2023年如何度过大学生活_大学生活如何度过 如何度过大学生活由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“大学生活如何度过”。 如何度过大学生活 从马加爵到赵承熙,从中国到美国,联系生活,我们可以渐渐发现:马加爵既不孤存,赵承熙也非个案,相反,大学生的心理健康问题,已经像全球变暖一样,成为了全世界都感到棘手而又关心的问题!上大学是单纯地求知?还是更健全地做人?这是社会赋予大学的话题,也是大学抛给社会的难题!由心理养分缺失造成的大学生过激行为,就像一道坎,考验着每一个上大学的人!今天我们就这一话题,发表一下“坎坎”之见! Thousands of former high school students acro the nation will begin the great journey of life by entering their first year of college.For many students, they may be the first one in their family to attend or college could be a long, planned out1 tradition.Neverthele, there is one simple word that should sum up2 the purpose for all students entering college: SUCCESS.College is not only the beginning of a new path into education, it is also a path to life and dreams.Throughout my life, I constantly set goals, aim high, and dream big in hopes of being a role model for others behind me.Moreover, I truly believe that every young person can be succeful and do anything they dream of doing through hard work, dedication3, and a true spirit to succeed.Being succeful in college not only means studying, balancing a busy schedule, and working hard, but it also takes inspiration and faith to go all out and take risks!We are all born with natural talents and gifts that should not only be shared with friends and family, but also with the rest of the world.There has to truly be more to this life than just mediocrity4.The sooner you start realizing your dreams and goals for life, the more time you will have to spend enjoying your life.Many young people feel as though they are restricted by their age and lack of maturity5 to do certain things, but there is no such thing as barriers;there are only road blocks, many of which we, ourselves, place in our paths to succe.Many of the worlds top companies, such as Microsoft, Dell, Apple, Kinkos, and many more were started by college kids.It takes time and perseverance to achieve your goals and dreams, which is why it is so vital to start now, rather than later.You should live each day as if it were the last and use every second to your advantage.That means setting goals, being involved on campus and in your community, working hard, and most importantly, never giving up!Do not be afraid to know who you are, what you are capable of achieving, and figure out your likes and dislikes, because by doing so you will make yourself an even more stronger and visionary6 person and leader.I remember two years ago being told by a friend that it would be too hard to publish a book due to lack of time and age, but in the end I achieved my goal of doing so and it was very gratifying坰7 to go back to that person and say I finished what I started, achieving my goal.We are all capable of being great and extraordinary8 individuals that can achieve unlimited potential!I shall leave you with this truly inspiring quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: What is succe? To laugh often and much; To win the respest of intelligent people and the affection9 of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed10 social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; That is to have succeeded.YOU HAVE THE POWER! 全国成千上万的高中毕业生即将成为大学新生,开始人生的一段美妙旅程。对许多学生来说,自己可能是家里头一个读大学的,也可能上大学已是家庭因袭已久的传统了。不过,就所有学生读大学的目的来说,一个简单的词就足以概括了:成功。 大学不仅仅是继续接受教育的一个新的起点,也是走向生活、实现梦想的一条康庄大道。我这一辈子不断地确立目标,力争上游,志存高远,希望能成为后人的楷模。我真诚地相信,每一个年轻人凭借艰苦奋斗、献身精神和必胜的信念,都能够成功,都能够成就自己的全部梦想。 大学期间的成功并不仅仅意味着学习功课、安排好紧张的日程、刻苦钻研,它还意味着获取灵感和信念,全力以赴去经受风险!我们人人生来具有的天赋和才能不仅要与朋友和家人分享,还要与全体世人共享。不要满足在平庸中度日。你们越早去开始实现自己的梦想和生活目标,享受人生的时间就越长。许多年轻人往往觉得,年轻限制了自己做某些事情。然而,生活中没有所谓绝对的障碍,有的只是一些路障,而其中许多是我们自己设置在成功道路上的。 许多世界顶级公司,如微软、戴尔、苹果、金考,还有许多其他的公司都是由年轻的大学生创建的。达成目标和实现梦想是需要时间和毅力的,这就是为什么立即行动至关重要的原因。 你们应该把每一天都当作生命中的最后一天来度过,充分利用每一秒钟。这就意味着要设定目标,融入校园和社区生活,勤奋努力,而最重要的是,永不放弃!不要害怕认识自己,知道自己能做什么。弄清自己的好恶,因为只有这样才能把自己造就成一个更加坚强、更具远见卓识的人和领导者。 