商务英语翻译试题试卷及答案 2 2 作者:日期:个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 3 商务英语翻译试题四)词汇测试题:(题,每题 10 分,共 20 分 1 该组有 1个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进展解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语标准。(分(1)currnc A the money use in a partiuar counry B flo of pice C t present D.dposit the bank (2)var t hange or be ifeet B.o choose C to ply for D.to efuse 3)tumbe A.to be rapped in difficuly B o all qicly ad wihu control C to e red of n D to be lss n number o salr 4 brach A.n act of brein a law,promise B.a specalied copany .art o an instituton D.a ageeent or contrct 5 ake the lw into hir w hnds A o solve the rol by tmlves B.to bea or violte the la C.t explai e causes in the l D t stand he lw a they tink(6)seminar A urvv B.stud of a universit C.sitseeing social eting(7 grce A.a person ho conols roet B a iod of e alowd efr th happns C.a generally accepted onionD a way f ealing with a probe (veto A.ref o alow th.to b ne B a articular i t o st.个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 4 C.an amun of moy aid to otain insurace D disageemnt r urielins (9)piori A.o se a heat .to poduc fe cyl C.ein pi D.to meet xpses(10)to fluctuate A.o ad severl things together.odu r provide somethg officia C.to chng or vry ju o decid somthng 2 该组有 10 个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进展解释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语标准。(10分)(1 to prevet A 遵守 B.暂缓 C.删除 D 阻止()fluation A.矛盾 .波动 C.通货膨胀 D.流利,流畅(3)t beneft A.批准于 B.签定于 C 投诉于 .得益于(4)reline o A.与.一致 B 依靠 C.提议 D 遵守 5)with rrenc to A.指定 .参考 .关于 .遵守(user i 内部使用 B 迎来 C.丢弃 D.相似(7 rvate placmen A.私人财产 B.私募 C 公募 .保密机构(8)it-e A 无利率的 B 漠不关心的 C.不感兴趣的 D.免息的(9)o confi an ordr 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 5 A 批准一个订单 B.草签一个订单 C.延续一个订单 D 终止一个订单(1)revton o ofer A.中止发盘 B 撤回发盘 C.撤销发盘 D.发出要约 II语境意义,完形填空题 2 题,共 3分 本组考题共有 15 个空,每空下有多项意义近似的英语选项,从中择一准确选项填入空内。要求:A 词语的特定环境所产生的意义。B 词语的情态色彩意义。C 词语的语法意义 D 句子与超句群在特定的集约形式中的意义。E 语篇的主题意义 1.完形填空题1空,每空 15 分 OT Invetmen BT(ild,eate,Tasfr,as a way o 1 ,is ill a nw oncept in China.i als not lg for BOT t gai imprtane i foeg countries.hat s becase this wich embraces he three sages o BO Build,Operate,Trnser)is copleted by paage s it has its ow charateristic OT s ainl applable o 4 Projcts such s hihwy,udergrond aiay,bidge,doc ad power pant i a dveloin counr or zon wih i epeclly hot o capital but is eaer to _5_o refrm and oping he outside world.It invoves th same me gorne,group chare of ppaation for projt cstrution,onstrcion ntractor,bki nd fincing nstions,petio managee ompny and oters,ths ing nealy itgrl _6_oeration Besides,in he whle BT rjec,abut ten cntrct,big n sml,need t be conclded with various paties.To ay out sch colicted ivtment,ne in _7_with aohr,can e bt difficult nd easy 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 6 The ri in OT sould be _by al prties,rthe tha ei undeken by n prty.I te whoe BOT prect,te rik undetakn by the germnt is obviosly te smll,relativ to the oter ries I is ju ecuse o thi tha the governmn s willing to aopt t BOT a of nvestmet,assinng a private company to bil ad prt large-sc capial onstrution,onsidein he rous _9_ in capital nd the nerous inrstctres o be built Whe th ovrnment ecides to ado he BOT way o istment on ertin nfrstucture projet,the firs hg t be dne i gsltio,to b fllowed by 0_ of iense,lokin fr target of cooperation,cnuctig