vb版GammaDist()和GammaInv()两函数的代码从matlab里翻译过来的 GammaDist(x,a,b,true):'%GAMCDF Gamma cumulative distribution function。' P = GAMCDF(X,A,B) returns the gamma cumulative distribution'% function with parameters A and B at the values in X.Public Function GamCdf(x, a, b) 对应excel中GammaDist(x,a,b,true)函数,计算S曲线 If a = 0 Or b = 0 Then GammCdf = ”NaN" GamCdf = GAMMAINC(x / b, a) p = IIf(p 1, 1, p)End Function%GAMMAINC Incomplete gamma function。% Y = GAMMAINC(X,A) evaluates the incomplete gamma function for' corresponding elements of X and A. X and A must be real and the same size (or either can be a scalar). A must also be nonnegative.% The incomplete gamma function is defined as:'http:/zanjero。% gammainc(x,a) = 1 ./ gamma(a) .' integral from 0 to x of t(a-1) exp(-t) dt' For any a>=0, as x approaches infinity, gammainc(x,a) approaches 1.'% For small x and a, gammainc(x,a) = xa, so gammainc(0,0) = 1。Public Function GAMMAINC(x, a)Dim amax As Double amax = 2 20 ascalar = 1 If a = amax Then If a 0 And x > 0 And x a + 1 Then xk = x ak = a ap = ak Sum = 1 / ap del = Sum Dim i As Double For i = 1 To 10000 ap = ap + 1 del = xk del / ap Sum = Sum + del Next GAMMAINC = Sum Exp(-xk + ak Log(xk) GAMMALN(ak) ElseIf a < 0 And x 0 And x >= a + 1 Then xk = x a0 = 1 a1 = x b0 = 0 b1 = a0 ak = a fac = 1 n = 1 g = b1 gold = b0 For i = 1 To 10000 gold = g ana = n ak a0 = (a1 + a0 ana) * fac b0 = (b1 + b0 ana) fac anf = n * fac a1 = xk a0 + anf a1 b1 = xk b0 + anf b1 fac = 1 / a1 g = b1 * fac n = n + 1 Next GAMMAINC = 1 - Exp(-xk + ak Log(xk) - GAMMALN(ak) * g End If Else End IfEnd Function'*'GAMMALN Logarithm of gamma function.% Y = GAMMALN(X) computes the natural logarithm of the gamma'% function for each element of X. GAMMALN is defined as% LOG(GAMMA(X))'% and is obtained without computing GAMMA(X)。 Since the gamma'% function can range over very large or very small values, its logarithm is sometimes more useful. http:/zanjero.ygblog。com/Public Function GAMMALN(XX)Dim COF(6) As Double, stp As Double, half As Double, one As DoubleDim fpf As Double, x As Double, tmp As Double, ser As DoubleDim j As Integer COF(1) = 76。18009173 COF(2) = 86。50532033 COF(3) = 24.01409822 COF(4) = -1。231739516 COF(5) = 0.00120858003 COF(6) = 0.00000536382 stp = 2.50662827465 half = 0.5 one = 1# fpf = 5.5 x = XX - one tmp = x + fpf tmp = (x + half) * Log(tmp) - tmp ser = one For j = 1 To 6 x = x + one ser = ser + COF(j) / x Next j GAMMALN = tmp + Log(stp ser)End FunctionGammaInv:(要调用上面的GamCdf和GAMMALN函数)GAMINV Inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution function (cdf).% X = GAMINV(P,A,B) returns the inverse of the gamma cdf with% parameters A and B, at the probabilities in P。 http:/zanjero。ygblog。com/'对应Excel中GammaInv(p,a,b)函数,计算P的p值 pCs/2GammaInv(1-p/100,4/Cs2,1)2/CsPublic Function gaminv(p, a, b) If p < 0 Or p > 1 Or a = 0 Or b = 0 Then gaminv = ”NaN” Exit Function Else Select Case p Case 0 gaminv = 0 Case 1 gaminv = 1 Case Else Newton's Method ' Permit no more than count_limit interations。 