2023年冰河世纪4中英文台词 1 00:00:00,000 -> 00:00:06,000 2 00:00:06,100 -> 00:00:15,000 3 00:01:31,000 -> 00:01:31,810 地壳 30千米 4 00:01:31,840 -> 00:01:32,500 上地幔 720千米 5 00:01:32,670 -> 00:01:33,500 下地幔 2171千米 6 00:01:33,550 -> 00:01:34,516 外核 5100千米 7 00:01:34,580 -> 00:01:35,518 内核 6400千米 8 00:01:42,580 -> 00:01:44,690 地球 (很久很久以前) 9 00:02:12,345 -> 00:02:13,835 打门! Goal! 10 00:03:04,500 -> 00:03:06,911 冰河世纪4:大陆漂移 11 00:03:24,551 -> 00:03:26,678 那是什么?艾莉,你听到了么? What was that? Ellie, did you hear that? 12 00:03:26,887 -> 00:03:29,219 我听到了,曼尼,不管是什么,还很远 I heard it, Manny.Whatever it is, it's miles away. 13 00:03:29,389 -> 00:03:30,720 桃子,你还好么? Peaches, are you all right? 14 00:03:31,258 -> 00:03:32,247 她去哪儿了? Where is she? 15 00:03:32,526 -> 00:03:34,517 小孩子哪有那么起这么早 No teenager is ever up early. 16 00:03:35,595 -> 00:03:37,790 放心啦,典狱长,人家又没给关禁闭 Easy warden, she's not on lockdown. 17 00:03:42,469 -> 00:03:44,869 你们俩是怎么当叔叔的! You two were supposed to be responsible uncles! 18 00:03:44,938 -> 00:03:48,169 什么?我才没有看到桃子15还是20分钟前溜走了 What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago. 19 00:03:48,241 -> 00:03:50,402 也没有看到她和路易斯去瀑布了 Or that she went with Louis to the falls. 20 00:03:50,477 -> 00:03:52,672 瀑布?那群小混混去的地方? The falls? Where the delinquents go? 21 00:03:52,746 -> 00:03:54,839 别紧张,只是孩子们玩的地方罢了 Relax, it's just where the kids hang out. 22 00:03:54,915 -> 00:03:57,645 才不是,混混就上瘾了 No, no, it's a gateway hangout. 23 00:03:57,717 -> 00:04:00,413 先是去瀑布,然后穿鼻环 First it's the falls, then she's piercing her trunk. 24 00:04:00,487 -> 00:04:02,682 下一件,她就要开始吸莓毒了 and the next thing you know, she's addicted to berries. 25 00:04:02,956 -> 00:04:06,221 曼尼!你反应过度啦 Manny! You are overreacting. 26 00:04:06,393 -> 00:04:08,657 她不会永远是你的小姑娘 She's not going to be your little girl forever. 27 00:04:08,828 -> 00:04:11,991 我知道,所以我才担心 I know.That's what worries me. 28 00:04:14,668 -> 00:04:15,692 快点! Come on! 29 00:04:18,572 -> 00:04:19,630 路易斯! Louis! 30 00:04:19,706 -> 00:04:23,073 你能不能把脑袋钻出来一次?外面多好玩啊 Would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun? 31 00:04:25,145 -> 00:04:28,376 我是个鼹鼠,我头就该在地底下啊 I'm a molehog.My head's supposed to be underground. 32 00:04:28,448 -> 00:04:32,680 而且我对好玩的定义, 才不是冒险去找可爱的猛犸帅哥 And my idea of fun isn't risking death so that you can meet some cute mammoth. 33 00:04:32,752 -> 00:04:35,949 伊森不是可爱,人家是性感 Ethan isn't cute.He's hot. 34 00:04:36,923 -> 00:04:39,756 另外,总不能一辈子都睡安生觉吧 Besides, you can't spend your whole life playing it safe. 35 00:04:39,826 -> 00:04:41,487老爸? - I know I would.嘿!Hey!奶奶 - 你们都不让我玩I never get to have any fun. 83 00:07:59,359 -> 00:08:02,692 带她去你住的地方看看? 