2023年课内阅读,课外运用课堂教学反思 第一篇:课内阅读,课外运用课堂教学反思 课内阅读,课外运用课堂教学反思 课内的阅读教学是学生接触最为常见的媒介。通过这个媒介,学生能驾驭阅读的方法,学会阅读的实力,沟通阅读的感悟等。因此,我们重视学生在课内阅读教学中表现,留意对学生在阅读方法的指导,引导学生将自己的领悟表达出来,提升阅读素养。 一、驾驭方法事半功倍 在这节阅读教学中,我根据其次学段3、4年级阅读理解实力的培育层次要求:“能联系上下文,理解词句的意思,体会课文中关键词句在表情达意方面的作用。能借助字典、词典和生活积累,理解生词的意义。引导学生自己小结归纳出查字典理解字词、标注读书感受、好词佳句要积累、联系实际去理解、遇怀疑善提问、学后运用乐趣共多共6种阅读的方法,为学生顺当轻松地进行课外阅读开拓了一条快捷通道。 二、扩展阅读信息,陶冶情操,课内向课外延长。 大阅读教学理念告知我们,要拓展学生学习语文的渠道,要让学生带着问题走进课堂,带着更深、更新的问题走出课堂。如我结合我们的教材第五单元学习,以酷爱生命为主题,生命生命这篇课文是一篇散文,向同学生举荐张抗抗阿姨的一篇散文假如再做一次女孩,这篇文章选自作家安武林主编的阳光女孩之不能说的隐私。运用我们归纳的读书方法进行阅读。这样,较好地引导学生从课内阅读走向了课外阅读,实现了课内阅读与课外阅读的有效结合。 三、回来课内阅读教学,沉淀实力 阅读与写作是学生语言进展的两个重要方面,两者有着紧密的联系,是互相促进、共同进展的统一体。学生通过广泛、自主的阅读,写作实力得到了快速提升。具体表达为:通过对经典材料的阅读进行仿照练笔。仿照是沟通读写迁移的桥梁,它顺应了儿童的写作心理。我在作业布置时进行一个练笔假如再做一次女孩男孩,你想干什么?进行相应的仿照,那随着年级的上升,学生就慢慢获得了对文章整体架构的实力,起先对优秀文章的结构和技巧进行仿照,提升自身的写作实力。 总之,拓展课外阅读,应建立在课内阅读与课外阅读的链接点上,通过课内阅读情境的创设,方法的传授,努力培育学生良好的课外阅读心境与方法,激起孩子搜集信息的需求,使孩子入境、入文、入情,做到“得法于课内,得益乃至成长于课外。让学生在丰富多彩的阅读情境中,潜移默化地养成终身爱读书、会读书的习惯。真正使课外阅读与课内阅读有效结合,使孩子从中领悟书的魅力,享受书的快乐,快乐阅读。 其次篇:英语听力课内课外 Unit 5 Life Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1.essential 2.picture 3.practice 4.wealth 5.inspiration 6.circumstances 7.accumulated 8.behavior 9.ignorance 10.judgement II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 14 CDCC III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1.indispensible 2.necessities 3.range 4.line 5.talk 6.love 7.mysteriousness, maintain 8.popularity, latest Listening Task 2 15 CBADA Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1.goes without saying 2.armed to the teeth 3.selling like hot cakes 4.go Dutch 5.read between lines 6.nothing but 7.from hand to mouth 8.Last but not least 9.make the long story short 10.took French leave II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1.born, married, die, ceremony 2.choice 3.cerebrate, differs 4.go through 5.sorrow 6.mourning III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 16 TFFTTT Listening Task 2 1.incurable 2.cut off 3.bored 4.worthwhile 5.sacrifice 6.hanging 7.engaged 8.fellowship 9.practically 10.lose hope Unit 6 Humor Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 1.it allows you to make a point without drawing blood 2.that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes 3.and a sunny spirit takes their place 4.to console him for what he is 5.part of the art of leadership II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1.to achieve dominance, for self-protection, to construct solidarity 2.telling a joke, doing something silly III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 14 FTFT Listening Task 2 14 DCAA Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 ing 2.wonder 3.cloud 4.surprised 5.true 6.nearest 7.creation 8.explanation 9.found 10.around 11.wind 12.same 13.leaves 14.breeze 15.pleasing 16.wish 17.through 18.mine II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1.much more share stories of things going wrong or having problems, or an embarrassing situation, prefer either jokey banter or telling a joke in a much more solo way 2.a joke created by women 3.keeping something all to yourself and not share it with others III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 15 FFFTF Listening Task 2 1.friends 2.little 3.test 4.chemistry 5.questions 6.watching TV 7.worried 8.calm 9.coin 10.right 11.cheerfully 12.tossing a coin for half an hour and handed in his paper one hour earlier than the rest of us 13.threw it in the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it 14.You failed Unit 