count_limit = 100 cunt = 0 pk = p ' Supply a starting guess for the iteration。 ' Use a method of moments fit to the lognormal distribution。 mn = a * b v = mn * b temp = Log(v + mn 2) mu = 2 * Log(mn) - 0.5 * temp sigma = 2 Log(mn) + temp xk = Exp(MyNormInv(pk, mu, sigma)) '''''''''''' h = 1 ' Break out of the iteration loop for three reasons: '% 1) the last update is very small (compared to x) '% 2) the last update is very small (compared to sqrt(eps) '% 3) There are more than 100 iterations. This should NEVER happen. eps = 2 10 Do While Abs(h) eps 0.5 Abs(xk) And Abs(h) eps 0.5 And cunt count_limit cunt = tunt + 1 h = (GamCdf(xk, a, b) - pk) / gampdf(xk, a, b) ''''' xnew = xk h % Make sure that the current guess stays greater than zero. ' When Newtons Method suggests steps that lead to negative guesses % take a step 9/10ths of the way to zero: If xnew 0 Then xnew = xk / 10 h = xk - xnew End If xk = xnew Loop gaminv = xk End Select End IfEnd Function This function is a replacement for the Microsoft Excel Worksheet function NORMSINV.' It uses the algorithm of Peter J. Acklam to compute the inverse normal cumulative distribution。 Refer to http:/home.online.no/pjacklam/notes/invnorm/index。html for a description of the algorithm。 ' Adapted to VB by Christian dHeureuse, http:/zanjero。ygblog。com/.Public Function MyNormSInv(ByVal p As Double) '计算频率格纸Const a1 = 39.6968302866538, a2 = 220.946098424521, a3 = 275.928510446969Const a4 = 138.357751867269, a5 = 30.6647980661472, a6 = 2。50662827745924Const b1 = -54.4760987982241, b2 = 161.585836858041, b3 = 155。698979859887Const b4 = 66。8013118877197, b5 = -13.2806815528857, c1 = -7。78489400243029E-03Const c2 = 0.322396458041136, c3 = 2。40075827716184, c4 = 2.54973253934373Const c5 = 4。37466414146497, c6 = 2.93816398269878, d1 = 7.78469570904146E03Const d2 = 0.32246712907004, d3 = 2.445134137143, d4 = 3。75440866190742Const p_low = 0.02425, p_high = 1 p_lowDim q As Double, r As Double If p < 0 Or p 1 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , ”NormSInv: Argument out of range。" ElseIf p p_low Then q = Sqr(2 Log(p) MyNormSInv = ((c1 * q + c2) * q + c3) * q + c4) q + c5) * q + c6) / _ ((d1 * q + d2) q + d3) q + d4) * q + 1) ElseIf p = p_high Then q = p 0.5: r = q * q MyNormSInv = ((a1 r + a2) r + a3) r + a4) * r + a5) * r + a6) * q / _ ((((b1 r + b2) r + b3) r + b4) * r + b5) r + 1) Else q = Sqr(2 Log(1 - p) MyNormSInv = -(((c1 q + c2) * q + c3) * q + c4) q + c5) * q + c6) / _ (((d1 q + d2) * q + d3) q + d4) * q + 1) End IfEnd FunctionGAMPDF Gamma probability density function.'% Y = GAMPDF(X,A,B) returns the gamma probability density function'% with parameters A and B, at the values in X. http:/zanjero.ygblog。com/Public Function gampdf(x, a, b) y = 0 If x = 0 And a 1 Then gampdf = ”" Exit Function End If If x = 0 And a = 1 Then gampdf = 1 / b Exit Function End If If a = 0 Or b = 0 Then y = "NaN” gampdf = y Exit Function ElseIf x 0 Then y = (a 1) * Log(x) x / b GAMMALN(a) - a Log(b) y = Exp(y) End If gampdf = yEnd Function