2023年岗位职责中英文(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:人力资源经理岗位职责(中英文) 岗位职责 : Responsibilities: 1.协助决策层制定公司发展战略,负责其功能领域内短期及长期的公司决策和战略; To aist the management team in making plans of development and be responsible for the short-term or long-term decision-making independently 2.全面统筹规划人力资源开发及战略管理,拟定人力资源规划方案,并监督各项计划的实施; To make overall plans of Human Resources development and govern the operation of programs 3、建立并完善人力资源管理体系,研究、设计人力资源管理模式各模块体系的全面建设,制定和完善配套的HR管理制度; To establish and better HR management, research and design the overall construction of human resources system 4、向公司决策层提供人力资源、组织机构等方面的建议并致力于提高公司综合管理水平,控制人力资源成本; To provide the management team with advises on HR management and improve the organization chart of company, like control the cost of human resources effectively 5、及时处理公司管理过程中的问题,招聘、面试公司所需要的人员, 策划公司的培训计划,指导员工职业生涯规划; To solve the problems of management, recruit and interview the employees, make training courses regularly and help the stuff make self-career plan 6、负责公司的整体企业文化建设、外联政府部门公共关系建设;凝聚公司的团队。 To build the working atmosphere and corporate culture; to develop and maintain the internal and external relationship 7、负责公司的科技项目申报和管理,同时总体负责企业安全、环保、员工健康等相关工作。 To declare and manage the scientific projects, and be responsible for the health of employees, the safety and environment of workplace 8、负责公司各种行政申报、行政用品、团队活动策划组织。 To take charge of all the declaration to the authorities, office supplies and the organization of team activities 任职要求: Requirements: 1、人力资源管理或相关专业本科以上学历。受过战略管理、生产管理、市场营销、财务管理等方面的培训; University major in human resources or related bachelor degree; educational or training backgrounds on strategy-making, manufacture management, marketing and financial affairs 2、5年以上行政人事经理经验 ,良好的英文基础。 5+ years Human Resources manager experience, with good command of English 3、熟悉人力资源的六大模块(人力资源规划、招聘与配置、培训与开发、绩效管理、薪酬福利管理、劳动关系管理),熟悉国家、地区及企业关于合同管理、薪金制度、用人机制、保险福利待遇、培训等方面的法律法规及政策; Being familiar with the six part of Human Resources: human resource planning (HRP),recruitment, training, performance appraisal, compensation, labor relations 4、很强的计划性和实施执行的能力;有亲和力,很强的激励、沟通、协调、团队领导能力,责任心、事业心; Strong organizational and prioritization skills, outstanding communication, coaching, and interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively with people at all levels of the organization 5、有外资企业及国际化企业工作者优先。 Experience in multinational company preferred 推荐第2篇:资料员岗位职责中英文版 Responsibilities of documenter 资料员岗位职责 1.Aist to collect, sort and take care of project files at construction site. 1、协助工地做好工程档案资料的收集、整理和保管工作。2.Establish accounts and manage project data of project department. 2、建立台账,对项目部工程资料管理。 3.Establish accounts for received data iued by the Owner, such as drawings and technical document; and iue the received date to technician and the construction teams in time. 3、甲方下发的施工图纸及施工技术资料做好接收资料台账,并及时下发到工号技术员手中,及下发到施工单位。 4.Sort and file the handover documents. 4、整理交工资料。 推荐第3篇:技术科长岗位职责中英文版 Responsibilities of Technical Manager技术科 长岗位职责 1、Be familiar with construction drawings and timely solved the problems in the drawing.熟悉现场施工图纸并对图纸中存在的问题及时解决。 2、Supervise technicians of each units to prepare construction procedures anddocuments need to be submitted before start of the project.督促各工号技术员编制施工方案,及开工前的报审资料。 3、Make sure the technical documents of each units are synchronouswith the project.Be responsible for thetechnical disclosure work.控制各工号技术资料与工程同步,及技术交底工作。 4、Prepare construction schedule plan.编制施工进度计划工作。 