal much about a persons character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved. Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of and operations. I now wish to expand my proficiency in these areas on the MBA program. While an academic record can reveal much about a persons character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved. Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of accomplishment. By adopting the constructive, determined approach of business wizards such as Wunderman, I have a much better chance of getting there. Yours sincerely, xuexila 韩国艺术留学申请条件和材料 一、申请条件 本科:报考韩国的艺术本科要求学生完成中学的课程,建议在毕业之后的三年之内报考,要求报考的学生韩语IK达到3级以上,艺术生还须要供应专业作品并且须要参与专业考试,有一部分学校不须要参与考试,须要用作品集来代替,大家可以入读韩国的语学院或者是干脆进入韩国的高校读艺术本科。 探讨生:想要报考韩国艺术探讨生的学生,要求在国内完成本科的课程,并且韩语IK达到4级以上,须要供应专业作品,并且参与专业考试,有些韩国学校的探讨生是用作品集来代_试的。 二、申请时间规划 入学时间:韩国的语言课程的入学时间是在每年的3月、6月、9月和12月,专业课程的入学时间在每年的3月和9月,主要是以9月入学为主。 申请规划: 入学前先要确定好到韩国读书的目的以及目标,确定好报考的院校以及专业,并且制定好高效的学习安排。 通常报考韩国艺术专业的学生是没有韩语基础的,对于没有语言基础的学生来说须要参与半年或者是一年的韩语课程学习,参与韩语等级考试或者是韩国高校的校内考试。在打算参与韩语考试的过程中,可以打算制作文书和材料。接下来办理入学的申请,递交入学的申请材料,接受学校的面试。在学校审理合格之后就会发放Offer,想要住校的学生可以起先申请宿舍。收到录用通知书的学生起先办理签证,在其次年9月份起先飞往韩国。 三、申请材料 韩国高校的入学申请书(要求要根据学校格式来书写)、一份个人简历、一份学习安排书、一份自我介绍书、护照的原件和复印件、居民身份证、户口本、学历认证、最终学历成果单、语言成果证明、父母的在职证明、存款证明书、个人证件照片、诞生证明原件、作品集。 韩国留学艺术专业优势 一、教化水平高 韩国虽然是亚洲的一个国家,但是在教化上面采纳的是西方国家的教化方式,他们在学生表达实力的培育上很注意。韩国高校的教化体系是很完善的,韩国的高校培育了许多的艺人,有许多都是我们熟识的。韩国的艺术专业有许多的分类,不管你之前在国内学的是什么类型的艺术专业你都能在这里找到,假如你感爱好,你还可以学习到更多的学问。 二、就业前景好 韩国的消遣行业发达,对艺术行业的人才需求很大,假如你以后想留下韩国发展的话,也是有许多的工作机会的。你之后想要回国工作的话,也有许多的好处,在国外读书,能学习到许多国内学不到的学问,韩国在中国也有许多的企业,去韩国留过学的毕业生在韩国学习到的韩语,能在这些企业得到发挥,许多韩国企业须要会韩语的中国人,国外的留学经验,使他们的眼界更开阔,回国增加了他们的就业率。 三、奖学金丰厚、打工合法 韩国的各个高校都设有奖学金,而且奖学金的金额还不少,有的高校设立的奖学金的金额高达三十万,针对学习优秀的学生会发放奖学金;在韩国的高校,你只要在这里留学了一年,你就可以合法打工,在韩国打工也能够得到一笔不错的收入,但是一切还是要以学业为重,不要因为打工影响了学习。 四、费用低 在韩国留学,是不须要很高的费用的,艺术专业的学费也不是很高,是一般的工薪家庭能够承受住的,一年的学费也许是五万元到七万元左右,担保费用是八万元到十万元左右,跟其他国家的艺术专业的学费相比是很便宜的了。 五、文化相像 韩国跟中国的距离很近,都是在亚洲,回国也比较便利,生活习惯上面跟中国很相像,在韩国留学,你可以很快的适应这里的生活。 韩国艺术留学申请书范文本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页