Supply Chain and Logistics Solutions 29 December,2001 nDHL foundation nFacts and solutions nLogistics and ITnMission achievement(DHL)SLogistics infrastructureSTransportation Network SIT integration nSuccessful case Study ContentsDHL FOUNDATION In 1969,a shipping company was having difficulty meeting urgent deadlines between California And Hawaii.1.1San FranciscoLos AngelesSan DiegoHonoluluM E X P A C I F I CDHL Corporation was foundedThe world appreciated a GOOD IDEAGOOD IDEA then.and STILL DOESSTILL DOES now.DDalsey,alsey,HHillblom and illblom and L Lynn ynn Created a method of meeting these time-sensitive needsDHL Worldwide Express Our humble beginning.DHL Worldwide Express Taiwan beginning.洋基通運股份有限洋基通運股份有限公司公司1973首推包裹及貨樣快遞首推包裹及貨樣快遞1976與與7-11合作國際快遞業務合作國際快遞業務1990ISO9002認證認證1995邁向邁向2005-深耕台灣投資計畫深耕台灣投資計畫(10億億)1999nTurnover of US$6 billion,over 140 million shipmentsnCover 228 countries with over 3,750 service centers.nEmploy over 66,600 peoplen254 aircraft,18,576 vehiclesn36 HubsDHL Worldwide Express Current StatusSource:Market Measurement researches and DHL internal estimates2000 worldwide market shares international door-to-door Facts and SolutionsSalesTime Less time to make profit Higher risk of obsolescenceMarketLate EntrantTime to Market is importantObsolescentStockOrder MarkdownsShorter life cycles make timing crucial Client faces impact of risk RawmaterialManufactureCustomer RetailerDistributor Transportation Transportation InventoryWarehouse(Storage)FinanceEnd to end lead time Impact on Financial Records Obsolescence1.2%15%Capital Cost0.05%Insurance Markdowns(15%)Storage2%Inventory Holding CostsInventory holding costs Taxes1%19.25%Key Factors to Consider Setting Up A Warehouse PlanningOperations Selecting a suitable site Product mix considerations Allowance for future expansion The Warehouse Design The Warehouse Lay-out The Materials Handling System Stocking the Warehouse Personnel Training Developing Work Procedures Security Systems Pilferage Protectionn成本優勢成本優勢:降低點對點之間的運送成本降低點對點之間的運送成本n附加價值的優勢附加價值的優勢:以強化客戶服務來創造附加價值以強化客戶服務來創造附加價值 Two dimensions of supply chain excellence Customer NeedsExpress LogisticsExpress DistributionA.Strategic Inventory ManagementB.Direct Express InventoryC.Return Repair InventoryD.Finished GoodsE.Spare PartsF.Planned ProductionG.Goods SamplesH.Financial ServicesI.Repair ExchangeJ.Test ServicesAdvantage Solutions are generic descriptions of the flows,integrated processes and mix of service offerings which together create a competitive advantage/integrated solution for the customer.DHL advantage solution Purchase Orders Manufacturing Orders FactoryOrders Customer OrdersInbound Logistics(Supply)SupplyMarketPre-SalesMarketAfter-SalesMarketStockWIPStockStockManufacturing Logistics(Production)Outbound Logistics(Distribution)Service Logistics(After-Sales)-Materials Management-Materials Requirements Planning-Production Logistics-Physical Distribution Mgt-Distribution Requirements Planning-Reverse Logistics-Returns Material Admin(RMA)Logistics and the supply chain concept Purchase Orders Manufacturing Orders FactoryOrders Customer OrdersInbound Logistics(Supply)SupplyMarketPre-SalesMarketAfter-SalesMarketStockWIPStockStockManufacturing Logistics(Production)Outbound Logistics(Distribution)Service Logistics(After-Sales)TransportationLogistics ElementsLogistics ElementsTransportationWarehousingInventoryWarehousingInventoryInventoryDistributionLogistics and the supply chain logistics element Manufacturer