流行语中文翻译1.不明觉厉不明觉厉中文释义:中文释义:虽然不明白对方在说/干什么,但觉得很厉害的样子。英文:英文:1)I dont quite get it,but I think you are really terrific.2)I dont know what you said,but it seems you are great.2.喜大普奔喜大普奔中文释义:中文释义:喜闻乐见、大快人心、普天同庆、奔走相告英文:英文:The news is so exhilarating that everyone is celebrating and spreading it to the rest of the world.3.人艰不拆人艰不拆中文释义:中文释义:人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿。英文:英文:1)Life is so hard that some lies are better not to be exposed.2)Life is so hard.Dont hurt me with the truth.3.人艰不拆人艰不拆中文释义:中文释义:人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿。英文:英文:1.Life is so hard that some lies are better not to be exposed.2.Life is so hard.Dont hurt me with the truth.4.累觉不爱累觉不爱中文释义:中文释义:很累,感觉自己不会再爱了。英文:英文:Too tired to love.示例:示例:我很累,感觉自己不会再爱了。Example:Im very tired.I dont think I can love again.5.不约而同不约而同中文释义:中文释义:很久没有人约,而变成了同性恋。英文:英文:He(she)becomes a gay(lesbian)after such a long time without dating.6.我也是醉了来源:笑傲江湖中令狐冲讽刺别人的谄媚:“我一看到那些人的谄媚样,可就浑身难受,摇摇晃晃几欲醉倒。”Are you kidding me?7.那画面太美我不敢看中文释义:对奇葩事物的形容,比如看到一张很雷人的图片,以此表达自己看到这张图片受到的视觉或心理冲击Thats such a beautiful scene that I dare not to have my eyes fixed on it。8.我读书少你别骗我中文释义:一般用于交谈中的调侃,表示不要欺负老实人I dont have much education,dont try to fool me.9.我只想安安静静地做个美男子中文释义:这句话常常被长得丑的男生用来自我调侃Let me be a quite and handsome boy.10.其他流行语翻译1)神马都是浮云 Its all fleeting cloud.2)至于你信不信,反正我是信了。Whether you believe it or not,I am convinced.3)做人呢,最重要是开心。Happiness is the way.