艾森哲- i2 供应链介绍17153.pptx
AgendalThe Supply Chain ChallengelThe iSC SolutionlWhat have we built?lCollaborative Supplier ManagementAgendalThe Supply Chain ChallengelThe iSC SolutionlWhat have we built?lCollaborative Supplier ManagementSELLMAKE&MOVEDESIGNThe boundaries of the traditional Supply/Value Chain are no longer defined with any clarity due to reaction to increasing complexityThe Challenge of DisintegrationSuppliersPLANCustomersBUYB2B Exchanges(Converge,e2Open,etc.)3PLs(TNT,DHL,Deutsche Post,UPS Worldwide,Schenker-BTL,Exel,etc)CEM/EMS(Flextronics,Solectron,etc.)Channel Partners(Ingram Micro,C2000,Computacentre,Techdata,ICL,GE Capital,WM Data,etc.)SELLMAKE&MOVEDESIGNPLANSuppliersCustomersCEM/EMS(Flextronics,Solectron,etc.)BUYB2B Exchanges(Converge,e2Open,etc.)3PLs(TNT,DHL,Deutsche Post,UPS Worldwide,Schenker-BTL,Exel,etc)Collaborative capabilitiesThe opportunity comes from operating the connected Supply Chain as a collaborative entityThe opportunityChannel Partners(Ingram Micro,C2000,Computacentre,Techdata,ICL,GE Capital,WM Data,etc.)AgendalThe Supply Chain ChallengelThe iSC SolutionlWhat have we built?lCollaborative Supplier ManagementThe intelligent Supply Chain JourneyThe iSC JourneyRelationships Along the Supply ChainScope of ImpactWithinBusinessActivitiesTraditionalOptimisationIntegrationIntegratedStep 1:Integrate functions of theexisting supply chainBetweenBusinessFunctionsWithCustomers&SuppliersCollaborationAcrossAlliancePartnersSynchronisationIncreasing Capabilities,Increasing BenefitsThe path towards iSC vision is an evolution from the traditional Supply Chain to the eSynchronised Supply ChainSuppliersManufacturersDistributorsDemand SignalDemand SignalStep 1-IntegrationThe focus is on the co-ordination of internal activities within the Manufacturer and the relationship is one-wayThe intelligent Supply Chain JourneyThe iSC JourneyRelationships Along the Supply ChainScope of ImpactWithinBusinessActivitiesTraditionalOptimisationIntegrationIntegratedStep 1:Integrate functions of theexisting supply chainBetweenBusinessFunctionsWithCustomers&SuppliersCollaborationCollaborativeStep 2:Improve collaboration and control with vendors,customersAcrossAlliancePartnersSynchronisationIncreasing Capabilities,Increasing BenefitsThe path towards iSC vision is an evolution from the traditional supply chain to the eSynchronised Supply ChainSuppliersManufacturersDistributorsDistributorsSuppliersDemand SignalDemand SignalSupply SignalSupply SignalThe focus is on the Manufacturer,Tier 1 Customer and Suppliers working together to optimize their Supply Chain by sharing information,making joint decisions,and using common tools and processesStep 2-CollaborationThe intelligent Supply Chain JourneyThe iSC JourneyRelationships Along the Supply ChainScope of ImpactWithinBusinessActivitiesTraditionalOptimisationIntegrationIntegratedStep 1:Integrate functions of theexisting supply chainBetweenBusinessFunctionsWithCustomers&SuppliersCollaborationCollaborativeStep 2:Improve collaboration and control with vendors,customersAcrossAlliancePartnersSynchronisationeSynchronisationStep 3:Virtually Synchronise the supply chain across players into one logical enterpriseWeb-Based EntrantsIncreasing Capabilities,Increasing BenefitsThe path towards iSC vision is an evolution from the traditional supply chain to the eSynchronised Supply ChainCustomersContract ManufacturersCustomersSuppliersManufacturersDistributorsDistributorsSuppliersTier 2 SuppliersTier 2 Suppliers3PLDemand SignalSupply SignalThis is an extension of supply chain collaboration where the collaboration extends up and down the Supply Chain to multiple suppliers and customersStep 3-eSynchronisationCustomersContract ManufacturersCustomersSuppliersDistributorsDistributorsSuppliersTier 2 SuppliersTier 2 Suppliers3PLDemand SignalSupply SignalKingmakerThe iSC VisionThe iSC concept is based on the premise that the Supply Chain kingmaker will synchronize the planning processes with all Supply Chain partnersiSC VisionManage Information Not AssetslBe the Supply Chain King makerlTake control of the Supply Chain decision processl Out-source non-core capabilities(CEMs,3PLs)CollaborationlProcess integration more important than technology integrationlOwn the customer/supplier/CEM/3PL Trading PartnersBuild Flexibility Not Capacity or InventorylBuild flexibility into the Supply Chain postponement strategieslHave the infrastructure to respond to both external&internal forcesUse APS Technology as an EnablerlImplement the tools to support the