in origin country produces bulk shipmentProcess 1Fowarder/cartage agent deliversshipment to airport or dockProcess 2Shipment is deliveredto destination countryProcess 3Broker receives andclears through customsProcess 4Shipment is trucked to importers warehouseProcess 5Shipment is loggedin to ReceivingProcess 6Shipment is warehousedProcess 7Orders are pulled forshipment to customerProcess 8Shipment is trucked tocustomers distribution centerProcess 9Shipment is loggedin to ReceivingProcess 10Shipment is warehousedPrrocess 11Orders are pulled andrelabeled for final shipmentProcess 12Shipment is truckedto retail outletsProcess 13The Limited Distribution System(4 weeks or longer)Traditional shipment transfer Advantaged shipment transfer(BBX)The Limited Inc.will provide DHLdetails of the final destination addresses 1 week prior to expected ship out date.Process 1Labels are printed and appliedat point of manufacturing or DHLfacility(to be confirmed)Process 2DHL receives shipment,which are thenscanned and information is uploaded intoDHLs information networkProcess 3Electronic customsclearanceis begun in flightProcess 4At DHL hub,shipment is divided and delivered directly to retail outlets Process 6Packages clear customsas a single bulk shipment Process 5The DHL Direct-Distribution System(2-4 days)Logistics and IT IT-the key to success in Logistics!The most complicated area of logistics Yet an integral part-information flow Single factor that has dramatically changed the way business is done!Logistics and ITnSupply Chain IT Systems driving Business StrategynInitially,a companys Business Strategy determined the IT System selected,whether for production,sales or supply chainnHowever,the high level of sophistication and functionality of IT Systems have turned them into the“drivers”and“enablers”of Business Strategy.nCompanies focus on enhancing current IT investments nMany companies have invested millions in state-of-the-art systems,not all of which have lived up to expectationsnAdded to this is the high purchase/install/roll-out costs for a typical global IT System(e.g.SAP,Oracle etc.)nThis has resulted in a new trend-firms now seek to maximize their current IT investments and outsource operations work.Trends in Supply Chain IT DevelopmentLogisticsCapacity PlanStrategic PlanForecastInventoryManagementProcurementTransportationDistributionOrder ProcessingOrder MgmtProcurement PlanManufacturingStandard-IT Systems in Logistics OpportunityCo-ordination FlowsOperations FlowsInventory M/SWarehouse M/SOrder Mgmt Syst.-Customer-own-3PL Providers-Web-basedCustomers Mainframe SystemCustomers Mainframe SystemDistribution Syst.-Route Planner-Cost ModellingTransport Mgmt Syst.-Multi-company-Multi-modal Mission achievement(DHL)What is our customers requirements explosion On-time DeliveryInformation,information&still more informationPerform“miracles”whenevertheres a problemPerformanceAnalysisDedicatedServiceLow RatesELC SPCThe Express Logistics Center:nIs managed by DHLnServes regional marketsnOffers a standard menu of value-added servicesnProvides 24-hour service,7 days a weeknHas an inventory management system with DHL global connectivitynIs typically located at a DHL gateway or hubnProvides bonded facilitiesThe Strategic Parts Center:nIs country-specificnOffers same day delivery as well as value-added servicesThe Distribution Center provides large stockholding capabilities for products that do not need to be sent express DHL Transportation