她可以睡一会 Why don't you show her your cave? Yeah, she could use a nap. 84 00:08:02,862 -> 00:08:04,625 哦,我有好多话要跟你说 Boy, there's so much to tell you. 85 00:08:04,798 -> 00:08:06,698 上次见到你之后,发生了好多事 A lot has happened since the last time I saw you. 86 00:08:06,866 -> 00:08:08,128 没兴趣 Not interested. 87 00:08:08,301 -> 00:08:10,769 但是我们在冰河世纪和恐龙大战呢 But we fought dinosaurs in the lce Age. 88 00:08:10,937 -> 00:08:13,098 非常不可思议,但真的很刺激 It didn't make sense, but it sure was exciting. 89 00:08:13,606 -> 00:08:16,097 终于摆脱老蝙蝠了!我们走! We got rid of the crazy bat! Let's go! 90 00:08:18,378 -> 00:08:20,209 喂喂!你们就这么一走了之 Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't just leave. 91 00:08:20,380 -> 00:08:21,608 希德会很伤心的 Sid will be crushed. 92 00:08:21,981 -> 00:08:23,949 对不起,小朋友,家里都四分五裂了 Sorry, cookie, things are breaking apart back home. 93 00:08:24,117 -> 00:08:27,450 所以我们需要搬到内陆去, 奶奶太累赘了 So, we're headed inland.And Granny is just dead weight. 94 00:08:27,620 -> 00:08:29,383快,快!Mush, mush! 95 00:08:30,156 -> 00:08:34,593 还有,告诉邻居,她会乱跑! And warn the community.She tends to wander! 96 00:08:35,328 -> 00:08:37,558 好吧,难怪希德也是这样了 Well, that explains a lot about Sid. 97 00:08:37,797 -> 00:08:41,096 爸,妈,你们有看到奶奶的假牙么? 她找不到了 Mom, Dad, do you have Granny's teeth? She can't find them. 98 嘿!你能给我嚼一下么? 树懒奶奶:Hey! Can you chew this thing for me? 大家都去哪里了? 树懒:Guys? Where is everyone? 我来吧 剑齿虎:I'll handle this. 希德? 剑齿虎:Sid? 你全家被小行星撞成末了 对不起 剑齿虎:Your family was wiped out by an asteroid.Sorry. 啥? 树懒:What? 迭戈想说的是, 猛犸象爸:What Diego is trying to say is. 他们走了 猛犸象爸:they left. 他们只想找到你, 这样你就可以照顾奶奶 猛犸象爸:They only wanted to find you so you could take care of Granny. 拜托,哪有这么变态的家庭, 会把奶奶抛弃给一个人? 树懒:Come on, what kind of sick family would ditch their Granny on someone? 真是疯了吧,真是 树懒:That's just crazy.That's just. 真是 树懒:That's just. 真是我的家庭 树懒:.my family. 至少你还有奶奶,对不对? 剑齿虎:At least you still have Granny.Right, buddy? 是,奶奶,奶奶? 树懒:Yeah, Granny.Granny? 奶奶? 树懒:Granny? 哇,一个老太太,她也太快了吧 猛犸妈:Wow.For an old girl, she moves fast. - 奶奶?猛犸爸:Granny. 奶奶? 剑齿虎:Granny? 出来吧,快出来吧! 树懒:Come out, come out wherever you are! 出来吧,奶奶 猛犸象爸:Come on, Granny. 来这里吧,奶奶,我这里有梅子! 树懒:Here, Granny, Granny.I have prunes for you! 你想要的那种! 树懒:Just the way you like them! 看不下去了 猛犸象爸:I don't want to see that. 噢,不 猛犸象爸:Oh, no. 你爸发现了怎么办? 我没有想像中的那么强悍! 刺猬:What if your dad finds out? 刺猬:I'm not as tough as I look! 等等,你听到了么? 猛犸女儿:Wait, do you hear that? 长传! 猛犸伊桑:Go long! 帅! 乌龟:Cool! 嘿,快看,那是伊森 猛犸女儿:Hey, look, there's Ethan. 耶,伊森! 众猛犸:Yeah, Ethan! 你好厉害啊! 众猛犸:You go, boy! 太棒了 猛犸伊桑:That was nice. 耶! 鹿:Yeah! 看到没?很好玩,不危险 猛犸女儿:See? Fun, no danger. 看我的! 