英语人教版八年级下册Unit 3 Section A 3a--3c.pptx
Section A ReadingSection A Reading 黄湾中学黄湾中学 孙静孙静Groupwork:Groupwork:Look at the picture and discuss Look at the picture and discuss the questions in your group.the questions in your group.Wasthehousecleanandtidy,orwasitamess?Whatwouldyoudoifyourhouseisamesslikethis?1.Whoisthebusiestinyourfamily,yourmother,yourfatheroryourself?2.Whatchoresdoyoudoathome?New vocabulariesthrowall the timeneithershirtas soon as过去式过去式扔;掷扔;掷threw衬衫衬衫也不;两者都不也不;两者都不频繁;反复频繁;反复一一.就就.Task 1:Task 1:Read the story carefully and answer the questions.1.WhatwasthefirstthingNancydidwhenshegothome?2.WhatdidNancysmotheraskhertodo?3.WhatdidNancywanttodo?4.WhywasNancysmomangrywithher?5.Didtheysolvetheproblem?6.WhatdidNancyfinallyunderstand?1.WhatwasthefirstthingNancydidwhenshegothome?She threw down her bag and went to the living room.2.WhatdidNancysmotheraskhertodo?She asked her to take the dog for a walk.3.WhatdidNancywanttodo?She wanted to watch one show first.4.WhywasNancysmomangrywithher?BecauseshewatchedTVallthetimeandneverhelpedoutaroundthehouse.5.Didtheysolvetheproblem?Yes,theydid.6.WhatdidNancyfinallyunderstand?Sheunderstoodthattheyneededtosharethehouseworktohaveacleanandcomfortablehome.Finish in your group:1.One of members reads the question to the class.2.Another member translates the question into Chinese.3.The third answers the question.4.The last one translates the answer into Chinese.Task 2:Task 2:Read the first paragraph and fill in the blanks.Lastmonth,onedaywhenNancygothome,shefelttoo_.She_infrontoftheTV,buthermomsaid,“Couldyouplease_thedogforawalk?”Nancywantedto_first.Hermomwasangrywithher.“YouwatchTV_andnever_aroundthehouse!”tiredsatdowntakeallthetimehelpoutwatchTVTask 3Task 3:Read the sentences below.Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.1.Neitherofusdidanyhouseworkforaweek.2.MymomcameoverassoonasIsatdowninfrontoftheTV.3.Youretired,butImtired,too.For one week,she didnt do any housework and neither did I.The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over.Im just as tired as you are!Task 4Task 4:Putthesesentencesintherightorder._ Nancys dog wanted a walk and welcomed her when she came home from school._ Nancy understood she needed to share the housework and cleaned the room._ Nancys going to watch TV,but mom asked Nancy to walk the dog._ Neither of them did any housework for a week._ Mom got angry and walked away.15243MomNancyRead the sentences and judge(判断判断)who says these words.1.Could you please take the dog for a walk?2.Could I watch one show first?3.You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house!4.I cant work all day and do housework all evening.5.Well,I work all day at school,too!6.Im just as tired as you are!Task 5Task 5:RoRole play the le play the storystory Have a challenge!Have a challenge!Have a challenge!Have a challenge!MomNancy1.New vocabularylastmonth,comeovertakethedogforawalk,watchoneshowallthetime,thenextday,neitherdidI2.Important sentencesTheminuteIsatdowninfrontoftheTV,mymomcameover.Foroneweek,shedidnotdoanyhousework,andneitherdidI.Imjustastiredasyouare!We all grow up,and we can We all grow up,and we can help do some chores at home.help do some chores at home.As we know,our parents are As we know,our parents are very hard,so we must study very hard,so we must study hard and make a big difference hard and make a big difference to their life.to their life.Do RememberDo RememberDo RememberDo Remember1.Listallthemainphrasesofdoingchoresthatyouknow.(必必做做)2.Makeaconversationbetweenyouandyourmother,usingthesentencepattern“Couldyouplease?CouldI?”(选做)(选做)