improvement HubsService centresWhich means:nDHL is closest to its customersnShipments are delivered in the fastest possible way all over the worldnPresence in 228 countriesnBetter transit timesnDealing with one global partnerWhich means:nBetter transit times:less dependent on other aircraft companiesnBetter service levelsnMore flexibility:we can meet special requirements and offer more alternativesnMore control:shipments stay within the DHL networknLater pick-up times,earlier deliveriesFlights per dayAircraft DHL Transportation improvement CustomerTransportWarehouse It integration and shipment track Definition of Customer RequirementJust-in-time delivery of components to support a manufacturing process allowing minimal inventory.Distribution TransportWarehouseManufacturingProductionTransportWarehouseSupplierInformationPhysical MaterialCustomerTransportWarehouse It integration and shipment track Definition of Customer RequirementJust-in-time delivery of components to support a manufacturing process allowing minimal inventory.Distribution TransportWarehouseManufacturingProductionTransportWarehouseSupplierInformationPhysical Material資料交換圖資料交換圖ABC公司公司/ERP寄件管理系統寄件管理系統寄件資料寄件資料EasyShipPrinting DHL AWBsand Barcode LabelsABC公司公司DHL洋基通運公司洋基通運公司ShipmentControlSystem 說 明:1.提單資料於寄件前由ABC公司由EasyShip輸入列印提單及標籤,並於當日完成後執 行 End of Day 把相關提單傳送至DHL洋基通運 (若ABC公司不經由EasyShip輸入列印及標籤,提單資料於寄件後由DHL洋基通運由 Shipment Control System 輸入至DHL HP主機)3.提單資料(進出口),報關資料,寄件資料,帳務資料經處理完成後,由DHL洋基通運由 EDI將相關資料傳至ABC公司 寄件狀態寄件狀態,報關資報關資料料,費用資料費用資料進口報關進口報關出口報關出口報關帳務系統帳務系統DHL HP主機ShipmentInformationSystemEDI資料資料內容內容(範例)確認寄件 進出口提單資料,確認輸入完成後,下列欄位內容將依雙方同意格式,由DHL洋基通運公司經 EDI 傳送至ABC公司 欄位內容 提單號碼 -AWB1-NO 取件日期 -AWB1-RECV-DATE (出口:廠商收貨日)參考號碼 -AWB1-CO-NO (Shipper Ref.in EasyShip Screen)運輸方式 -AWB1-AIR-SEA(Default:D for DHL)確認進/出口清關完成 出口報關及進口報關資料,清關完成,下列欄位內容,將依相同附件格式傳至ABC公司 欄位內容 提單號碼-AWB1-NO 班機號碼 -AWB1-FLIGHT-NO 班機日期 -AWB1-IO-DATE 主提單號 -AWB1-MERGE-NO 件數 -AWB1-QTY 件數單位 -AWB1-UNIT1 重量 -AWB1-WEIGHT 重量單位 -AWB1-UNIT2 離岸價格 -AWB1-AMT 幣別 -AWB1-MT It integration and shipment track 起運國(到運國)出/進口 -AWB1-DEPART 進口稅 -AWB1-TAX 倉租費 -AWB1-WHOUSE-FEE 報單號碼 -AWB1-CUSTOM-NO 報單類別 -AWB1-CUSTOM-TYPE 商港費 -AWB1-CREATE-FEE 貿推費 -AWB1-SERVICE-FEE 確認送件完成 進出口送貨完成,下列欄位內容將依相同附件格式傳至ABC公司 提單號碼 -AWB1-NO 送件日期 -AWB1-TAKE-DATE 簽收人 -AWB1-RECEIVER 核算運費完成 進出口運費月結完成,下列欄位內容將依相同附件格式傳至ABC公司 提單號碼 -AWB1-NO 運費 -AWB1-FLIGHT-FEE 提單取消 特殊狀況於取消提單,下列欄位內容將依相同附件格式傳至ABC公司 提單號碼 -AWB1-NO 刪除碼 -AWB1-CANCEL(Default:5)Successful Case Study Amy 懶懶地坐在椅子上,拿起杯子正在品嚐剛剛泡好的麥斯威爾咖啡,心想手邊的工作也告一段落,再一個小時,就可以很輕鬆地放二天的週末假期.Amy 黃(新欣紡織)突然突然.Amy:我是我是Angela,我要一批夾克我要一批夾克,數量數量1,000件件,請在請在10天後天後寄到美國指定的零售商寄到美國指定的零售商,地址是地址是.1.通知通知SPC 將布料送進工廠將布料送進工廠2.通知韓國以通知韓國以DHL方方式快遞另一批布料式快遞另一批布料總共生產總共生產 1,500件件(第五天第五天)02/720.95.003DHL Entity1,000 to customer500 to SPC US1,000 pcs500 pcsAmy:謝謝在指定時間讓我的客戶收到謝謝在指定時間讓我的客戶收到,現在還現在還在在加訂在在加訂500件給另一定零售商件給另一定零售商,且務必且務必在五天內到達在五天內到達.Angela:No problem,妳要的妳要的500件件,明天妳的客明天妳的客戶就會收到戶就會收到.Amy:妳快速的服務讓妳快速的服務讓我們非常地滿意我們非常地滿意,顯然的們的生意仍顯然的們的生意仍能繼續合作能繼續合作,我預計下星期還會有一批新的訂單進來我預計下星期還會有一批新的訂單進來.Physical ShipmentAccept/rejectABCOEMDHL TWOEM WarehouseDHL TPEGatewayDHL ContactDHL OPForecast fileManifest fileDestination fileEmail NoticeRemote AccessRF FacilityPhysical ShipmentDHL AMSGatewayInvoice file The existing Breakbulk Express DHL AMSGateway End CustomerDHL StationDHL AMSDeviationAMS CustomsForwarderPhysical shipmentNone EC shipmentEC shipment declaration fileT1 reportDHL ContactEmail NoticeEC shipmentEC shipment The Existing Breakbulk Express Thank you very much!