2023年有你相伴真好作文500字 "Irrespective, I can help you. " every time I remember this word mind can warm. “没关系,我会帮你的。每当我想起这句话心头都会一暖 That evening, bright moon is illuminating ave lane, in foil starrily next appearing all the more chilly. I sit in the in full swing that bedside and classmate talk about, feel nose is a bit urticant suddenly, subsequently drop of a liquid arrives on my hand. My fix eyes on looks, this but disastrous, the blood of a bright red iciness is jumping livelily on my hand dancing. It is then the 2nd, the 3rd. 那晚,光明的月光照着大街小巷,在满天星斗的衬托下显得非常清冷。我坐在床边和同学聊的热火朝天,突然觉得鼻子有点痒,随之一股液体滴到我的手上。我定睛一看,这可不得了,一滴鲜红冰冷的血液在我的手上欢快地跳着舞蹈。接着便是第二滴、第三滴 Just when I am at a loss when, his what sit by me a sudden big stride forward rushed, the bumf in the hand still stays in sky, his conveniently is caught ripped a few pieces of paper to give come over. Just when I still am when doubt, his say: "Block up quickly on! Quickly! Response of my this ability comes, take everything into one's own hands lives bumf stemmed sanguinary nostril. He took me to wash one's hands on the forehead that wet bumf hits to be stuck in me with water before the stage, saying is to be able to let vasomotor do not shed nosebleed, but all these is right for me of no help, my nosebleed still sheds ceaseless all the time. I think I was not saved, in the heart confused fierce. He pats the shoulder that pats me to say: "Need not flurried, need not fear, I can help you. " say to begin to learned his lifetime place to take entirely: It is the back after beating first it is to pat forehead, but still be make a futile effort. at this moment light-off bell is noisy, his swiftly ran. 正当我不知所措时,坐在我旁边的他一个箭步冲了过来,手中的卫生纸还停留在空中,他顺手一抓撕了几张纸递了过来。正当我还在怀疑时,他说道:“快点堵上!快点儿!我这才反应过来,一把抓住卫生纸堵住了流血的鼻孔。他带我来到了洗手台前用水打湿卫生纸贴在我的额头上,说是可以让血管收缩不流鼻血,但这一切对我来说都无济于事,我的鼻血还是始终流个不停。我以为我没救了,心里慌的厉害。他拍拍我的肩膀说:“不用惊慌,不用可怕,我会帮你的。说完便开始把他的毕生所学全部拿了出来:先是捶后背又是拍前额,但还是徒劳无功。正在这时熄灯铃响了,他一溜烟儿跑了。 My heart instant became cool half original friendship so via having test, I am looking at that round of bright moon outside the window, the heart thinks perhaps goddess in the moon lives in the Moon Palace alone also is one kind suffers! A hurried footstep threw into confusion my feeling. I look later is he and teacher came, so he did not drop me. 我的心瞬间凉了半截原来友情这么经不起考验,我望着窗外的那轮明月,心想或许嫦娥单独住在广寒宫也是一种煎熬吧!一阵急促的脚步声打乱了我的思绪。我回头一看是他和老师来了,原来他并没有丢下我。 The sun again eastwardly rose, a good day also as agreed upon and to. My chela just stepped into a classroom, he keeps asking by me: " better? " my mind float rises blast a warm meaning, it is really good to there are you to be accompanied on the road that grow. 太阳再次从东方升了起来,美妙的一天也如约而至。我前脚刚踏进教室,他就在我旁边不停地问:“好些了吗?我的心头浮起阵阵暖意,成长的路上有你相伴真好。