鹿:Check me out! - 我确信他没事鹿:I'm completely not fine! 还真的滑下来了!太疯狂了! 猛犸伊桑:You did not just do that! That was crazy! 帅 猛犸伊桑:Nice. 耶! 众猛犸:Yeah! 他是不是很完美? 猛犸女儿:Isn't he perfect? 完美,太过了,或许合适 刺猬:"Perfect." lt's such a strong word.Maybe "adequate." 我们在跟踪谁? Who are we stalking? 是不是伊森?我赌是伊森 Is it Ethan? I bet it's Ethan. - 你们俩在这里干嘛?猛犸女儿:What are you guys doing here? 曼尼让我们盯着你 Manny told us to keep an eye on you. - 但不能被发现Under any circumstances. 白痴,白痴,白痴 Stupid, stupid, stupid. 好,我要去了,我看上去还行么? 猛犸女儿:Okay, I'm going for it.Do I look okay? 路易斯? 猛犸女儿:Louis? 还行根本不足以形容 刺猬:"Okay" doesn't even begin to cover it. 路易斯,你是我最好的朋友! 猛犸女儿:Louis.You're the greatest friend ever! 那就是我吧 刺猬:That's me. 嗨,伊森,我叫桃子,你叫什么? 猛犸女儿:Hi, Ethan, my name's Peaches.What's yours? 我在干嘛? 好,冷静点,冷静 猛犸女儿:What am I doing? 猛犸女儿:Okay, just be cool, just be. 啊! 猛犸女儿:No! 喔,重量级的来了! 猛犸伊桑:Yeah.That's intense! 好疼啊! 猛犸女儿:This hurts so much! 不要!不要啊! 猛犸女儿:No! No! No! 好恶心,那不就是总和负鼠混在一起的怪胎么! 众猛犸:Gro.It's that weirdo 众猛犸:who chills with poums! 发生了什么? 猛犸伊桑:What just happened? 哦,对不起,伊森!真抱歉 猛犸女儿:Oh, no! Ethan, I am so sorry. 哇,你近一点看上去更加帅 猛犸女儿:Wow, you're even better-looking up close. 我的意思是,更清楚 猛犸女儿:Phenomenal.I mean. 你有双胞胎? 猛犸伊桑:You have a twin sister? 我打扰你们了么? 猛犸爸:Am I interrupting something? - 爸! - 噢,天哪,好吧 -猛犸女儿: Dad!只要往后挪一点点 - 猛犸女儿:Wait, no, you go left.-猛犸伊桑: Just move back a bit. 你!离我女儿远一点 猛犸爸:You! Keep away from my daughter. - 爸 - 还有你,关禁闭!猛犸爸:And you, you're grounded! - 但我没有猛犸爸:Grounded! 好丢脸啊 众猛犸:Loser alert. 噢,那是她爸 众猛犸:Ouch, that's her dad. 说真的,太尴尬了 众猛犸:Seriously, that's embarraing. 真变态 众猛犸:What a freak. 桃子! 猛犸爸:Peaches! 桃子!过来,我们可以谈谈! 猛犸爸:Peaches, come on.Let's talk about this! 你为什么要在我朋友前羞辱我? 猛犸女儿:How could you embarra me in front of my friends? 你有意去了你不该去的地方! 猛犸爸:You deliberately went where you weren't supposed to! 你不能控制我的生活! 猛犸女儿:You can't control my life! 我是在保护你! 这是父亲该做的事 猛犸爸:I'm trying to protect you! That's what fathers do. 那我真希望你不是我父亲 猛犸女儿:Well.I wish you weren't my father. 她只是心烦,亲爱的 猛犸妈:She's just upset, honey. 桃子!又不是世界末日到了 猛犸妈:Peaches! It's not the end of the world. 哇哦,对不起 树懒:Whoa.Excuse me. 我觉得应该不是你发出的 剑齿虎:I don't think that was you. - 到底是什么?猛犸爸:I don't know. 站着别动 猛犸爸:Stay there. 我过来 猛犸爸:I'll come to you. - 艾莉!猛犸爸:Ellie! -猛犸妈: Manny! 不要! 猛犸妈:No! - 爸! - 桃子,退后!猛犸爸:Peaches, get back! 快,爸,快! 猛犸女儿:Hurry, Dad! Hurry! 曼尼! 猛犸妈:Manny! - 迭戈! - 你过不过去的!剑齿虎:You never would have made it! 艾莉,你身后! 猛犸爸:Ellie, behind you! 发生了什么? 猛犸女儿:What's happening? 去桥那边!到桥另一端你们就安全了 猛犸爸:Go to the land bridge! You'll be safe on the other side. 不,曼尼!不要! 猛犸妈:No, Manny! No! 我们在那里碰头! 猛犸爸:I'll meet you there! 曼尼!不要! 猛犸妈:Manny! No! 艾莉,你得快走!走!快走! 猛犸爸:Ellie, you have to get out of here! Go! Go now! - 妈妈! - 退后!