2021年下半年小学教育知识与能力英语设计2022小学教资教育教学知识与能力教学设计教学设计-英语一、教学目标1、知识与技能目标1学生能够、复习学会,掌握本节课的生词,及句型2学生能够理解对话的含义,部分学生能够进行复述和表演。3完成书写练习2、过程与方法目标:1学生能够通过合作交流,对话活动等方式,运用本节课重点词汇和句型,在日常生活中谈论关于的话题,提高语言实际交际能力。2学生的听说会话能力有所提高。3、情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生的学习积极性,学生敢于乐于运用英语进行交流;培养团队合作意识;木节课的中心思想。二教学过程1、导入环节1运用新媒体展示图片、电影、歌曲等导入;2运用游戏导入;3创设情景。(以上任选其一)设计意图:激发学生的学习兴趣,营造一个较好的英语学习环境;复习旧知识,启发学生的思维,富有趣味性,便于引出新授内容。2、新授环节1老师课前准备好图片并在图片上标好英文名称,利用PPT的形式播放给学生,新授本节课单词;2学生跟读几遍,并强调“”的发音,突破难点;3运用师生对话的方式教学句型。3、归纳小结以活动形式,每位学生充分发言,交流学习所得。4、布置作业抄写、背诵单词,下节课听写;做题辨析相近词等。6。板书设计上课时准备写在黑板上的内容。板书要求科学性、整体性、条理性。【真题范例】ThiS black bag i nce。IleS bgtBUt < heavy。 ThiS Qreen One 胳 IBghL And it got two po<dkel YioU Can PLIt your UmbreIia there。But < mallMS SmM: LOok at thi M>e One IrS big and lght-LinQinQ: OtI HeStSl tent; And it go< four WtIeehl H9II be eay fc you to carry。根据上述材料完成下列任务:(1)简要分析上述文本的语言知识重点、难点。(10分)(2)如指导小学生学习木文,试拟定教学目标。(10分)(3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计句型教学环节,并说明理由。(20分)【参考答案】(1)重点、难点:本节课的教学内容所涉及的语言功能是用 颜色、大小等形容词描述事物的 性质、特征,形容词与It' +adj 的句型重复出现,由此可以确定语言知识重难点。Key POint: (1) WOrdS: heavy, light, broken, POCket(2)Target IangUage: It' S big and Iight It' 11 be eay for you。 DiffiCUIt POint: StUdentS Can USe the adjective and the SentenCe pattern uIt, +adj V to decribe SOmething(2)教学目标:1KnOWIedge aim: StUdent Can liten, read and Write theWOrdS heavy, light, broken, POCket StUdentS Can UnderStand and USe the SentenCe Tt' S big and Iight V 、 "It' 11 be eay for you。 ”2AbiIity aim: StUdentS Can decribe and COmPare thingUSing the adjective and SentenCe PatternS in thi IeSSO n。3EmOtiOnaI aim: StUdent CarI Iearn to make their OWndeciion StUdent Can take Part in CIaSS actiVitieS acti VeI y。(3)教学环节:TeaChing deignStepl: WarnI UP Sing the SOng I Carl Sing the rainbow StUderIt Carl review the adjectiVeS Of COIOr in thi StePSteP 2 : Lead-in Let' S Chant。 T: AlI eye On me, PIeaSe Small, mall, mall, my eye are SmalI; Big, big, big, my mouth i big; New, new, new, my CIOtheS are new; Old, old,old, my bag i Old StUdentS Can review the adjectivemall, big, old, new and PrePare for the new IeSSOn。SteP 3 : PreSentatiOn1PreSent new WOrdS USing a bag to PreSent new WOrdS POCket, broken。 USing the bag and acting to PreSent IleW WOrdS Iight and heavy。 StUdent Carl UnderStand the new WOrd in a ViVid way。2PreSent the tetA。StUdent decribe the PiCture in the tetbook(What Can you ee What are they doing )B。LiSten to the tape and think aboUt the quetion。a。Why doe MS Smart Want to buy LingIing a new bagb。HOW many bag do they eec。Why don, t they ChOOSe ( 选择 )the black oned WhiCh bag do they chooe WhyC。LiSten again and then anwer the quetion。a。Why doe MS Smart Want to buy LingIing a new bag BeCaUSe LingIing, S bag i broken。b。HOW many bag do they ee Threec。Why don' t they ChOOSe ( 选择 )the black one It, S (too) heav y。d。WhiCh One do they chooe Why They ChOOSe the blue One BeCaUSe it' S big and light, and it' S got four WheeIS3LiSten to the tape and repeatSteP 4 : PraCtiCe1PIay a What, S IniSSing game to review the new WOrdS2PraCtice and try to PIay the tory。SteP 5 : PrOdUCtion WOrk in group Of four StUdentS draw SOme bag for themelve and tell Other StUdentS Why they deign the bag in that way。