此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。考研面试复试英语自我介绍及技巧me to introduce my characters. Well, I am a Leo,Leo people is sensitive and like to imagine, and my imaginative qualities will help me in the future research.Besides,I am an energetic , active girl . I like new experiences and experiments. There is a saying: sharpening the axe will not interfere with the cutting of firewood. And I think one must have a good master of professional knowledge that can face the keen competition. That’s why I chose to continue my study.I have been longing for Wuhan University for years because I think it has the best Printing major, just like an army we have most brilliant soldiers and notable leaders. I admire the professors very much and I want to further my study under the influence of them. Then the students here is dedicated to studying .Its environment is favorable for students to work hard.Wuhan University is very beautiful. The campus is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in China. It is heavily wooded and green, with fragrant flowers everywhere all the year-round. To live in the university is comfortable.Wuhan University enjoyed a very high academic status with lots of outstanding graduates. I hope I can get the opportunity to continue the postgraduate courses in this famous university.That’s all, thank you for your time and attention.复试英语面试技巧一、 开场白,姓名,英文名,本科专业,本科学校二、 性格爱好,实践经验三、 为什么想读研,读研时的打算四、 结束语一般情况下,如果老师看出你是在背事先准备好的材料,他会有意打断你,问一些其他的问题,测试一下你的反应能力,因此,自我介绍虽然可以提前准备并且有模板可循,但是千万别完全照搬模板,要结合个人的特点、将自己个性化的部分融入进去。导师打断之后,提的问题非常灵活,没有一个具体的标准,比如说你的个人经历,成功经历,失败经历,个人梦想,读研的计划等等。老师建议大家关于个人的信息一定要准备好,一定不要临时去想,因为临时想很难组织语言,也很难想得完美。面试过程:有规可寻,谨记四点1、英文毕竟不是咱们的母语,不要刻意求华丽,省的一上场紧张全忘记了,简单自然最好;2、也不要太过于滚瓜烂熟,有背稿之嫌,注意顿挫适当;3、切记不要太长,太长容易出错。三分钟以内就可以。语速不要太快,正常语速就可以,讲太快容易把自己搞紧张的;4、心理上一定不要轻视英语面试。研究生复试的英语部分一般是由学校的公共英语或研究生公共英语教研室来考核。好点的学校,那些参与面试的导师几乎都是海龟,在国外呆了多年,他们是可以用一口流利的英语做学术报告的。如果你进去上来一口标准流利的英语,瞬间镇住各位老师。相信我,成功就在眼前了。更多相关文章推荐: