去泰国留学读本科申请书2022 在泰国念书的学习总的花费是特别低的,费用和国内基本是差不多的,甚至是比国内的一些本科学校还要低上不少的,去泰国留学也是不错的选择。下面就是我给大家带来的去泰国留学读本科申请书2022最新,希望能帮助到大家! 假如没有找到您想要的内容,点击“申请书专题”查看更多 去泰国留学读本科申请书2022 Dear _, The experience I gained while travelling and staying in various hotels positively affected my final decision to choose the hospitality business as the industry to realize myself and work in. Since my childhood I have had an opportunity to develop myself both physically and intellectually. I am good at swimming and even won 3 city competitions. I am also keen on dancing where the 3rd place and the audience prize at the belly dance contest ?Miss Oriental 2007? was my latest achievement. These skills help me to be in good shape because any employee of the hotel is its face and should look impeccably. Sport gives birth to a vast array of qualities such as aspiration to leadership and victory, diligence, firmness, persistence, self-confidence and motivation and possessing these traits can lead to management. Since my elementary school I have always wanted to take the leading position everywhere. I have tried to take part in all school events, working in the school?s activity and participating in concerts, Russian, German, English and Latvian olympiads and sport competitions. I have been a member of the Drama Club, called ?Reveranss?, for 5 years, having played in many performances, and as a consequence I have a broad outlook and an open mind. Besides, it is really significant for me to help to raise my school?s rating. You might think that everything is easily achievable for me. However, reaching any target is a toil. Actually, sometimes I did not even sleep for nights to meet deadlines. For instance, last year I was working over my project about Saint-Petersburg for a week alone, but it was worth it and I won a 10-day excursion to this amazing city. Apart from that, I have always taken a keen interest in learning languages and studying new topics. As a result, the language is not a setback for me due to school?s rigorous syllabus in teaching English. In addition, I am very punctual. Punctuality is a relevant quality that every hotel manager needs. Being late means disrespect and is absolutely unacceptable in the sphere of hospitality. When I ask my friends and acquaintances to say something about me, they describe me as a sociable, industrious, creative, energetic and optimistic person, with a good sense of humor. I appreciate meeting new people. I can listen to them and be tolerant and tactful. What is more, I have always been fond of studying business, economics and marketing as to understand the reasons of the development in different countries and to become acquainted with the methods of achieving the ideal structure and analyzing the economical situation in order to find a right way to success. I personally believe that your university will assist me to successfully reach my objective to become a hotel manager. I want to make my contribution into this field. I have recently been to England and this journey helped me to make my choice of the United Kingdom as the place for studying as I consider the UK to be the place where I can obtain a high-quality education, and afterwards successfully apply my knowledge to practical work. I enjoy self-education and I believe that this process will greatly benefit under the supervision of leading experts. Due to all the above mentioned, I am fully confident of the fact that entering your university will be the right step. Then may be one day the poor 3-star Italian hotel I stayed at will become a magnificent 5-star one. Yours sincerely, xuexila 泰国留学留意事项 一、动身前打算 1、心理打算 对于第一次出国的学生来说,要独自一个去到异国他乡生活、学习是一件很新颖的事情,有许多人,去到了国外不适应就想要打退堂鼓,其实,出国留学原来就是一件小有挑战的事情,在出国留学之前做好肯定的心理建设是很有必要的,要提前了解泰国的生活、饮食习惯、气候等状况,做好足够的打算,这样可以避开因为没有打算而措手不及,进而产生无力感。 2、行李打算 动身之前不要打包太多,不要什么都带,带好必要的物品,比如应急药品、转换插头等就可以了,带得少一些,你能探究的东西就越多。 二、学会适应“泰国时间” 在泰国有一个叫“泰国时间”的东西。泰国时间意味着你有15分钟的缓冲时间来参与会议或上课。但这并不是对人的不敬重或者缺乏责任感。这10-15分钟是挚友和同事赶上来问私人问题的机会,比如他们的家人怎么样,或者你在漫长的周末假期做了什么。泰国的生活节奏比较慢,所以泰国人在做事的时候也会比较慢,这可能会逼疯不明所以的“急性子”。 三、泰国交通 泰国曼谷等地方交通还是比较拥堵的,所以出门要预留堵车的时间,合理安排时间。假如不赶时间可以坐公交车,比较便宜,但是要留意公交车一般不报站,报站也是用泰语,所以,在上车后,告知售票员你到哪里,然后让他到了告知你,这些售票员也不是很懂英语,但是超级热忱。除了公交车以外,还有轻轨、地铁、轮渡等交通方式。 四、平安意识 无论身处哪个国家,都要有肯定的平安防范意识,因为平安的隐患是存在在各个国家的,大家要做的,应当是了解国家的法律,增加防患意识,然后才可以保证自己可以限度上远离危急,保证自己在泰国的生活。但是,泰国留学还是很平安的,泰国特别重视治安,因为有皇室的存在,国民对国家的认可度还是比较高的,而且也大都特别爱国,在遵纪遵守法律上是相对严格的。而且本地人对外地人的看法也是特别友好的,因为这里的旅游业很发达,须要接待不少海外的人士,所以大家在与其他人的沟通上,阅历是比较丰富的,基本上相处都不错。 五、求助方式 当然大家不能够保证自己在泰国不会面临危急,须要大家在发生事故之后,刚好的拨打报警电话,保证自己能够尽快的获得帮助,然后将状况描述清晰,这样时间才能够尽快的解决,保证自己可以获得最齐全的帮助。 泰国留学入境指南 一、精简行李 出行的航班会对乘客可携带的行李进行严格的要求,尤其是出国,因为涉及到了较长的飞行距离,对行李的重量把控会更严格,一般航班的托运额度是40kg,行李箱不能超过30寸。 二、珍贵物品 和在国内坐飞机一样,珍贵的物品会建议乘客随身携带,这里对留学生来说主要就是电脑、手机等电器,这些会是比较珍贵,而且托运可能会损坏的东西,大家随身背好会更有利。 三、随身零钱 自己的口袋里,还须要带上几百块的零钱,可以干脆换成泰铢之后带过去,这样就不须要下了飞机之后兑换,终归机场的兑换点手续费是比较高的,不须要太多,只是备用不会有很大的支出。 四、带一支笔 在飞机上还会须要填入境卡,自己备好了笔的话,可以不须要麻烦乘务员为你打算,可以干脆起先填写;而且出入境的时候,可能也须要填表填信息,自备了笔就不须要等待别人用完了之后再填,节约时间。 五、办好入境 学生在下了飞机之后,须要走一系列的流程,大家肯定要完成了之后才可以出机场入境,确保自己没有遗漏的事情,程序走完了之后也能够免除后续的麻烦。 主要就是接受行李和信息的检查和核实,确认没有问题之后,再联系接机的工作人员,确认自己的身份之后,就可以耐性等待了,不会花大家很长的时间。 六、办理签证 留学的新生在国内班里的签证,只有90天的有效期,所以大家须要在抵达之后,尽快的去移民局进行时间的续期,才可以保证自己有在这里生活的合法身份,干脆带上签证和护照,以及入学证明去移民局即可。 去泰国留学读本科申请书2022本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页