Lesson 6汉堡包的来历 练一练考一考小结小组活动找错误语音学习 读读写写 演一演说唱接龙猜谜语 I like milk.I like milk.Moo.Whats your Moo.Whats your favourite drink?favourite drink?Hello,Birdy.I dont Hello,Birdy.I dont like flowers.I likelike flowers.I like fish.Fish is my fish.Fish is my favourite food.favourite food.Lets go out to play!Lets go out to play!There are lots of There are lots of beautiful flowers.beautiful flowers.Read and write Whats Monkeys/Whats Monkeys/Rabbits/Zips/Rabbits/Zips/Zooms favourite food?Zooms favourite food?Pronunciation NameNamefavouritefavourite food food Why?Why?SarahSarahi icece-cream-creamsweetsweetJohnJohn.Whats your Whats your favourite food?favourite food?Ice-cream.Ice-cream.Its sweet.Its sweet.Find out1)Whats your Whats your favourate fruitefavourate fruite?2)I like apple.I like apple.3)I like fruits.I like fruits.4)I like dont grapes.They are sour.I like dont grapes.They are sour.5)Apples are sweat.Apples are sweat.(favourite fruit?)(favourite fruit?)(apples)(apples)(fruit)(fruit)(dont like)(dont like)(sweet)(sweet)Read and guess 1 1、Im Im fruit.fruit.Im Im long long and and yellow.yellow.Children Children like like to to eat eat They put put me me in in their their bags bags and and go go to to At 12:30 12:30 these these children children have have milk milk and and sandwiches sandwiches for for lunch.lunch.They They also also eat eat me!me!What What am am I?I?Im Im a a _._.2 2、Im big and green.I have many black children Im big and green.I have many black children inside me.What am I?Im a _.inside me.What am I?Im a _.bananaLets check 1.Whats your Whats your favouritefavourite?I like fish.?I like fish.2.2.?Fish soup.?Fish soup.3.3.?Go fishing!?Go fishing!4.4.?The Biggest Fish!?The Biggest Fish!5.5.?F-I-S-H,fish!?F-I-S-H,fish!Listen to the dialogue and write the questions 1.Whats your Whats your favouritefavourite?I like fish.?I like fish.2.2.?Fish soup.?Fish soup.3.3.?Go fishing!?Go fishing!4.4.?The Biggest Fish!?The Biggest Fish!5.5.?F-I-S-H,fish!?F-I-S-H,fish!Whats your favourite Whats your favourite drinkdrinkWhats your favourite Whats your favourite sportsportWhats your favourite Whats your favourite drinkdrinkListen to the dialogue and write the questions foodfood1.Whats your Whats your favouritefavourite?I like fish.?I like fish.2.2.?Fish soup.?Fish soup.3.3.?Go fishing!?Go fishing!4.4.?The Biggest Fish!?The Biggest Fish!5.5.?F-I-S-H,fish!?F-I-S-H,fish!Whats your favourite Whats your favourite drinkdrinkWhats your favourite Whats your favourite sportsportWhats your favourite Whats your favourite drinkdrinkWhats your favourite Whats your favourite sportsportListen to the dialogue and write the questions foodfoodRead the story and tick or cross Baby:Mom,Im hungry!Baby:Mom,Im hungry!Mother:Mother:What What would would you you like like for for dinner?dinner?Baby:Id like some cakes.Baby:Id like