退后!猛犸女儿:Get back! Get back! 爸爸! 猛犸女儿:Daddy! 好好活着! 猛犸爸:Stay alive! 不管多久,我都会找到你! 猛犸爸:No matter how long it takes, I will find you! 妈,都是我的错,要我听了 猛犸女儿:Mom, this is all my fault.If I had just listened. 桃子!不是你的错,好么? 猛犸妈:Peaches! This is not your fault, okay? 万一我再也见不到他了呢? 我们最后一件事竟然是吵架 猛犸女儿:What if I never see him again? And the last thing we did was fight. 嘿,你父亲是我所见过最坚强, 也是最固执的猛犸象 猛犸妈:Hey, your father is the toughest, most stubborn mammoth I've ever met. 你会来找我们的,那是个承诺 猛犸妈:He'll come back for us.That's a promise. 快来!帮我把这玩意儿转过来! 猛犸爸:Come on! Help me turn this thing around! 诸位!请安静下来,不要惊慌! 猛犸妈:Everyone, please, settle down.Don't panic! 等等,妈妈,路易斯在哪里? 我们得去找到他 猛犸女儿:Wait, Mom, where's Louis? We have to find him. 好,要快 猛犸妈:Okay, fast. 他们需要我!我们得回去! 猛犸爸:They need me! We got to get back. 老兄,这玩意儿太大了, 水流把我们往外冲 剑齿虎:Buddy, this thing's too big to turn.The current's pulling us out. 我妈妈从前告诉我说, 坏消息不过是好消息的伪装 树懒:You know, my mother once told me that bad news was just good news in disguise. 她是在抛弃你之前告诉你的么? 剑齿虎:Was this before she abandoned you? 没错 树懒:Yes, it was. 不过,重点在于,尽管事情看上去很糟糕 树懒:But the point being that, even though things look bad. 每个转角都会有彩虹 树懒:there's a rainbow around every corner. 之后就是一帆风顺的! 树懒:and nothing but smooth sailing ahead! 一帆风顺么,希德? 猛犸爸:Smooth sailing, Sid? - 路易斯?路易斯?才不要 - 树懒:Granny, grab my paw.快走开! - 树懒:I got you, Granny.等等,小眯眼Hey! 324 00:26:57,462 -> 00:26:58,759 等船长的命令 Wait for Captain's orders. 325 00:26:59,364 -> 00:27:00,922 喂,下面的! Ahoy, down there! 326 00:27:01,533 -> 00:27:03,865 你们可知有多幸运? How lucky are you? 327 00:27:04,036 -> 00:27:07,130 这片海域都是海盗的地盘 You know these waters are infested with pirates. 328 00:27:07,306 -> 00:27:08,830 对吧,兄弟们? Right, boys? 329 00:27:09,007 -> 00:27:11,032 很高兴我们先发现了你们 Glad we found you before they did. 330 00:27:13,645 -> 00:27:16,307 我是胆量船长,是来帮助你们的 Captain Gutt, here to help. 331 00:27:16,615 -> 00:27:18,879 那只猴子看起来态度很友好 You know, that's a nice monkey. 332 00:27:23,956 -> 00:27:27,448 我们不想惹麻烦,我们只想回到陆地上 Look, we don't want any trouble.We just need to get back to the continent. 333 00:27:27,626 -> 00:27:30,686 陆地?那一坨不毛之地? The continent? That pile of rubble? 334 00:27:33,699 -> 00:27:35,724 我家人在那里,如果你可以 My family's there, so if you could just. 335 00:27:36,568 -> 00:27:40,026 哦,你家人?听上去好温馨啊 Your family? That is so sweet. 336 00:27:40,205 -> 00:27:44,141 我希望你和他们说了再见, 因为根本没有回去的路 I hope you said goodbye, because there's no way back. 337 00:27:44,309 -> 00:27:47,642 额,实际上有的, 你不记得了么,船长? Yes, there is.Don't you remember, Captain? 338 00:27:47,813 -> 00:27:51,180 你可以航行到回头弯, 然后顺着逆行的水流就行了 You can sail to Switchback Cove and catch the current back from there. 