marketing strict internal cost control,business and innovation performance.-Increasing electricity acce ss,pri ce increase,electricity supply is guaranteed.In 2012,the company with coal inventory,get rewards of Jiangsu pr ovincial government power to 266 million kWh.Throug h the small and bilateral trade,access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh,seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt,116%market share in Jiangsu Province ranked first in the same capacity,the same type units.Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respe ctively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points,profitability increa sed significantly.公.Job grading,remuneration of labour agreements into long-term contract workers compensation system,stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff.-Further strengthening of human resources management.Full implementation of the performance appraisal regulations,incentive effect.Complete the reserve cadre evaluation and selection,produced 10 primary reserve cadres and 11 secondary reserve cadres.Implementation of operation staff induction gang system,14 staff posts be promoted.Strengthening t he cultivation of professional technical leaders,selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders.To enhance staff skills training,8 staff technicians.Labor contract law compliance,contracts of up to 100%.-Star team-building to advance further.Establish a holding system implementation,and promoting the whole team-building g oals,strengthen group management.Team building int o a performance review,pr omoting the construction of the star team depth.This year,respectively,1 track,4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team.Four,insists on six cultural construction of harmonious development,really good job of party construction and the inde pen dent Commission against corruption,strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling,the enterprise culture construction to a new level.-Building of enterprise culture is fruitful.Companies a dhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture,culture of responsibility at the core,to safety culture,a culture of learning,ethical culture,cost culture culture system-assisted,throug h various cultural integration,has boosted business centre,this year has won the Chinese cultural management advanced unit,National Advanced Unit in the building of enterprise culture of reform and ope ning up 30 and ot her honorary titles.The liability of the company culture:solvi ng management problems of corporate culture project was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise culture achievement award of excellence.The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chi nas power of innovation management,innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Pr ovince.-Party and the independent Commission against corruption continues to strengthen.Wa s carried out to maintainsecurity,profit,maintain stability and promote harmonious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit,to conduct,for example campaign,party and further improvement of the level of work.Staff participating in the honest and clean culture construction seminars,staffs sense of probity and enhanced.Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision.Adhere to establish four good leadershi p activities,staff satisfaction rate of 98%to the team.-Group work dynamic.Promoting the openness of factory Affairs,proposal for a love letter box,to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss and safeguard their democratic rights.Improve the organizational structure of the mission,the work of strengthening.Organize maintena nce labor emulation and health Cup competition,e nha nce the skills of staff.Organized a variety of cultural activities,physical and mental health care staff,to create a harmonious atmosphere.During the Wenchuan earthquake,donated all the company employees,to l ove,to support the disaster areas.Thi s year,the company has won the Su.Cutting costs can be contr olled,money should not be wasted management philosophy,management analysis,to improve management quality,improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness.Innovation of science and technol ogy-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force,active use of new technologies,new materials,new proce sses,new equipment,increa se investment in science and technology,strengthening scientific and technological training,speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements,forming a number of proprietary technology,enhancing core competitiveness.Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption,water consumption,electricity at the core,enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption,high efficiency,reduce production costs.Second is to strengthen the business,financial,material,information and the optimization of organization and management,saving the internal transaction costs.Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a foreign environment for development.XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective,harmonious.Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy,well,get along with the neighbors better.(B)XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are:unplanned outage 0 times.Class of disorders 0,0 is equivalent forced outage rate.No personal injury acci dent,material and equi pment acci dents do not occur,no fire,no environmental poll ution acci dent.Enterprise integrated to achiev e zero cases of violation,zero acci dents,zero.Quality goal is:when generating capacity 7.5 安全生产责任制度为了加强公司的安全生产管理,深入贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”安全生产工作方针,牢固树立“用心做事”核心理念和“从零开始,向零奋斗”安全理念,落实和明确各级人员安全生产责任,保障员工的生命和财产安全,搞好安全生产,根据安全生产法、安全生产许可证条例等有关安全生产法律、法规、规范、标准的有关规定,特制定本制度。一、各单位行政正职是本单位的安全第一责任人,按“谁主管,谁负责”、管业务必须管安全的原则。对安全生产负全面领导责任。负责组织制定本单位的安全目标及长远发展规划,定期召开安全生产办公会议,研究解决安全生产中出现的问题、隐患等。各单位行政副职是自己分管工作范围内的安全第一责任人,对分管工作范围内的安全工作负领导责任。矿总工程师对安全技术工作负全面责任。二、安全生产人人有责,按有岗必有责,有责必落实原则,各级、各部门人员,都应在各自不同的工作岗位上,贯彻“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”方针,执行国家有关安全生产的政策、法规和上级有关规定,对安全工作密切配合,互相扶持。三、各级领导和员工有责任和义务参加各种安全管理(技术)的教育和培训,不断提高自身的安全生产意识和安全生产工作能力,从而有效地遏制事故的发生。四、各级党组织、工会负责管理者和员工的安全教育工作。marketing strict internal cost control,business and innovation performance.-Increasing electricity acce ss,pri ce increase,electricity supply is guaranteed.In 2012,the company with coal inventory,get rewards of Jiangsu pr ovincial government power to 266 million kWh.Throug h the small and bilateral trade,access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh,seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kil owatt,116%market share in Jiangsu Province ranked first in the same capacity,the same type units.Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respe ctively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points,profitability increa sed significantly.公.Job grading,remuneration of labour agreements into long-term contract workers compensation system,stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff.