此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。病理研究方向英文简历模板英文简历不仅仅是简单的履历介绍,它也是一份营销清单,求职者必须在简历中以最佳的方式展现自己,必须以自己最希望用人单位看到的方式介绍自己。以下是病理研究方向英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!病理研究方向英文简历模板(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx.comEDUCATION Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Expected Graduation May 2020 with Honors•Bachelors of Science in Biology3.53 GPA, 3.63 Science GPA•Relevant course work : Burden of Disease in Developing Countries, Emerging Microbial Diseases, Immunology•Teaching Assistant in Genetics Fall 2020, Fall 2020 and in Vaccine Development Spring 2020BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCECenter for International Health Researchresearch internProvidence, RI Summer 2020-present•Worked under Principal Investigator Jonathan Kurtis and Post-Doc Dipak Raj•Characterizing of pediatric Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate early in its development•Tested validity of validity of candidate using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and growth inhibition assay•Identified polymorphism of vaccine candidate across five parasite strains•Creating knock out parasite to determine if candidate essential for parasite growth•Compiling results and writing senior thesis on these experimentsHEALTH DISPARITIES RESEARCH AND EXPERIENCEPROJECT HEALTHVolunteerHasboro Children’s Hospital Providence, Summer 2020•Recruited clients in children’s emergency room•Helped to connect low-income families to basic resources such as child care, housing options, food stamps•Followed up with clients weekly until they no longer required Project’s Health’s serviceRoyce Sport and SocietyFellowLake Victoria Region and Nairobi, Kenya August 2020•Shadowed and assisted sport and development worker•Examined how sport can be used as a means for youth empowerment and improve health outcomes in both urban and rural settingsGlobal Alliance to Immunize Against AIDSProvidence, RI and Bamako Mali, Summer 2020•Researched knowledge attitudes and practices surrounding tuberculosis in peri-urban slum Sikoro•Developed, gained approval and performed survey to evaluate efficacy of NGO peer-educator program •President of GAIA at Brown Fall 2020LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCEUniversity KeystonefacilitatorProvidence, RI 2020-present•Led group discussion of a group of seniors looking to expand their thesis research outside of academia to a larger audience•Recruited speakers to come in and speak with University KeystoneSport and SocietyfellowProvidence, RI 2020-present•Organizing events, movie screenings and discussions around how sport can be used as a means for social changeVarsity Cross CountryWomen’s team captainProvidence RI, Fall 2020•Planned team events and served as liaison between coaches and athletes•Named Fall 2020 Academic All-Ivy Team Member and most valuable player on Brown women’s cross country teamMeicklejohnpeer advisorFall 2020-Present•Guided a group of freshman each year in making academic decisions and transitioning to college lifePRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIATIONS:March 2020 Pischel L., CaplowJ., Chokshi B., TounkaraK., Berthé M., Aboubacar B., BougoudogoF., De GrootA.Tuberculosis knowledge attitudes and practices in Mekin-Sikoro, Mali. Abstract and Oral Presentation. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease conference. March 2020, Orlando, FLjournals paperSpring 2020Pischel L. “;Re-Evoltion”;: One Receptor’s Impact on Evolutionary TheoryTriple Helix. Brown University Local Article. Spring 2020. Pg 20-22.journals papersSKILL SETLanguages: Fluent in FrenchTechnical: Competent in ArcGIS, photoshop and STATA; MS Office proficiency in Word, Powerpoint, ExcelLaboratory: Can perform basic molecular biology and immunology techniques such as PCR, ELISA as well as can culture malaria parasites, perform growth inhibition Assays and DNA extraction from parasites.怎样写好英文简历面试,简历很重要,那好的简历模板应该如何制作呢?写简历之前,你得先站在用人单位的角度想一想:每个月支付工资招聘员工,目的是什么?搞清楚这个问题以后,写简历才能做到有的放矢。一份合格的英文简历,应该用词准确、内容完整、条理清晰、简明扼要,不能拖泥带水,也不能过于简单。首先,在英文简历上应该消灭错别字。要是用人单位发现你的简历上有错别字,你就会立刻被淘汰,没有任何机会。简历上的错别字对于求职者来说是致命的错误。一般情况下,一份简历以一两页的篇幅为好。繁忙的人事主管往往会对超过两页的简历感到不耐烦。起草简历时,初稿可以长一点,把所有的有关内容都写上,然后进行删改,仔细推敲每一个词、每一块内容,把一些有用的内容留下来,用最简洁的语言表达出来。写简历时要采取扬长避短的原则。英文简历里面的内容,应实事求是,决不能虚构。但这并不是说,在英文简历上你要把所有有关你的事情都写上去。英文简历的主要作用是让用人单位了解你胜任某项工作的资格,所以,与之无关的对自己不利的内容完全可以不在简历上出现。例如贴照片,应考虑应聘的工作要求以及自身条件来作恰当安排。有的工作,如公关、秘书,比较注重相貌,一般来说应当贴上照片;有的工作,如科研、设计等不太注重相貌,一般可以不贴照片;但是,如果你确实有漂亮的五官、探洒的风度,最好不要被埋没,应该在英文简历上贴上自己的近照。简历的作用是推销自己,表现自己,你有什么特长,尽量在简历上表现出来,让用人单位发现你的价值。切忌过于谦卑,不好意思向别人陈述自己的优点和成绩。如果你不说清楚你能干什么,那又有谁会知道你是一个有用的人才呢?所以,在简历上,你不仅要例举你所干过的工作,更应该强调你能干某项工作的技能以及你所取得的成就和证书。简历的整体形象将会影响雇主对你的看法。所以,你要注意简历格式,让人看上去很舒服。简历的布局要合理,表现形式要简单大方,语言表达要朴素、简练。表现你诚实、办事干净利索的品质。