5、Be responsible forquality inspection of the site construction and installation engineering, timely discover and solve problems, strictlycontrol quality engineering, prevent quality accidents, and ensure the high quality of the project.对建筑安装工程质量进行现场检查,及时发现、及时解决,严把工程质量关,杜绝质量事故发生,保证工程质量在合格的基础上提高优质品率。 6、Complete thegrade certification and control workof sub-divisional and subproject engineering.做好分项、分部工程的等级认证和把关工作。 7、Implement the quality principle of prevention first, improve the quality of the project, lead and supervisequality management work of each construction units.贯彻以防为主的质量方针,提高工程质量,领导和监督各个施工工号质量管理体系的质量管理工作。 8、Be responsible for conduct of the start work procedures, management and collection the internal documents of project, responsible for the completion and hand over of the project, management ofthe project technical documents which kept by company.负责开工手续的办理和工程技术内部资料的管理、收集,负责工程竣工及交工,管理好公司存档的工程技术资料。 推荐第4篇:中英文对照职责 主要工作职责: 1 新供应商的开发,包括收集潜在供应商资料,主导新供应商评估和选择,商务条款谈判, 价格谈判等。 Supply sourcing, including collect information of potential supplier, new supplier selection and evaluation, and negotiations about price and transaction conditions. 2.供应商管理,主导定期评审现有供应商,分析、整合及优化现有供应资源;督促供应商在 品质、交期、价格及服务上持续改进;维护供应商关系,与主要供应商建立长期战略合作伙伴关系,以期在新技术、单价及交期上获得更好的配合。 Supplier management, regularly review and ae the existing suppliers, driving supplier on continuous improvement in quality, delivery, price and service, maintain supplier relationships and establish long-term strategic partnership with key suppliers to get the best support on price,delivery and new technology. 3.制订部门年/季/月度工作计划,作季度市场分析,包括供应商分布、技术发展及应用倾向、 原材料成本结构及价格趋势等。 Draw up the departments yearly, quarterly and monthly working plans,make quarterly marketing analysis, including supply distribution, technology trends,application tends, raw material cost constitutions and price tends. 4.推动及引导团队通过采购本地化、使用替代料、改良工艺、集中采购、减少 L/T、实行JIT 及VMI、谈判降价等各种有效方法持续降低原材料采购成本。 Lead and drive the team continuing reduce the purchase cost by different wayssuch as second source and supply localization,technology improvement,centralized purchasing,shorten lead time,implement JIT / VMI,etc and so on. 5.制订及优化部门工作流程,拟订程序文件、采购相关合约及设计相关工作表格等。 Draw up the proce of SCM department and develop it, including ISO program file, job guide manuals, purchasing agreement, and some form about SCM etc. 6 团队建设,通过周会交流及培训分享各自经验,学习新的知识及工作技巧,解决冲突,建 设学习型组织。 Team-building, establish a learning organization through the opening weeks, share experiences,learn knowledge and skills,resolve conflicts and promote teamwork mold 7 跟公司其它部门保持良好的沟通及合作,提供必要的支持和协助。 Keep good communication and cooperation with other departments,and provide support when neceary. 推荐第5篇:英文合同(中英文) 日期:合同号码: Date:ContractNo.: 买方:(TheBuyers)卖方:(TheSellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: ThiscontractismadebyandbetweentheBuyersandtheSellerwherebytheBuyersagreetobuyandtheSellersagreetoselltheunder-mentionedgoodubjecttothetermsandconditioatipulatedhereinafter: (1)商 品名称: NameofCommodity: (2)数量: Quantity: (3)单价: Unitprice: (4)总值: TotalValue: (5)包装: Packing: (6)生产国别: CountryofOrigin: (7)支付条款: TermsofPayment: (8)保险: iurance: (9)装运期限: TimeofShipment: (10)起运港: PortofLading: (11)目的港: PortofDestination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不附,除属保险公司或船方 责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims: Within45daysafterthearrivalofthegoodsatthedestination,shouldthequality,ecificatioorquantitybefoundnotinconformitywiththestipulatioofthecontractexceptthoseclaimsforwhichtheiurancecompanyortheownersoftheveelareliable,theBuyerhall,havetherightonthestrengthoftheiectioncertificateiuedbytheC.C.I.CandtherelativedocumentstoclaimforcompeationtotheSellers (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由发生在制造,装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不 能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以 空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽 快发货。 