我还记得两年前一位朋友曾对我抱怨时间紧、年龄大,出书太难。但是后来,我却出了书,便高高兴兴地找到那位朋友,告诉他说,自己坚持到底,达到了目标。我们都有能力激发自身无限的潜能,变得杰出与非凡!最后,我引用拉尔夫 沃尔朵 爱默生的诗来结束今天的谈话,这是一首很激励人心的诗: 什么叫做成功? 能常常大笑开怀; 能赢得智者的尊崇、孩子的爱戴; 能获得正直的批评家的赞赏、经得住假朋友的出卖; 能欣赏美; 能发现他人身上的优点; 能留一点美好给世界,不管是一个健康的孩子、一块园地,还是对某一社会问题有所补救; 能知道因为自己活着,使哪怕一个生命活得更加自在; 这样就算是成功啦。 你们具备这种力量! 1.plan out 拟订,策划 2.sum up 总结,概括 3.dedication n.献身,献身精神 4.mediocrity n.平庸,平凡 5.maturity n.成熟 6.visionary a.有眼力的,有预见的7.gratifying a.令人快意的8.extraordinary a.非凡的,惊人的9.affection n.喜爱,热爱 10.redeem v.挽回,弥补 In the university life is good.All the school life is fresh.New teachers, new clamates and new friends around.In large libraries, schools and playgrounds very broad appeals to me.I am very eager to learn a lot of knowledge and talent.In high school, I played the runner-up before time.Now, I know my time is actually so many points behind.I hope to catch up with my hard study time.When I first enter the claroom, I have a headache, because I do not understand the profeor to speak.I saw in mathematics, physics and other courses very difficult, even though I have been good in these sciences.Therefore, I study a cla of its own, after these courses.After 3 months, exmination to say that I overcame all the difficlties.I learn English very difficult.It gives me many opportunities to communicate with foreigners.I have worked with many foreign teachers and students friends.From them, I understand many of the knowledge of foreign cultures In addition to learning, my college life is also very rich.I would like to take this opportunity to improve my communication skills.Last year, I organized a speech contest management.All the clamates were very interested in such activities.I care about them from their home, their knowledge and opinions.My college life is a long-term and short-term.I believe that I can spend four years of a good time.I hope I will not have any regretion When I look back, in the next short-term university youth.How to spend college life 的演讲稿 good morning everyone,today, i'm going shed some light with you on how to spend college life.Students who enter the college usually collide with many problems, choices, changes, achievements, obstacles, impreions and people.The entire students have a desire to be succeful and reach a lot during the college studying.But unfortunately the majority of the students do not realize how to achieve the succe and spend their student life with more comfortablility.They say that college students have a lot of worries and challenges.The fact is that not all the students are lost and not capable to spend their college life substantially.While some struggle with problems in their college life, there are many other succeful students are doing what they have always done: finding ways to get succe in their academic.They are currently staying on the battle field to fight for their college life in three ways: by fighting against the academic difficulty, by fighting against the financial problem, and by fighting against the influence of personal preure.to handle these three problems simultaneously well should be the ultimate purpose in your college.and by doing this great, you have certainly achieved the aim of spending a substantial college life.so, enough saying of today, hope you would find it enjoyable.and thank you 如何度过大学生活 摘要:对大学的认识以及如何有意义的度过大学关键词:认识计划方向一 我对大学的认识大学生活已经过去了一个月了,最初的兴奋已经过去了,我也差不多习惯了大学生活,但也或多或少感. 如何度过大学生活 军训的迷彩服刚退下,我们大一的新生们便开始了我们的大学生涯,在奔波于各类招新招干活动之际也迎来了我们的正式开课。大部分同学都表示有些迷茫,对大学的无规律的学习有些不能. 如何度过大学生活 “如何度过大学生活”主题班会策划书一.班会主题:“如何度过大学生活”二.班会目的:1.让同学们明白大学生活的重要性;2.让同学们学会如何去合理地利用时间,安排时间,去学习,去参加. 如何度过大学生活作文 如何度过大学生活作文(一)“人最宝贵的是生命,生命对每一个人只有一次。者仅有的一次生命应当怎样度过,当回首往事的时候,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞耻”,保尔的人. 如何度过大学生活作文 如何度过大学生活作文如何度过大学生活作文(一)“人最宝贵的是生命,生命对每一个人只有一次。者仅有的一次生命应当怎样度过,当回首往事的时候,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为.