negtition and then concludng cntract.The isk he government les in isuin th liese to a privae prect cman wth elable stngh la the ho T poect,not ki t mistae of“trig th rong eson 1.nvstt B oerati n .buldng D.maagmen A.ob B.arty C.proje D.way .cotra arrangent .contrcin D pogra .infratructure B.apliae C.comeal D.ban 5.A.en B.sa C.embar D udetake 6.A.confited .coornatd .mach .share 7.atthing B.oping .lining .cooeratig .hared B.esind C.epende D.excedd.A avatge B.hre C disdantage .enty 1 A issu B.issuance C.boking D.mnaget 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 7 2.语境意义题:文中有五处缺少内容,请从文后的选项中选出适宜的选项,填回到原文中相应的位置 空,每空 3 分)On behf of the Comany shaolder,the Bor f Dectors is resonsibe or oerseeng th managemet the buinss and affairs of te Comny.h oard acts as th ulimte decsion-ming o o t ompan,except o oe ats reserve t or share ith th harhodr f h opany ndr te las of Delawre.I chosing dectrs,te ompny seeks inividuas wo hve vey sustatia personal nd faml wnersh stakes n the Cmany stoc u ndvidas ust also have ve high integrty,bunes savv,shahldr orintaio and a enune rs i the Compay.Th Compa y i equi t elc maority of directors who are ndeendent.ll reference to idependent directos i tse gudelines re t directors who ae independ accoring to te riteria for indeendene stablishe b ection 33A of th New or Sock Ehag L s ed ompany Manu .(1)_ _ Te Governane,Copnsation and ominaig Cmittee s rsponsible for nomin ting director for electon or releion he asic respnsibiiy of h irectrs is to xi their business jdgment act in h the esnly eie to be in the be intet the Coany nd is hreoler,and t cnduct theslves n accodan wit their duis of care nd loyalty.(2 _ Diretors are o expecd o rie in al materials fo the etins of he od and the cmittee(s)n ch they serve.Each irctor as ul and free acces t the fcrs ad empyes of the Compn n it subidies he Bord an each of i Cmmitees has the authorty hire ndeedent la,finnal o ter vors t ay eem t be ecessar wthou consulting or obang th dvnce arova of ny ofier of the Coman.个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 8 Te Caiman of the Bard is rspnsible fr estbisig the agnda or each Board eeting.()_.At lat c a,h Boad revies the Cpays long-term plans an the incipal issue tha the Compay will face in the futre.(4 _ The inpenden irectors alo met n a seae exeutive sssio consistng slely o ndepenent t as once a ear.Th presdng deco a eah exeutive ession is chosn frm diecos present a that metin Only dieos who ae neiher an emply of the Copany or subsry r spue of an emplee reeive opensaton fo eving o the Board.Deto fes r nina and are imited to immeiate cmpensatin.Chages i th form and aut o diector mpensation are eermine by he fll Bord,taki into coniderton the Comanys olicy that the f shd b f o cosequene o ny director servng the Copan.5)_ The Cmpany es ot purchase diecos a ofcers lblity inurane for is direcors r oficrs.A.ah direcor is re o sugge tes or incusion o th agd an to ris a ay oard etng subjc hat a not n e genda r tht meting.B.Te oard citiay revews any amount a a drecto migh eceive ectly or indirecl rom the Company,as ll s any haritabe coibutions h ompan may make to organizions wit whch a director s afiliate,in dteming weter a diecor is indeendent C.The nn-mngemt dirtors met n regurl schdule eecutive seson(i.e.,itout ictos who ar meber f managmnt).D.Al new dircs eceve an rinton from he Chie Exectve Offier and ae expeced to ainta te nessry level o experie t perform hs o he responibities a irecor.