339 00:27:51,350 -> 00:27:53,545 看看我脑子反应多快 It's like a steel trap, this noggin is. 340 00:27:53,719 -> 00:27:55,744 真是谢谢了,弗林先生 Thank you, Mister Flynn. 341 00:27:57,489 -> 00:27:59,514 看到没?我就知道会有回家的路的 See? I knew there was a way home. 342 00:27:59,691 -> 00:28:00,988 回个屁家! There is no home! 343 00:28:03,161 -> 00:28:04,651 只有这儿 There is only here. 344 00:28:04,830 -> 00:28:08,596 而且在这儿,你们的船归我了 And here, your ship belongs to me. 345 00:28:10,035 -> 00:28:11,263 准备战斗! Battle stations! 346 00:28:17,109 -> 00:28:18,599 升旗! Fly the colors! 347 00:28:21,613 -> 00:28:25,743 现在要么交船, 要么就尝尝惹毛我的后果 Now surrender your ship or face my fury. 348 00:28:25,884 -> 00:28:27,476 惹你的什么毛? Or face your furry what? 349 00:28:27,719 -> 00:28:30,085 不是毛,是惹毛! Not "furry." Fury! 350 00:28:30,255 -> 00:28:31,688 开火! Fire! 351 00:28:35,127 -> 00:28:37,152 打中猛犸象,大大奖赏! Hit the mammoth, win a prize. 352 00:28:37,729 -> 00:28:39,356 叮,叮,叮 Ding, ding, ding. 353 00:28:39,698 -> 00:28:41,222 右舷开火! Fire the starboard cannons. 354 00:28:41,299 -> 00:28:43,529 我!就!喜!欢! I love this job! 355 00:28:43,602 -> 00:28:44,796 雪柔,上 Shira, fetch. 356 00:28:44,870 -> 00:28:46,235 遵命,船长 Aye-aye, Captain. 357 00:28:50,942 -> 00:28:52,102 差一点哦 You almost made it. 358 00:28:52,177 -> 00:28:53,371 我不和姑娘打架 I don't fight girls. 359 00:28:57,315 -> 00:28:58,373 我知道为什么了 I can see why. 360 00:28:59,284 -> 00:29:00,876 千斤大肚坠! Belly flop. 361 00:29:02,721 -> 00:29:03,745 希德! Sid! 362 00:29:03,822 -> 00:29:05,847 小不点,跳个伦巴吧 Let's rumba, Tiny. 363 00:29:06,124 -> 00:29:07,614 玩完了,大块头 Lights out, big fella. 364 00:29:13,565 -> 00:29:14,896 曼尼! Manny! 365 00:29:24,076 -> 00:29:25,134 你好 Hello. 366 00:29:25,410 -> 00:29:26,672 嘿,老兄 Hey, buddy. 367 00:29:27,079 -> 00:29:28,808 欢迎来到派对 Welcome to the party. 368 00:29:31,416 -> 00:29:34,249 来,秀个舞姿,跳吧,小鼠鱼! Let's see what kind of moves you got.Dance, little Scrat fish! 369 00:29:34,419 -> 00:29:35,977 给大爷跳! Dance your coconuts off! 370 00:29:37,489 -> 00:29:39,150 给俺跳欢点 Happy dance. 371 00:29:42,994 -> 00:29:44,825 瞧瞧他 Look at him. 372 00:29:45,130 -> 00:29:47,428 俺的靴靴呢?有人看到了么? (同战利品谐音) Where's my bootie? Has anyone seen it? 373 00:29:47,599 -> 00:29:49,191 哥们儿,就在你背后 Dude, it's right behind you. 374 00:29:49,367 -> 00:29:51,301 哪儿呢?俺靴靴在哪儿呢? Where? Where's my bootie? 375 00:29:51,470 -> 00:29:52,937 我找不到了 I can't see it. 376 00:29:53,105 -> 00:29:54,766 妈的我眼前都是你“靴靴” It's all I can see. 377 00:29:55,173 -> 00:29:58,370 真是个快乐的假期,第一次这么好 This is a lovely vacation.Best I've ever had. 378 00:29:59,044 -> 00:30:00,477 早上好,小阳光 Morning, sunshine. 379 00:30:00,54