2023年樱花之约作文600字 It is a year of spring, what arrived to admire the beauty of flowers again is seasonal, annual oriental cherry falls to my heart again this year. 又是一年春天,又到了赏花的季节,年年的樱花在今年又一次落到了我心上。 The oriental cherry of birthplace as before so beautiful, they are killed through the respectful of cold winter, of course spring girl touch, blossom again the smiling face that gives beauty. 家乡的樱花照旧那么美,她们经过寒冬的肃杀,经过春姑娘的抚摸,又一次绽放出秀丽的笑脸。 The agreement that sees oriental cherry together is when we make the commitment below with puerile child's voice, and nowadays you because school work is far,go to another city however, I come to remnant alone the oriental cherry that appreciates this beauty. 一起看樱花的商定是儿时你我用稚嫩的童声许下的承诺,而如今你却因为学业远赴另外一个城市,只剩我单独一人来观赏这秀丽的樱花。 Hour, we climb together, with oriental cherry the knot left wonderful lot. Be still written down? The oriental cherry in those days leaves very beautifully, she that pink face, Pan Qiu lies the limb of dragon, there still is every bits of bit white in stamen, make my aftertaste boundless up to now. It is the smiling face with urban road the most beautiful both sides forever, bring for the city forever the most beautiful beautiful scenery line, also forever bake in a pan is engraved on my heart. 小时,我们一起去爬山,与樱花结下了妙不行言的缘分。还记得吗?那时的樱花开得好美,她那粉红的面庞、盘虬卧龙的枝干,花蕊中还带着点点白色,至今令我回味无穷。它永久是城市道路两旁最美的笑颜,永久为城市带来最靓丽的风景线,也永久地烙刻在了我心上。 Are you still written down? The aroma of oriental cherry is worth the aftertaste most in 100 flowers forever, it is us junior forever memory. Its fragrance is so pungent without the rose composition, also do not have weak insipidity of the few like weed of roadside wild flower, do not have the sweet ; with the celestial ; of peony more. But it is street both sides forever the most attractive, most of dream sweet. It has the smiling expression of shallow pink, also have the scent of shallow pink, bring olfactory sumptuous dinner for people. 你还记得吗?樱花的香气永久是百花中最值得回味的,是我们年少永久的记忆。它的香味没有玫瑰那么刺鼻作文,也没有路边野花野草般寡淡无味,更没有牡丹的;天国之香;。但它永久是街道两旁最迷人,最梦幻的香。它有浅粉色的笑容,也有浅粉色的芳香,为人们带来嗅觉盛宴。 Face of its that pink, deep depth still is contained inside shallow white, keep on the tree mirth. Wind whiff, it is sparse, resemble a young woman, bring pink dream for us, also be people open up a road that leads to happiness, but be absent because of you only, nobody and I am admired together. 它那粉色面庞,里面还含有深深浅浅的白,在树上不停地欢乐。风一吹,它稀稀落落,像一个弱女子,为我们带来粉红色的梦幻,也为人们开拓了一条通向美妙的道路,但只因你不在,无人与我一起观赏。 The oriental cherry here is flourishing without Japanese charming and gentle perhaps, but it is our joint agreement however, it can be in our junior good collect carefully it dimples bonnily in; Perhaps it still can wait for you to come back, let us go to oriental cherry to uphold the agreement below in all. 或许这里的樱花并没有日本的旖旎繁华,但却是你我共同的商定,它会将我们年少的美妙珍藏在它秀丽的笑靥里;或许它还会等你回来,让我们共赴樱花树下的商定。 Nowadays, oriental cherry left, you are absent however, friend, is what you pass in that city good? When I am admiring oriental cherry, whether are you also being admired? Wish your future is like bright and beautiful, return to still can remember our oriental cherry upholding the agreement below. 如今,樱花开了,你却不在,伴侣,你在那个城市过的好吗?我在观赏樱花时,你是否也在观赏呢?愿你前程似锦,归来仍会记得我们樱花树下的商定。(文/李瑞昕)