个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 9 E.h oar doe not ave mts on the numer f terms a recto may srve.he Board does not hve an etemt or tenure olicis hat wold mit the ablity of drector o be oinated for reelectin.The Bord may,fom ime to time,esablsh and manai addion dferent comitees,as it deem ecessary r pprpiate G.Drcts ae epectd t tted Board eetig and metings of the cmitees on hich they serve,and o spend te time neeed to carry out their esoniblitis ectors,incudi e s frequely as necsary to propey disharg those responiiities.III形式主义类题(句,每句分,共0 分 该题型旨在考核学生两种语言对应能力,五个汉语单句需译成英语,要求表达原语形式意义。1.深化经济体制改革,为加快开展和扩大开放创造良好的体制环境。2.中国将更严格地按照国际通行的贸易规那么从事对外贸易活动。中国已经按照自己的承诺,从 200 年 7 月起开场下调关税,已经从000年的 15.3降到 12,而且取消很多产品的进口配额许可证管理。3.我们很荣幸附上我们产品的新款式,该款式品质优良,价格适中,在你们市场上肯定会有销路的。个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 10 4.收到贵公司 8 月日询价,得悉你们对我们 MP20型号的真空吸尘机感兴趣,现将你们所需的插图目录单和价格表附寄给你们。.我们的保险公司是国营企业,享有很高的声誉,并在全世界各主要港口和地区都有代理。IV.风格意义类试题共分 将下面段落译成适应原文风格的汉语表达,要求不仅译文忠实于原文,流畅无误,而且在篇章词语风格上,能与原文相适应。1978,Cha ha n he pbli-owrsh onomy,tate-owned enerpse making up 76 prcn nd colectivly-ownd enterprises,22.4 ecet e policy of eorm an penn to te outde orld hs in xne scoe to h como devepmt vaou cnomi ecrs.The invdal n pivately-wed idustria erpiss an nteriss wth forign,Hong og,Maco or Tan invemen have evelpd rpdy.In 200,h total uut vale of stte-owd and stt-owd holding ndurial enerprses mad p 83 percent of the total ouput le of he state ad large nn-sta indusrial enterprises,their nuial ade vlue 59.2 perent,ir empoyee 55.pere,ad their total profts 56.1 pecet,the oal idstrial output vue of collecelyowned ntprises ade up 15.2 pecent of te oal idusrial utput u f he sate nd a n-stte eepise;their dustal adde value 13.9 pecet,d 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 11 eir mploye 16.6 prce;the iustrial output value f the enterpriss ith forign,Hong Kong,Mco o Taiwan invmets accounted or 2.1 ercen,heir inutrial aded value 225 pernt,an the elys 14.7 pcent;ad te tol indria utput le o indiviul ad pivatey-on enerpris made 9.4 percent,and the emploees 13.2 ercn.商务英语翻译试题四参考答案 词汇测试题共 2%1(1-5AABA (61BBACC 2.(1-5)BC (6-1BBDAC II.语境意义,完形填空题共0%)完形填空题 (15%)1-5)CBC (6-10)CABB 语境意义题:(15)5-1(EC II形式主义类题5 句,共0%)1 Deen ecoomc retrutrng,so as o reate a ond instit个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 12 iol environt for expediting deoent nd xpandig opning-up 2 Chna il engage in fign tad civiies n acordac wih inernatia pratice.hna has alrad onored its commnt an rdued trffs beinnig i Juy 000,from 15.3 percet t 12 pecent Mror,i aele qt pemit mangeme fo th mpt f mn pduc.3 We take peasure in enclosing th ltet designs of r prouts,wic are upeior in qlity and mdrate in price nd sue t b saleabe i yur market.4 We hav eceived yor eqiry of ugut and lern f y intret i our u Caes MP20.We ow enclosn our ilustate catalogus an ice lis you kd fo.5 Our inrance company is a stte-oraed enterpi enjoing high pestig and h gts in a man ots a eions of e word.IV.风格意义类试题共0%178 年,中国只有单一的公有制经济,国有企业占 77.6%,集体企业占 22.4%,改革开放为多种经济成分的共同开展开辟了广阔空间。个体和私营工业企业、外商和港澳台商投资工业得到迅猛开展。到 2000 年,国有工业及国有控股工业总产值占全国国有企业及大型非国有工业企业的8.3%,工业增加值占 59.2%,从业人员占55 5%,利润总额占6.1%,集体工业总产值占全部国有企业及大型非国有工业企业的 1.2%,工业增加值占 139%,从业人员占 16.%;外商和港澳台商投资工业总产值占 27.%,工业增加值占2.5,从业人员占 147。个体和私营工业总产值占9.4%,从业人员占 132%。