some cakes.Mother:Mother:Here Here are are some some cakes.cakes.Would Would you you like like some some cupcakes?cupcakes?Theyre Theyre sweet.sweet.Baby:Baby:No,No,I I dont.dont.I I dont dont like like cupcakes.cupcakes.Mother:Whats your favourite cake?Mother:Whats your favourite cake?Baby:(Baby:(Climbs up the tree and points at the moon in the Climbs up the tree and points at the moon in the river river)I like that cake!)I like that cake!Mother:Oh,dear!Mother:Oh,dear!Read and tick or cross(2)(2)The baby monkey likes cupcakes.The baby monkey likes cupcakes.()()(3)(3)The cupcakes are sweet.The cupcakes are sweet.()()(4)(4)Cupcakes Cupcakes are are the the mother mother monkeys monkeys favourite favourite baby monkey wants to eat the moon.(5)The baby monkey wants to eat the moon.()()(1 1)The baby monkey would like some cakes for The baby monkey would like some cakes for dinner.dinner.()()Read and tick or cross(2)(2)The baby monkey likes cupcakes.The baby monkey likes cupcakes.()()(3)(3)The cupcakes are sweet.The cupcakes are sweet.()()(4)(4)Cupcakes Cupcakes are are the the mother mother monkeys monkeys favourite favourite baby monkey wants to eat the moon.(5)The baby monkey wants to eat the moon.()()(1 1)The baby monkey would like some cakes for The baby monkey would like some cakes for dinner.dinner.()()Read and write 小小小小结结结结Whats your favourite fruit?I like apples.Theyre sweet.I dont like grapes.Theyre sour.汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡包包包包是是是是西西西西方方方方快快快快餐餐餐餐的的的的主主主主食食食食。它它它它起起起起源源源源于于于于中中中中世世世世纪纪纪纪。当当当当时时时时蒙蒙蒙蒙古古古古人人人人和和和和鞑鞑鞑鞑靼靼靼靼人人人人交交交交战战战战,交交交交战战战战双双双双方方方方把把把把质质质质量量量量较较较较次次次次的的的的肉肉肉肉剁剁剁剁碎碎碎碎,加加加加工工工工,做做做做成成成成易易易易于于于于消消消消化化化化的的的的食食食食品品品品。4 4世世世世纪纪纪纪,这这这这种种种种食食食食品品品品传传传传到到到到德德德德国国国国,称称称称为为为为“汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡牛牛牛牛排排排排”。1919世世世世纪纪纪纪又又又又传传传传到到到到英英英英格格格格兰兰兰兰,经经经经过过过过食食食食品品品品专专专专家家家家的的的的进进进进一一一一步步步步改改改改进进进进,传传传传入入入入美美美美国国国国,称称称称为为为为“汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡肉肉肉肉饼饼饼饼”,简简简简称称称称“汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡包包包包”(”(hamburger)hamburger)。19041904年年年年,在在在在 圣圣圣圣 路路路路 易易易易 斯斯斯斯(St.St.LouisLouis)的的的的 世世世世 界界界界 博博博博 览览览览 会会会会(Worlds Worlds FairFair)上上上上,首首首首次次次次出出出出售售售售汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡包包包包,很很很很受受受受欢欢欢欢迎迎迎迎。因因因因此此此此广广广广为为为为流流流流传传传传。汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡包包包包实实实实际际际际上上上上是是是是三三三三明明明明治治治治(sandwichsandwich)。后后后后来来来来又又又又发发发发展展展展成成成成“汉汉汉汉堡堡堡堡加加加加配配配配菜菜菜菜”,加加加加上上上上番番番番茄茄茄茄片片片片,洋洋洋洋葱葱葱葱(oniononion)片片片片,酸酸酸酸黄黄黄黄瓜瓜瓜瓜(pickled pickled cucumbercucumber),还还还还涂涂涂涂上上上上黄黄黄黄油油油油(butterbutter)、番番番番茄茄茄茄沙沙沙沙司司司司(ketchupketchup)、芥芥芥芥末末末末(mustardmustard)等等等等。这这这这种种种种食食食食物物物物通通通通常常常常在在在在午午午午餐餐餐餐或或或或小小小小吃吃吃吃时时时时食食食食用用用用,因因因因为为为为其其其其含含含含有有有有各各各各种种种种肉肉肉肉馅馅馅馅,不不不不便便便便拿拿拿拿在在在在手中,一般都放在盘中,用刀叉食用。手中,一般都放在盘中,用刀叉食用。手中,一般都放在盘中,用刀叉食用。手中,一般都放在盘中,用刀叉食用。