7 Sightseeing Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 1.Windsor Castle is often said to be the Queens favorite official residence.2.The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from France in 1886.3.In Britain, youll find attractions no matter what your lifestyle or interests are.Listening Task 2 1.the smallest of the Canadian provinces both in size and population 2.raise a family;operate a business;rejuvenate the mind 3.crafts, theaters, and festivals that celebrate life here 4.enjoy delicious lobster suppers, stroll on uncrowded beaches, play golf on more than a dozen courses II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 14 BCAC III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 13 AAD Listening Task 2 15 FTTFF(Please refer to the script for the correction of wrong statements.) Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1.You will probably agree that the most popular subject of American entertainment is love.2.Not only do Americans believe in romantic love but they also believe that it is the best basis for marriage.II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1.The Golden Gate Bridge.2.The bridge isnt golden, but red.It isnt named for its color.Its named for the Golden Gate.3.The Golden Gate is the opening in the land.Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay.4.Years ago men came to California to look for gold.Many came by ship.They came into the bay through the opening.For them it was a gate to gold.They named it the Golden Gate.III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 14 TFFT Listening Task 2 1.situated 2.accumulated 3.760 4.pearl 5.renamed 6.round 7.south-west 8 bined 9.is rested upon the mountains 10.hills in the water, the light of waves, shadow of mists Unit 8 Dream & Ideal Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 15 BBADD 610 AABBB II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 14 FFTT III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 14 ACDB Listening Task 2 1.profits 2.strives 3.sensible 4.founded 5.necessary 6.advice and support 7.profession 8.entrusted with saving peoples lives 9.develop the analytical skills necessary 10.I will realize my ideal if I preserve in this pursuit Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 15 ADCBC 610 DDCCC II.Understanding a Conversation 13 BBC III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 15 BDABD Listening Task 2 1.twin 2.care for 3.admirers of all ages 4.charming 5.popularity 6 e close to 7.box office 8.done her share 9.coupled with 10.highest-paid actresses Unit 9 Working Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 15 CBDAB 610 CBACD II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 15 TFFTT 67 FT III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1.various 2.add 3.paychecks 4.exploration 5.career-changers 6.uncertainty 7.terrific 8.rub 9.as many key people as possible 10.extremely boring work that no one else wants to do Listening Task 2 14 BDAC Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1.five 2.9:10 3.20 4.140 5.8:15 6.15% 7.50 8.100 9.5 10.50 II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 13 BBD III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 15 FTTTF Test Two(Key) I.Understanding Basic Skills 1.beginning, done 2.Actions, words 3.Lost, found 4.heads, one 5.stone, no 6.Confidence, step 7.second nature 8.architect, fortune 9.lose, learn 10.Failure, success II.Understanding Conversations Conversation 1 13 BDC Conversation 