2023年大国粮仓观后感500字 Have a meal, it is the person's mainest power. Old China poverty is backward, careladen masses is in hungry abdomen. Brave the journey to the Northeast, go on the west next mouth, southern Asia, flee from famine of countless Chinese drift from place to place, flee from a calamity, solve the problem that have a meal what be namely. Western media ever put word: "Past dynasties government did not solve a Chinese to have a meal problem, chinese Communist government also cannot solve this problem. ' arrived all the time 1994, institute of world outlook examine still was released " who will feed China " report, western academia is forecasted to the crisis of Chinese grain issue lasted a few years. 吃饭,是人最基本的权力。旧中国贫困落后,劳苦群众在饿肚子。闯关东、走西口、下南洋,很多的中国人颠沛流离、逃难逃荒,为的就是解决吃饭的问题。西方媒体曾放言:“历代政府都没有解决中国人吃饭问题,中国共产党政府也解决不了这个问题。始终到了1994年,世界观看讨论所还发布了谁来养活中国的报告,西方学术界对中国粮食问题的危机预报持续了几十年。 Jiao Yulu of 42 years old is being taken fail " chain sand blown by wind, subdue the flood " regretful, be in orchid take an examination of the earth to go up, 45 years of time brings a great change to the worlds, orchid take an examination of and motherland earth together, produce the change of world-shaking, and changeless is, the brilliant figure of the cadre that Jiao Yulu modelled outstanding communist and party with his action and faithfulness, cherish one's fellow citizen, science, creation, get right on the job, consecratory Jiao Yulu spirit. 42岁的焦裕禄带着未能“锁住风沙,制服洪水的遗憾,倒在兰考大地上,45年沧海桑田,兰考和祖国大地一起,发生翻天覆地的改变,而不变的是,焦裕禄用自己的行动塑造了优秀共产党员和党的干部的光芒形象和忠诚,爱民、科学、创造、实干、奉献的焦裕禄精神。 Civilian it is a day in order to feed, in us this population big country is solved truly have a meal problem, the thing that is recently a few years only, whose contribution is solving motherland people and even world people to have a meal on the problem? Almost all people know standard answer, grandpa Yuan Longping, he is 80 time went up historical textbook, up to now old scientist of be still living and in good health, grandpa Yuan Longping died last year, grandpa Yuan Longping is the father of cross paddy, he is creation paddy mu the contemporary god that produces many jins of 1200 myth farming, he is the foreign nationality academician of American academy of sciences, chinese academician, he is year already 90 years old still fight the father of the cross paddy in scientific research forefront. Still have very a lot of more scientist, professional personage, for instance the father of corn, wheaten father waits them a moment to be in indefinitely struggle for the country the problem that solves people to have a meal. 民以食为天,在我们这个人口大国真正解决吃饭问题,只是最近一些年的事,在解决祖国人民乃至世界人民吃饭问题上是谁的奉献呢?几乎全部的人都知道标准答案,袁隆平爷爷,他是80年月就上了历史课本,至今健在老科学家了,去年袁隆平爷爷去世了,袁隆平爷爷是杂交水稻之父,他是创造水稻亩产1200多斤神话的当代神农,他是美国科学院的外籍院士,中国院士,他是年已90岁依旧战斗在科研第一线的杂交水稻之父。还有许多许多的科学家,专业人士,比方玉米之父,小麦之父等等他们无限的在为国家奋斗解决人民吃饭的问题。 Jiao Yulu, yuan grand equality is waited a moment, the infinite likelihood that taking them saved grain issue of China, we are brought up to also want to learn with them later, for national creation. 焦裕禄,袁隆平等等等,带着他们的无限可能挽救了中国的粮食问题,我们长大以后也要跟他们学习,为国家创造。