ForceMajeure: Thesellerhallnotbeheldreoibleforthedelayinshipmentornon-deli-veryofthegoodsduetoForceMajeure,whichmightoccurduringtheproceofmanufacturingorinthecourseofloadingortrait.ThesellerhalladvisetheBuyersimmediatelyoftheoccurrencementionedabovethewithinfourteendaysthereafter.theSellerhallsendbyairmailtotheBuyersfortheiracceptanceacertificateoftheaccident.UndersuchcircumstancestheSellers,however,arestillundertheobligationtotakeallnecearymeasurestohastenthedeliveryofthegoods. (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提 交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约 束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 Arbitration: AlldiutesincoectionwiththeexecutionofthisContractshallbesettledfriendlythroughnegotiation.incasenosettlementcanbereached,thecasethenmaybesubmittedforarbitrationtotheArbitrationCommiionoftheChinaCouncilforthePromotionofInternationalTradeinaccordancewiththeProvisionalRulesofProcedurepromulgatedbythesaidArbitrationCommiion.theArbitrationcommitteeshallbefinalandbindinguponbothparties.andtheArbitrationf eeshallbebornebythelosingparties. 买方:卖方: - (授权签字)(授权签字) 推荐第6篇:誓词 中英文 誓词 Statement 本人张梅,女,40岁.现居住在中华人民共和国成都市金牛区一环路北一段113号2栋2单元3楼6号,身份证号码:511002197312141220,郑重宣誓本人经历和资产来源真实如下: I, Zhang Mei, Female, now 40 years old, ID Card No.: 511002197312141220 inhabit at 3-6, Unit 2, Building 2, No.113, Section 1, 1stRing RoadNorth, Jinniu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, the Peoples Republic of China.I hereby solemnly state that my personal experiences and family aetsources are as follows: 从2023年7月于四川大学工商管理专业本科毕业以后,我被分配到成都博瑞广告有限公司工作,主要从事媒介执行工作。之后在2023年11月被四川圆通建设有限公司聘请为总经理,主要从事公司的销售管理业务,全面负责四川市场、全国市场与国际市场的开拓和销售渠道的建立。从2023年8月至2023年10月,我的总收入约为人民币15万元。 In July 2023, I wasaigned to Chengdu B-Ray Advertising Co.,Ltd.and served as Media Executiveafter graduated from Sichuan University as a bachelor in busine administration.Then I was hired as General Manager by Sichuan Yuantong Construction Co.,Ltd.in November 2023, mainly engaged in the Company's sales management busine and fully responsible for the development of markets in Sichuan, China and even the world, and establishment of sales channels, where my total income was about RMB 150,000 from August2023 to October 2023. 2023年11月,我在“四川圆通建设公司”参股并任总经理,全面管理公司与四川石油天然气有限公司的天然气管道和石油管道工程业务。由于我的工程专业知识功底深厚以及多年来从事销售工作的经验,当然更重要的是我做人的诚信,使我很快在这陌生的环境里组建了一支优秀的团队。在销售中我竭力站在客户的立场,为客户提供最合理的购买方案,使客户节省了很多不必要的开支。因此,我们得到了客户的认同,并很快打开了销售的局面,销售区域从国内到国际覆盖了四川、深 圳、福建、东莞、河南、武汉、云南、江西、陕西、甘肃、新疆、北京并很快扩展到泰国、土库曼斯坦等地。截止到2023年,管道工程的业务量共计30多个工程,工程合同额达到10666余万元,利润达2000多万元。按公司当时的分配政策为利润提成30%,而提成部分的70%归公司总经理也就是本人所得,余下的30%由公司再做分配(公司当时共有在职员工10位)。 Icontributed to Sichuan Yuantong Construction Co.,Ltd.and served as the General Manager in November 2023,fully managing the Companys natural gas pipeline and oil pipeline projects with Sichuan Petroleum Gas Co.,Ltd.Because of my deep foundation in engineering knowledge andyears of experience in sales, of course, more importantmy integrity, I established an outstanding team soon in the Company which is new for me.During selling, I tried my best to stand in the position of customersto provide most reasonable purchase plans for them, which allows customers to save a lot of unneceary expenses.Therefore, we obtained the customersrecognition, and