Unit 5 Section B Writing.pptx
Talk about some special things that your city is famous for.These can be food,artwork or any other products.Discuss them with your partner.Whatsyourcityfamousfor?Ourcityisfamousfor.Really!Whataretheymadeof?Theyremadeof.PapercuttinginRuichang1canyouseepapercuttings?5arepapercuttingsusuallymadeby?2canpapercuttingsbeusedtodo?6aretheyspecial?PapercuttinginRuichang3doyouneedtomakepapercuttings?4tomakeapapercutting?Work in groups to get more information.You can use the following question map to help you.WhenWhatWhattoolsHowWhoWhycanyouseepapercuttings?canpapercuttingsbeusedtodo?doyouneedtomakepapercuttings?tomakeapapercutting?arepapercuttingsusuallymadeby?aretheyspecial?WhenWhatWhattoolsHowWhoWhycanyouseepapercuttings?Wecanseepapercuttingsonfestivalsandweddings.canpapercuttingsbeusedtodo?1.Theycanbeputonwalls,doorsandwindows.2.TheycanbeusedatSpringfestivalandweddingcelebrations.WhenWhatdoyouneedtomakepapercuttings?Weneedapieceofredpaper,apairofscissorsandapencil.tomakeapapercutting?First,foldtheredpaper.Next,useyourpentodrawthepictureyoulike.Then,usethescissorstocutitdown.Finally,openit.WhattoolsHowarepapercuttingsusuallymadeby?Theyareusuallymadebywomenandgirls.aretheyspecial?Theyareregardedasthesymbolsofbestwishesforgoodluckandhappiness.WhoWhyPapercuttinginRuichangSkylanterns Sky lanterns,are also known as Kongming lanterns,have been a tradition in China for centuries.Notonly the young butalso the old like them very much.Accordingto Chinese history,sky lanterns werefirst used by Zhuge Kongming.He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble.In ancient days,they were used in wars.Nowadays,sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.The sky lanterns are made of bamboo and covered with paper.When the lanterns are lit,they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see.Itssaidthat sky lanterns have a magical power,aslongas you write down your wishes on them,and look at them as they slowly rise to the sky,you can realize your desire.Therefore,many people call sky lantern as pray a light or peaceful light.Sky lanterns are regarded as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.Allinall,sky lantern is pretty popular in China.And with the rapid development of China,now lots of foreigners fallinlovewith sky lanterns.And I think moreandmoreforeigners will come to China to learn about them.Doyouknowotherwordslikethat?passivevoiceTherearefourparagraphs(自然段自然段)inthearticle,andtheycanbedividedintothreeparts(部分部分).SkyLanternsPart:_Part:_Part :_Para.1Para.2,Para.3Para.4 Skylanterns Sky lanterns,are also known as Kongming lanterns,have been a tradition in China for centuries.Not only the young but also the old like them very much.According to Chinese history,sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming.He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble.In ancient days,they were used in wars.Nowadays,sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.The sky lanterns are made of bamboo and covered with paper.When the lanterns are lit,they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see.Its said that sky lanterns have a magical power,as long as you write down your wishes on them,and look at them as they slowly rise to the sky,you can realize your desire.Therefore many people call sky lantern as pray a light or peaceful light.Sky lanterns are regarded as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.Allinall,sky lantern is pretty popular in China.And with the rapid development of China,now lots of foreigners fallinlovewith sky lanterns.And I think moreandmoreforeigners will come to China to learn about them.Beginning.Body.Ending.Matchthemainideaswiththeparts.Part 1(Beginning.)Part 2(Body.)Part 3(Ending.)C.A short introduction of sky lanterns.A.More information about sky lanterns.B.The popularity of sky lanterns.Letssummarizethestructure!Beginning(开头).Ending(结尾).Body(正文).a short introduction of sky lanternsmore information about sky lanternsthestructure(结结构构)ofthearticlethe popularity of sky lanternsPaper cutting in RuichangHowtowriteyourowncompositionBeginning.Body.Ending.a short introduction of paper cutting in Ruichangmore information about paper cutting in Ruichangevery student can have their own special endingUse the following expressions to help you:Mytown/cityisfamousforisfamousinmytown/city.is/aremadeof/from/with/by/inis/areusedforis/areknownforis/arespecialbecauseWrite a composition about the product.3bWhattheproductisWhatitismadeofWhoitismadebyWhattoolyoushouldprepareHowtomakeapapercuttingWhatitcandoWhyitisspecialPapercuttingRedpaperUsuallybywomenandgirlsRedpaper,apencil,scissors.First,.Second,.Then,.Next,.Finally,.Itcanbeputon.Itsregardedasthesymbolsof.Now its time for you to write your own composition.(10 mins)Group Work1、每个小组四人传、每个小组四人传递式交互修改对方递式交互修改对方作文(作文(2minutes)Group Work2 2、推荐一篇、推荐一篇 最好的作文最好的作文+集体修改集体修改(2minutes)Group Work3、用英文评论组内最好、用英文评论组内最好的那篇作文的那篇作文(2minutes)When you comment(评价)the best article,you can use the following sentences.1.I think its position.2.There are some spelling mistakes,.3.In my opinion,his/her composition has a great beginning/ending.4.There is a fantastic sentence/phrase in the beginning/ending.5.Her/His handwriting(字迹)is clear and beautiful.6.I like the sentences.very much.Group Work4、好文展示、好文展示+评论评论(6minutes)Its time for you to show how to comment(评价评价)the best composition you have checked togther.ChineseyamLushanCloud-fogTeaCaichaOpera(HuangmeiTune)Thelifeinmyhometownissocoloful,Ienjoylivinghere.Ilovemyhometownsomuch.