2023年为别人喝彩作文600字 Mencius cloud: Sweetheart ; person, person constant loves, the person that respect a person, person constant respects. ; 孟子云:;爱人者,人恒爱之,敬人者,人恒敬之。; —— preface ——题记 Love is the tool that delivers close affection, friendship, love. Everybody should assume a pair of other, responsibility to the society, should learn to go penitentiary others, the society acclaims for others. 爱是传递亲情、友谊、爱情的工具。每个人都要承当起对他人、对社会的责任,要学会去感化别人,学会为别人喝彩。 Days is like a sword, years is like shuttle. How many abasement, how many pinch, the footstep of the person that cannot prevent conduct; How many cross, how many hardships, check the pace of the person that do not finish sth; How many lose, more or less to distress, cover not the joyance of the person that succeed. In the endless flow of years, somebody is successful, someone loses, the god of the destiny is mastering the different destiny of different person. 时光如剑,岁月如梭。多少屈辱,多少困苦,阻挡不了行事者的脚步;多少磨难,多少艰辛,抵抗不了事成者的脚步;多少失落,多少沮丧,遮盖不了胜利者的喜悦。在岁月的长河里,有人胜利,有人失败,命运之神把握着不同人的不同的命运。 I am right act person the success in the future is full of a hope, I feel the crisis for the satisfaction of the person that the thing is become 4 bend over. And I am right the person that succeed also left excitement only. The person that I expect to succeed the next time successful, the person that I bless act succeeds at an early date, the person that I persuade to succeed does not want extreme joy begets sorrow. I want the psychology that act vigorously of the person that carry act enters, I should make accomplish sth person the force of happy melt into in the heart, make succeed again, and I am right the person that succeed also is his success only and acclaimed. 我对行事者将来的胜利充满盼望,我为事成者的满足而感到危机四伏。而我对胜利者也只剩下了兴奋。我期盼胜利者下一次的胜利,我祝愿行事者早日胜利,我劝胜利者不要乐极生悲。我要保持行事者奋进的心理,我要使成事者心中的欢乐化为力量,使之再次胜利,而我对胜利者也只有为他的胜利而喝彩了。 Something unexpected may happen any time. After writing a composition to perhaps acclaim in you, the person that succeed is what appearance, perhaps the today's person that succeed wants because of the failure tomorrow to assume what kind of disgrace, perhaps be in after experience is humiliating by the discreditable person that once succeeded the person that force of new rise with force and spirit becomes a success sends a winner mediumly, become overmatch, I acclaim for it. 天有不测风云。作文说不定在你喝彩后,胜利者是什么样子的,说不定今日的胜利者因为明天的失败而要承当什么样的耻辱,说不定受到耻辱的曾经胜利者在经受耻辱后重新振奋力量成为胜利者中的致胜者,成为强者,我为之喝彩。 Affairs of human life expects hard, likelihood one day, in the cavalcade of the person that the person that have an act breaks through the trap of cross to add a success. Likelihood one day, because the person that have an act fears cross, be succeeded accordingly close the door on, became sop. Became sop possibly once act person, looked for self-confidence, become the person on the person in the person that succeed, I also acclaim for it. 世事难以意料,可能有一天,有一位行事者冲破磨难的陷阱加入到胜利者的行列中。可能有一天,有一个行事者因为可怕磨难,因此被胜利拒之门外,成了懦夫。可能成了懦夫的曾经的行事者,找回了自信,成为胜利者中的人上人,我也为之喝彩。 Wind and cloud not is measured. The error of the person that perhaps succeed because of, accomplish sth person did not have confidence, thereby suffer a disastrous decline. Perhaps because of an accomplish sth person succeed again, he became the Long Feng in the person. Perhaps because of accomplish sth person right all round cool, and become an accomplish sth insufficient, defeat the person with odd thing, I regret for it, still have a few anger. 风云莫测。或许因为一个胜利者的失误,成事者没有了信念,从而一落千丈。或许因为一个成事者的再次胜利,他成为了人中龙凤。或许因为成事者对四周的冷淡,而成为一个成事缺乏、败事有余的人,我为之遗憾,还有一些生气。 When because be others,acclaiming, want to notice an object, want to stress way, such ability invigorate the person's morale. 因为为别人喝彩时,要留意对象,要讲究方式,这样才能鼓舞人的士气。(文/李忠军)