quickly developed the sales markets covering Sichuan, Shenzhen, Fujian, Dongguan, Henan, Wuhan, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiangand Beijing, and soon spread to such foreign countries as Thailand, Turkmenistan.By the end of 2023, I have undertaken over 30 pipeline projects with the total contract value of over RMB 106.66 million and profit of about over RMB 20 million.According to the distribution policy of the Company at that time,the commiion from profit the Company obtained accounting for30%, 70% of which are distributed to me, the General Manager, and other 30% may be further distributed by the Company (the Company had totally 10 employeesat that time). 我公司在 2023年购入400吨专业管道工程的定向钻机,2023年获得六项国家专利后,公司的工程业务量不断上升,分别在云南和武汉成立了分公司。准备在2023年承包泰国38公里的油气管道工程。公司的规模不断扩大从最初注册资金为200万元人民币,2023年变更为4000万元,我在公司所占股份比例10。 The Company purchased directional drilling machines for 400 tons of profeional pipeline projectsin 2023.The Companys engineering busine has been raised continuouslyafter won six national patents in 2023.Yunnan and Wuhanbranchesare also establishedseparately.The Company is now in preparation for contracting oil and gas pipeline project of 38 kilometers in Thailand in 2023.The Companys registeredcapital has been increased to RMB 40 million in 2023 from RMB 2 million upon its establishment.And I hold 10% of shares of the Company.目前公司占地面积约7575.60平方米,厂房建筑面积约1433.6平方米,现有员工247名,今年根据定单预计员工人数可增加到360名以上。2023年我公司新购置1000吨的卫星定位定向钻机,该设备采用了当今最先进的卫星定位技术及工艺,为我公司在2023年泰国38公里油气管道工程中向客户提供了相应的工程配套。为了更好完善公司管理、保证工程产品质量、提高工作效率,我公司于2023年通过了: 1、GB/T24001-2023-ISO14001:2023环境管理体系认证; With an area of approximately 7,575.60 m2, the Company has the workshop with the construction area of about 1,433.6 m2 and 247 personnel, and it is expected that the number of personnel will be increased to 360 as per the orders the Company received this year.In 2023, the Company will purchase 1,000 ton satellite positioningdirectional drilling machine for which the advanced satellite positioning technologies and proce are adopted, providing the Company better supporting facilities to undertaken the 38km oil and gas pipeline project in Thailand in 2023.To better improve the Companys management, ensure the quality of products and improve the work efficiency, in 2023, the Company has paed 1.GB/T24001-2023-ISO14001:2023 Quality Management Certificate; 2、GB/T19001-2023/ISO9001:2023质量管理体系认证; 2.GB/T19001-2023/ISO9001: 2023 Quality Management System Certification 3、GB/T28001-2023职业健康安全管理体系认证; 3.GB/T28001-2023 Occupational Health Safety Management System 4、AAA信用企业和五星级客户满意单位,从而为公司今后的长远发 展提供了必要的保证。截止到2023年底,我公司年工程收入已超过2000多万元,并且一直在不断地快速发展着。 4.As the Company is entitled with AAA Grade Credit Enterprise and Five-star Customer Satisfaction Enterprise, neceary guarantee for the long-term development in the future of the Company is provided.By the end of 2023, our annual project income has been more thanRMB 20 million and is further increased. 从2023年11月到今,我的总收入约为人民币800万元。 My totally income is about RMB 8 million since November2023. 2023年12月23日 宣誓人:张梅 Stated by: Zhang Mei December 23, 2023 推荐第7篇:中英文格言 Ø 我生命里最大的突破之一,就是我不再为别人对我的看法而担忧。此后,我真的能自由地去做我认为对自己最好的事。只有在我们不需要外来的赞许时,才会变得自由。罗伊·马丁纳 Ø 你四处寻觅,欲得一席宁静之地,但你只有在书海的一角才能找到它。埃科玫瑰的名字 Ø 一个人能够,并且应该让自己做到的,不是感到安全,而是能够接纳不安全的现实。弗洛姆逃避自由 Ø 我们心不在焉,百事无心,觉得做什么都没意思。并不是疲倦了,是因为我们有精力,只是茫无出路;并不是看透了,是因为我们有欲望,只是空无对象。 Ø 我们常常痛感生活的艰辛与沉重,无数次目睹了生命在各种重压下的扭曲与变形,“平凡”成了人们最真切的渴望。但是,我们却在不经意间遗漏了另外一种恐惧没有期待、无需付出的平静,其实是在消耗生命的活力与精神。米兰·昆德拉不能承受的生命之轻 Ø "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." “人生中最大的成就就是在这个纷乱繁杂的世界里面做自己”