中英项目中课程设计思路简介Brief introduction to the general ideas underpinning the course design for the e-China project北师大继续教育与教师培训学院 王彦平BNU Wang Yanping2005年3月13日2005/03/13 概述 Outline一、该课程设计的理论依据二、该课程设计思路三、给学员在学习过程中的建议1.Theoretical assumptions underpinning the course design2.Rationale for the course design3.Helpful suggestions for learning Theoretical assumptions underpinning the course designConstructivist learning theory 建构主义认为,知识不是通过教师传授得到的,而是学习者在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构的方式获得的。This theory posits that knowledge does not exist independently in the world,but is actively constructed by learners both individually and via interaction with others(peers and e-tutors).In this context knowledge construction takes place within the realm of the content of the materials,problem-based tasks and assignments,and is elaborated on through discussion and collaboration with other members of the learning community.Theoretical assumptions underpinning the course designConstructivism learning theory建构主义提倡在教师指导下的、以学习者为中心的学习,也就是说,既强调学习者的认知主体作用,又不忽视教师的指导作用,教师是意义建构的帮助者、促进者,而不是知识的传授者与灌输者。学生是信息加工的主体、是意义的主动建构者,而不是外部刺激的被动接受者和被灌输的对象。Constructivism calls for student-centered,teacher-guiding learning.Constructivism emphasizes the learners cognizing role and the use of pre-existing knowledge in the construction of new meanings and understanding.Learners actively construct meaning for themselves and are not passive receptacles for information.The e-tutors role is one of facilitation to promote learning.Theoretical assumptions underpinning the course designConstructivist learning theoryUsing methods of enquiry to construct knowledgePrivate activity whereby learners interact with learning materials,process and analyze information,draw on prior experiences and knowledge,and construct meanings.Social activity between learners and tutors facilitates learning.Theoretical assumptions underpinning the course design该课程的学员特点分析在职成人该课程的学员层次教育硕士该课程的内容分析理论与实践相结合该课程的技术支撑手段分析信息技术的发展Participants of the course are in-service adult learnersThe academic level of the course is Master in EducationCurriculumcombines educational theories and practiceTechnology is used to support learning Rationale for the course design总体思路基于学习任务的学习方案,即以任务驱动学习为主线、以教师为主导、以学生为主体进行课程学习。(这种学习方法符合建构主义学习理论,适用于培养学生的创新能力和独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。)General ideas in the course designtask-based learning approach in which learners are at the centre.E-tutors are the facilitators of learning.(This learning approach accords with constructivist learning theory.This learning approach fosters students creativity and independence in analyzing and solving problems).Rationale for the course design单元结构Unit Structure单元概述 Unit introduction建议学习时间 study time 学习目标aims and objectives学习成果learning outcomes单元结构框架unit framework单元作业assignment参考资料references学习小节Summary of the learning section建议学习时间study time学习目标learning outcome学习任务学习活动learning tasklearning activitiesRationale for the course design可以以教育心理学第九单元为例简介上述结构An example from the materials:Educational Psychology,Unit 9Rationale for the course design学习内容的选择建议The learning materials are divided into two typesUnit 1Unit 2Unit 11 必学内容need to learn(compulsory materials)扩展内容good to learn(optional materials)可以见现代教育学第七单元An example from the materials,Unit 7 Rationale for the course designLearning methods used in the course designReflective learningReflective learning is a process whereby participants consciously think about and analyze their learning.This is undertaken systematically and purposefully.An example:Activity 1:Solve the given problem.Reflect on how you solved this problem and contemplate reasons why the problem was either solved well or was not solved.Rationale for the course designLearning methods used in the course designCollaborative learningThis method enables each participant to can collect others.Participants will have opportunities to communicate with other learners,share ideas and experiences,compare views,analyze and synthesize,and develop good relationships with other learners.For example,some tasks require working in groups.E-tutors will divide the participants into several groups and they will be invited to discuss a particular issue among themselves.One person will be selected as the group leader.This person will be responsible for providing a summary of the groups discussion and overall perspective.Group leaders will post their summary online and these will be available for all participants to read.Rationale for the course designLearning methods used in the designCase study Case studies are used to trigger deliberation and discussion among participants.Examples:Educational Psychology,Unit 3.A case study called Meet Billy examines the behavior of a young boy.Modern Pedagogy,Unit 3.A case study examining a reported incident in the media whereby a teacher slapped the face of a student.Rationale for the course designAssessmentFocus on learning process,emphasis on formative assessment.教师可能会根据学员的作业、登陆次数、发帖的数量、发帖的质量以及小组讨论中的表现等等方面来对学员进行评价。Tutors assess participants according to their assignments,time spent online,the quantity and quality of their forum postings and their contribution in group discussions.Rationale for the course designLearning supportEffective e-tutor support enables learners to study well.要注意辅导教师可能会有一些定期活动;tutors will regularly observe online activity(tutor presence);辅导教师也会参与学员的讨论;tutors will participate in discussions with learners where appropriate;辅导教师会对学员的发言给予一定的评价等等以支持鼓励学员的学习。tutors will offer feedback on participants posting and encourage them to make further contributions.Helpful suggestions for learningPutting the theory into practice鉴于学习课程的特殊性,希望学员能够充分运用所学的学习方法,马上应用于实践,完成知识的建构,并以新建构的理论和知识指导自己的学习过程,形成一个良性循环。In terms of the characteristic of the courses,we hope that all participants will be able to utilize the new learning theory effectively in practice and be enabled to actively construct new knowledge.By using this newly constructed knowledge learners can develop their learning,and this will ultimately improve their practice.谢谢大家!Thanks!