-Further strengthening of human resources management.Full implementation of the performance appraisal regulations,incentive effect.Complete the reserve cadre evaluation and selection,produce d 10 primary reserve cadres and 11 secondary reserve cadres.Implementation of operation staff induction gang system,14 staff posts be promoted.Strengthening t he cultivation of professional technical leaders,selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders.To enhance staff skills training,8 staff technicians.Labor contract law compliance,contracts of up to 100%.-Star team-building to advance further.Establish a holding system implementation,and promoting the whole team-building g oals,strengthen group management.Team building int o a performance review,promoting the construction of the star team depth.This year,respectively,1 track,4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team.Four,insists on six cultural construction of harmonious development,really good job of party construction and the inde pendent Commission against corruption,strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling,the enterprise culture construction to a new level.-Building of enterprise culture is fruitful.Companies a dhere to the Shenhua lead of corporate culture,culture of responsibility at the core,to safety culture,a culture of learning,ethical culture,cost culture culture system-assisted,throug h various cultural integration,has boosted business centre,this year has won the Chinese cultural management advanced unit,National Advanced Unit in the building of enterprise cult ure of reform and ope ning up 30 and ot her honorary titles.The liability of the company culture:solvi ng management problems of corporate culture project was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise culture achievement award of excellence.The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chi nas power of innovation management,innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Pr ovince.-Party and the independent Commission against corr uption continues to strengthen.Wa s carried out to maintainsecurity,profit,maintain stability and promote harmonious development as the main content of the three guarantees theme practice activities and stressing party spirit,to conduct,for example campaign,party and further improvement of the level of work.Staff participating in the honest and clean culture construction seminars,staffs sense of probity and enhanced.Founded by honest inspectors team composed of 12 employees to broaden the channels of supervision.Adhere to establish four good leadershi p activities,staff satisfaction rate of 98%to the team.-Group work dynamic.Promoting the openness of factory Affairs,proposal for a love letter box,to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to discuss and safeguard their democratic rights.Improve the organizational structure of the mission,the work of strengthening.Organize maintenance labor emulation and health Cup competiton,e nha nce the skills of staff.Organized a variety of cultural activities,physical and mental health care staff,to create a harmonious atmosphere.During the Wenchuan earthquake,donated all the company employees,to l ove,to support the disaster areas.Thi s year,the company has won the Su.Cutting costs can be contr olled,money should not be wasted management philosophy,management analysis,to improve management quality,improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness.Innovation of science and technol ogy-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force,active use of new technologies,new materials,new proce sses,new equipment,increa se investment in science and technology,strengthening scientific and technological training,speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements,forming a number of proprietary technology,enhancing core competitiveness.Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption,water consumption,electricity at the core,enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption,high efficiency,reduce production costs.Second is to strengthen the business,financial,material,information and the optimization of organization and management,saving the internal transaction costs.Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a foreign environment for development.XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the i nternal management measures are effective,harmonious.Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy,well,get along with the neighbors better.(B)XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are:unplanned outage 0 times.Class of disorders 0,0 is equivalent forced outage rate.No personal injury acci dent,material and equi pment acci dents do not occur,no fire,no environmental poll ution acci dent.Enterprise integrated to achiev e zero cases of violation,zero acci dents,zero.Quality goal is:when generating capacity 7.52 五、安全监察部门负责贯彻落实党和国家的安全生产方针、政策、法律法规以及上级部门、矿各项安全管理规定;负责组织开展安全检查;负责权限范围内的各类安全事故的调查与处理;负责安全费用提取、使用情况的监督检查。负责对本企业各级人员和各职能部门安全职责履行情况进行监督监察。对安全职责履行好的应予以表彰和奖励,对不负责任、失职造成事故的,应按本规定分清责任进行追究。六、保卫部门是公司消防工作的业务主管部门,对易燃易爆的重点防火要害部门,必须建立健全各项管理制度,按规定配齐消防器材,并管理到位。七、各级领导在各自的工作范围和管理权限内,负责组织贯彻执行国家和上级部门的有关安全生产法律、法规和企业的规章制度。在计划、布置、检查、总结、评比生产工作的同时,必须计划、布置、检查、总结、评比安全工作。八、各级、各部门领导人员除应履行本制度中所列的安全职责外,还应及时完成上级或主管领导临时交办的安全工作任务,并对所属部门人员履行安全职责的情况进行督促检查。九、违犯上级及公司有关规定的按上级及公司有关规定执行。由于安全生产责任制不落实造成伤亡事故或重大经济损失者,除对责任人追究行政处罚和经济处罚外,并追究刑事责任。十、各单位按照本制度必须建立各级人员安全生产责任制。十一、本制度如与国家、上级有关规定相抵触的,按上级有关规定执行。marketing strict internal cost control,business and innovation performance.-Increasing electricity acce ss,pri ce increase,electricity supply is guaranteed.In 2012,the company with coal inventory,get rewards of Jiangsu pr ovincial government power to 266 million kWh.Throug h the small and bilateral trade,access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh,seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kil owatt,116%market share in Jiangsu Province ranked first in the same capacity,the same type units.Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respe ctively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points,profitability increa sed significantly.公.Job grading,remuneration of labour agreements into long-term contract workers compensation system,stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff.-Further strengthening of human resources management.Full implementation of the performance appraisal regulations,incentive effect.Complete the reserve cadre evaluation and selection,produce d 10 primary reserve cadres and 11 secondary reserve cadres.Implementation of operation staff induction gang system,14 staff posts be promoted.Strengthening t he cultivation of professional technical leaders,selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders.To enhance staff skills training,8 staff technicians.Labor contract law compliance,contracts of up to 100%.-Star team-building to advance further.Establish a holding system implementation,and promoting the whole team-building g oals,strengthen group management.Team building int o a performance review,pr omoting the construction of the star team depth.This year,respectively,1 track,4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team.Four,insists on six cultural construction of harmonious development,really good job of party construction and the inde pendent Commission against corruption,strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling,the enterprise culture construction to a new level.-