2 14 BBBC III.Understanding Passages Passage 1 13 CCA Passage 2 1.answer 2.finest 3.climate 4.attractions 5.activities 6.possibilities 7.variety 8.historic 9.interests for your holidays in Switzerland 10.whether it is the local village band or an all-star variety show Keys and Tapescripts Unit 10 Tradition & Custom Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 1.a fortnight(14天)2.fourteen hundred hours(14点)3.a decade(10年)4.six oclock sharp(6点整)5.ten before nine(9分50点)Listening Task 2 1.4 minutes.2.At 3:45.3.At 4:00.4.1:33.5.For 16 hours and a half.6.At around midnight.7.At 8:00 am.8.At 10:45 pm.9.7 hours.5.2 weeks.II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 14 DABD III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 Similarities: 1.the most important 2.beforehand, a joyous atmosphere 3.a family reunion, a square feast 4.new clothes, lovely presents Differences: 1.No.2.Having religious background and Santa Claus who brings children presents.3.Paying a call or visit on each other.4.Sending each other Christmas cards.Listening Task 2 1.To bring a gift.2.Eight, because the number eight is considered lucky.3.A gift which is too expensive.Because the host will feel needs to bankrupt himself to return your generosity.4.He will keep it unwrapped and place it somewhere prominent.Because opening the gift too hastily and in front of the guest may be considered greedy and ungrateful.5.Be sure to be fair.Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 15 DDBAB 610 BADDC II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 14 CDCB III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 13 BDD Listening Task 2 1.earlier 2.late 3.telephone 4.delayed 5.8 pm 6.9 pm 7.drink 8.introduced 9.You dont have to wait to be introduced 10.Its quite normal for someone to have a short conversation with you and then go on to talk to other people Unit 11 Talented People Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 15 ABABB 68 ABA Listening Task 2 16 CDABAC II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1.Sept.30, 1920 2.Shanghai 3.one of the foremost writers of love stories and novels 3.love between man and woman/ tensions between man and woman in love 4.Yuan of Half a Life;Love that Falls a City;Record of a Golden Lock;The Red Rose and the White Rose III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 15 CDBCD Listening Task 2 1.racial tension 2.designed 3.in religion 4.organized a protest 5.racial separation 6.Martin and his followers had won their struggle Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 16 BAAACD II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 15 TFTTF III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1.Perform and show on American radio, and later on television.2.Known not as someone who said funny things, but as someone who said things in a funny way.3.Born in Chicago, Illinois;his parents were religious Jews.4.“Motion Picture Daily voted him the countrys best radio comedian four times.He won a special award from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.He also won the Academys television award for the best comedy series in 1959.Listening Task 2 1.popularity 2.musician 3.graduating 4.featuring 5.rhythms 6.performer Unit 12 Success Part I In-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 1 15 ACBDA 610 DBCAB Listening Task 2 1.Himalayan Mountains 2.Moscow, Mexico City, Mexico 3.The Amazon river 4.the equator, the equator 5.the Cape of Good Hope