2023年给老师的一封信作文六年级400字 Respected and beloved teacher: 尊敬的老师: Hello! 您好! Time throws the person easily, red cherry, green banana. Imperceptible, you had accompanied my days of 3 years, I from what just encounter you babyish and innocent, slowly the girl that decay became one each letter to expert. In my eye, your education differs to nod eyeball brushstroke with what insert willow Liu Chengyin involuntarily, also be different from father dozen of vituperative compelling management, also as Du Fu in the poem: "Slip into night along with wind, benefit other people is fine breathed. " rain during springtime enters the ground every time. Ground of exert a subtle influence on is affecting me. Your language is so have appeal. Listen to your lecture every time the gate that I resembled opening new century, feeling smalls boat like one leaf, in learning the sea to the top of one's bent roam. 流光简单把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。不知不觉,您已经陪伴我三年的时光了,我从刚刚遇见您的稚气天真,渐渐蜕变成了一个自信大方的女孩。在我眼中,您的教育不同与无心插柳柳成荫的点睛一笔,也不同于严打责骂的强制管理,倒也犹如杜甫诗中:“随风潜入夜,润物细无声。的春雨点点入地。潜移默化地影响着我。您的语言是那么的具有感染力。每次听您讲课我就像打开了新世纪的大门,思绪像一叶扁舟,在学海中尽情遨游。 Of course, I am not a child, when also can having inobservant discipline. Also had received your criticism naturally, but " benefit of good medicine tastes bitter at disease, benefit of good advice is harsh to the ear at going. " you lash to my every time and teach me to also can be written down in the heart, correct silently. Every time looks to you when, also make the same score in the heart added a few minutes to be not abandoned. Our sang at, the date of can be counted on one's fingers also is in elapse. Days of 3 years is in that way brief, you became my pupil to write a composition in limit the most important also be respected and beloved person. A horse that covers a thousand li a day often has, and Bai Le is seldom have. Fortunately, I encountered you this Bai Le, let me benefit a lot. One day is division, lifelong for father. You are right my inculcate my general is unforgettable all one's life, one's pupils or disciples not character, fall to become footpath oneself. Allow me please earnest say to you: "Thank you! " I also can be in the life road in the future not negative Shao Hua, seize every minute, continue hard. 当然,我并不是一个安分守己的孩子,也会有不遵守纪律的时候。自然也收到过您的批判,但是“良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。您对我的每一次鞭策和教育我也都会记在心里,悄悄改正。每一次望向您时,心中也平添了几分不舍。我们的唱歌到了尽头,屈指可数的日期也在消逝。三年的时光是那样的短暂,您成了我小学生作文吧涯中最重要也是尊敬的人。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。幸好,我遇见了您这个伯乐,让我受益匪浅。一日为师,终身为父。您对我的谆谆教导我将终生难忘,桃李不言,下自成蹊。请允许我严肃的向你说一声:“感谢您!我也会在将来的人生道路中不负韶华,只争朝夕,继续努力。 Your's sincerely 此致 With high respect! 敬礼! Your student: XXX 您的学生:XXX On May 29, 2023 2023年5月29日