2023年渔夫和金鱼的故事读后感400字 I like to read extracurricular book very much at ordinary times. I read Russian writer Pu Xijin today " the story of fisher and goldfish " , teach. 我平常很喜爱读课外书。今日我读了俄国文学家普希金的渔夫和金鱼的故事,深受教育。 There was house of a cogongrass in the seaside once upon a time, there are a pair of couples inside, make a living in order to fish. A day of fisher captured a beautiful goldfish, be willing to promise all conditions of fisher, whats do not want kind-hearted fisher, goldfish let slip. But after the wife of fisher is informed, raised an another requirement to goldfish, and more and more beyond the mark, final goldfish is under one anger, everything what they send before calling in, their home restored the poverty previously again. 从前在海边有一座茅草屋,里面住着一对夫妇,以打鱼为生。一天渔夫捕获了一只秀丽的金鱼,情愿容许渔夫的一切条件,和善的渔夫什么也不要,就把金鱼放走了。但渔夫的妻子得知后,向金鱼提出了一个又一个的条件,并且越来越过分,最终金鱼在一怒之下,收回了之前送给他们的一切,他们家又恢复了以前的贫困。 If carline knows get better closes,I think, unapt also the high position and great wealth before letting disappears danger, in the end is penniless. Look before this story and me that " finger of gold of king of composition Mi Sida " the story is similar, because Mi Sida king loves gold very much, he is unwilling the only money before heart, he promises to the immortal, want golden finger, what does his hand nod, what becomes gold. The immortal realized his desire, when he embraces a daughter, the daughter became golden resembling; Take bread, biscuit became gold; Wash a face, when drinking water, water also turned gold …… into him cannot live, he entreats an immortal to call in again finally blackart. 我认为假如老太婆知道见好就收,也不至于让之前的荣华富贵都消失殆尽,到头来一无全部。这个故事与我之前看的那篇作文米斯达国王金手指故事差不多,米斯达国王因为特别爱金子,他不甘心眼前仅有的财宝,他向神仙许愿,要金手指,他的手点到什么,什么就变成金子。神仙实现了他的愿望,他拥抱女儿的时候,女儿变成了金像;拿面包,面包变成了金子;洗脸、喝水的时候,水也变成了金子……他无法生活,最终他又请求神仙收回魔法。 Person cannot avaricious, want to know money is not all-purpose, often day metamorphose devil, have a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness only, use close situation when you, friendship, when love goes exchanging money, complete ground became a devil. Actually, the commendable character such as kind-hearted, content with one's lot, assiduous, honesty, just be the money with real brushstroke! 人不能贪心,要知道金钱不是万能的,往往天使变成魔鬼,只有一念之差,当你用亲情,友谊,爱情去换取金钱的时候,就完完全全地成了魔鬼。其实,和善、知足、勤奋、老实等珍贵的品质,才是一笔真正的财宝!(文/周雨彤)