II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 1.John Budd, a successful sales manager of an international company.2.To be invited to speak at the ceremony of his company.3.It is because the recognition of his work over the past years.4.its the goal that he has been single-mindedly pursuing all his life his activism, curious mind, positive attitude towards life and self-confidence all contributed a great deal to his success he falls in love with his job quickly III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 14 DDAB Listening Task 2 1.software services, Internet technologies 2.apply, achieve anything 3 puter, Programmers Group 4.A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer 5.greedy person, giving person Part II After-class Listening I.Understanding Basic Skills Listening Task 15 DACCB 610 ABCDA II.Understanding a Conversation Listening Task 14 BADC III.Understanding Passages Listening Task 1 1.money 2.post 3.title 4.different 5.work Listening Task 2 14 FFFT Test Three I.Understanding Basic Skills 15 DBDAB 610 DCBBC II.Understanding Conversations Conversation 1 14 DDBC Conversation 2 12 AC III.Understanding Passages Passage 1 14 DBAC Passage 2 1.centers 2.high-class 3.highway 4.cheaper 5.served 6.foreign 7.reasonable 8.expensive 9.When eating in a restaurant with waiter service you should always remember that the bill usually does not include service 10.There are also many restaurant chains in the US, which provide the same food and service everywhere 第三篇:课内课外结合 课内课外结合,教改教研并重 语文教学总结 本人从教十多年来,不断加强业务进修,提高学历层次,坚持学习国内外先进的教化教学阅历和崭新的教化理念,是个思想观念紧跟教化进展态势的创新型老师。十多年来在教学工作中摸爬滚打,阅历教训的不断积淀,教化观念的不断更新,在自己的头脑中也就形成了一套行之有效的观念,这些观念也为我平常教学工作和本学期的中学语文课程改革的探究供应了理论根据。现特就此文阐述 如下,盼望得到方家的指引。 一,关于课堂教学与课外活动 1、学生学得好远胜于老师教得好。 学习的主体是学生,教材的精练、好用、高效,老师的才智、才能、努力,教化环境的舒适等,都是外因,最终还是要通过学生自觉主动的学习活动来起作用。因此,在初二年级,如何充分调动学生的学习主动性,关心学生养成主动探究性学习的良好习惯,就显得特别重要。 2、以课文为语文教学的例子,增加课外阅读量。 “课本只是个例子,叶圣陶先生如是说。这也告知我们,不要唯课本论,不要把课本当作教材的全部。假如老师只是把“例子课本讲解分析得再明晰透彻,却不让学生去接触生活实际,不去从生活中采掘大量鲜活的学问,不去做适量的“习题,那么学生也不行能把所学的学问迁移为实力。所以,我在初二教学过程中力求压缩讲授课本的时间,尽量地多给学生一些课外阅读的时间和机会。 在语文教学活动中,课外活动应当占据着相当重要的位置,假如没有处理好语文教学和课外活动之间的关系,就无法把语文学科教好。据我所知,几乎在全部学校里,语文学科都处在相对弱势的地位,学生课余用于学习语文的时间几乎最少。而语文学科的特点又确定了不能仅仅靠课堂教学来完成,必需以课外活动为依托,这个冲突没有设法解决清楚,语文教学质量的提高只能是一句空话。 3、没有学问的积累,就很难有实力的提高。 初二年级正是打基础的时候,必需有支配的认真的扎扎实实的做好这项工作。还必需明确语文学科各阶段的目标。语文学科没有明显的阶段性。以前报道过的任小艾带的初三毕业班作高考语文试卷,平均成果超出北京市总平均分3分多就是很好的证明。因此,语文老师应当想方法把语文学习的大目标分解为若干个小目标,让学生感受到每一个阶段都有明确的学习目标,因此不敢放松。 二,关于阅读教学 1,压缩课文的授课时间,一般课文用1-2课时来完成。为了压缩课文的授课时间,首先要简化每一节课的教学目标,每一堂课只要求到达一个目的。每一篇课文的内容都一应俱全,想四平八稳、毫无遗漏的教给学生,不仅没有必要而且没有可能。俗话说得好:“伤其十指不如断其一指,从教学效果来说,必要的舍弃是应当的。志向的教学目标设计应当是从宏观进行,一学期、一学年的教学目标放在一起看,是一个系统的整体。但落实到每一节课,就必需有每一节课的目标和教学重点。其次,能够不在课堂上讲的内容,就尽量不放在课堂上讲,这也是压缩授课时间的方法。课前预习工作要落到实处,每一节课所布置的预习任务都要有具体的、明确的、可操作的,便于老师检查的。粗读课文,疏通文义,分段归纳段意等一系列工作,完全可以在课前完成。字词以及文学常识和文化学问,可以在开学初切块分给班里的每一位同学,由他们组织整理,上课前三分钟抄在黑板上,底稿上缴,一月整理一次。 2、以前学习过的句式转变、关联词用法、常用修辞手法以及其它语法学问,应当有机的切分到每一节课文当中,有支配的复习加深,这个工作特殊重要。没有扎扎实实的学问的积累,是很难有实力的迁移的。 3、向课外延长的问题,我始终手足无措,因为材料匮乏,学生手头连最至少一本统一读本也没有,如今,虽然有了多媒体教学网络,这个问题可望解决,但是,学生没有方法每天去上,因此,课外活动如何与正课有机的协作的问题,还需要我们认真考虑探讨。 三,关于作文教学 我的作文教学的基本思想可以归纳为 以下四点: 1,初二年级要求学生把记叙文的基础打扎实,把各类文体先写得规范些。 2,“作文是学生写出来的,不是老师改出来的。我不赞同我们学校硬性规定语文老师批改作文时应当怎样、不该怎样的那一套一统化措施。假如不根据每次作文的具体状况,一味强调作文的精批细改,把语文老师围困在作文堆里忙个不停,那就什么事也干不成。作文批改应实行学期积分制。每一次作文明确一个训练点,完成训练任务即得总分5分,每学期要求完成40分的指标,分数缺乏可以用作文数量来祢补。作文指标没有完成的,从期末考试语文成果中一次扣除。用这种方法逼着作文基础较差的同学多写作文。我已经试行一学期,效果不错。 3,要求学生坚持“课前三分钟讲演的讲演稿撰写,以作为作文课的补充。 4,利用每周两节阅读课的有利条件,开展诗歌朗诵课、默写竞赛、演讲竞赛等一系列活动。这些说读方面的活动,对写作水平的提高也是大有关心的。 四,关于课外语文活动 针对课余时间里,语文学科都处在相对弱势的地位,学生课下用于语文的时间几乎最少这一现状,就要充分利用一些零碎的时间