2023年剥豌豆作文450字 Tonight, after keeping operation, I see mom is paring horsebean, there still is a bag of big pea that did not pare on the side, then I volunteer to say to mom: This bag of pea I contracted. Mom nods agreed. 今日晚上,写完作业后,我观察妈妈正在剥蚕豆,旁边还放着一大袋没剥的豌豆,于是我自告奋勇对妈妈说:这一袋豌豆我承包了。妈妈点点头同意了。 My discovery is green appearance of green red bean pod is particularly lovely, of curved turn resemble hook like. I am learning mom to pare the appearance of horsebean, left hand takes legume, right big toe pares forcibly, ah, legume case is very strong, spent a long time to just pare the first peasecod. After opening too surprise letting a person, there is ; of fatso of 6 round ; shipshapely inside. I stretch my hand to catch ; of round ; fatso, as a result they skip from legume entirely came out, each resembles match high jump same, jump to the ground, still boil everywhere, I follow urgently at the back to chase after. 我发觉绿绿的小豆荚外形特殊可爱,弯弯的就像镰刀似的。我学着妈妈剥蚕豆的样子,左手拿豆荚,右拇指用力一剥,啊,豆荚壳好硬呀,花了很长时间才剥开第一个豌豆荚。打开后太让人惊喜了,里面整整齐齐地躺着六个圆;胖子;。我伸手就去抓圆;胖子;,结果它们全部从豆荚里蹦出来了,一个个像竞赛跳高一样,跳到地上,还处处滚,我急得跟在后面追。 Mom laugh gets rock, I say shyly to mom: ; this pea pared too hard also, have good method? ; mom takes a legume to had pared easily, and ; of round ; fatso people wait for the centre of the palm in her darlingly in, really strange. Mom is smiling to say: ; your first time pares pea, look for what legume carapace Huang Yi nods to pare, maize legume is a few thinner. Not urgent, pare more a few skilled, bean listens with respect to the word ; that can listen to you mom after this word, I take pod of a soya bean rapidly, pare rise as expected much easier. Ground of my one after another pares, gradually pea also did not skip outside. 妈妈笑得前仰后合,我难为情地对妈妈说:;这豌豆也太难剥了,有没有好的方法呀?;妈妈拿起一个豆荚很轻松地就剥好了,而且圆;胖子;们都乖乖地待在她的掌心里,真是惊奇。妈妈微笑着说:;你第一次剥豌豆,找豆荚壳黄一点的剥,黄色的豆荚薄一些。不要急,多剥几个就娴熟了,豆子就会听你的话;听完妈妈这番话后,我抓紧拿起一个黄豆荚,剥起来果真简单多了。我一个接一个地剥,慢慢地豌豆也不往外蹦跳了。 Did not think of to pare pea still is not a simple thing really, want you to learn seriously only nevertheless, can have done certainly. 没想到剥豌豆还真不是一件简洁的事,不过只要你仔细去学,就肯定能做好。(文/李铭萱)