Supply Chain decision process visibility across the Supply ChainlHave the technology to respond to both external&internal forcesSpeedlSpeed to MarketlSpeed to CustomerlSpeed to Change12345iSC VisionThe 5 principles of intelligent Supply ChainsAgendalThe Supply Chain ChallengelThe iSC SolutionlWhat have we built?lCollaborative Supplier ManagementLeading provider of B2B and Supply Chain solutionsProvides planning,execution and collaborative optimisation.iSC uses:SCP,DP,CP-DC,CP-PC,TM and TOERP solution provider with large install base across many industriesProvides transaction backboneCommonly used DB platform across industriesProvides database platformSolution provider of collaborative design and change order managementProvides collaborative design solutions supporting New Product Introduction and Design Change Management scenariosOverviewUse in iSCSolution provider for e-business software applicationPure ECommerce provides order management and monitoring solution supporting Supply Chain Responsiveness scenariosLeading TechnologyConstrained BasedSupply PlanningDemand PlanningCollaborativeForecasts MgtCollaborativeSupplier MgtOrderManagementTransportationExecutionCarrier&Route MgtTransportationPlanningTrack&TraceAvailable ToPromiseNew ProductIntroductionOrderExecutionDesign ChangeManagementSuppliersCustomersWhat is iSC?ScenarioValueDescriptionCollaborative Supplier ManagementThis scenario demonstrates how unforeseen supply constraints can be responded to rapidly and effectively by maximising the value of relationships with multiple suppliersDesign Change ManagementNew Product IntroductionThis scenario demonstrates how the design change process can be streamlined through collaborative designThis scenario demonstrates how the design process for new products can be expedited through collaborative design Supply Chain ResponsivenessThis scenario demonstrates how unseasonal demand can be efficiently met through visibility of all manufacturing operations realized by running multiple strategies,enabling 3rd party to see demand with collaborationThis scenario demonstrates how unforeseen problems can be responded to rapidly and effectively within the supply chain,thus minimising the impact on customer serviceManaging Infrastructure FlexibilityManaging Inventory ObsolescenceThis scenario demonstrates the cross-regional deployment of inventory in response to a local decrease in demand due to the introduction of a new product by a competitor companCollaborative Forecast ManagementThis scenario demonstrates how accurate demand forecast can be generated with the full cooperation/collaboration of internal and external parties in the sales channelScenariosCritical Supply Chain capabilities have been mapped against each of the 7 scenarios that are used in the iSC demonstration New ProductIntroductionManufacturingInfrastructureFlexibilityCollaborativeForecastManagementSupply ChainResponsivenessDesign ChangeManagementCollaborativeSupplierManagementManagingInventoryObsolescenceDemand Planning2-5%of salesProduction Planning5-10%of production costsMaterials Planning1-2%of inventory costsCarrier&Route Mgmt.10-20%of transport costsTransportation Scheduling5-10%of transport costsDesign to Specifications5-10%of design cycle timeConcurrent Engineering15-33%of time to marketInventory Management5-10%of inventory costsSupplier Management1-2%of inventory costsSource:Accenture Supply Chain Value Assessment:High tech IndustryCollaborativeSupply ChainFunctionIntelligent Supply Chain OperationsSupply Chain ActivityTypical Benefit RangeCollaborative Demand and SupplyPlanningCollaborativeLogistics OperationsCollaborativeProduct DesignCollaborative Materials ManagementiSC ScenarioQuantifying the benefits of the iSC scenariosAgendalThe Supply Chain ChallengelThe iSC SolutionlWhat have we built?lCollaborative Supplier ManagementRespond to unforeseen supply constraints rapidly and effectively by maximising the value of relationships with multiple suppliersCollaborative Supplier ManagementScenario SummaryThis scenario demonstrates how unforeseen supply constraints can be responded to rapidly and effectively,by maximising the value of close relationships with multiple suppliers.The objective of the scenario is to demonstrate how collaboration with suppliers enables a shortfall in available materials to be overcome allowing final planning to take place.Final Final PlanPlan Produced ProducedCustomerOrderEnteredSCPSCPSCPSCPCP-PCCP-PCCP-PCCP-PCSCPSCPSCPSCP Internet Internet Enabled Enabled Procurement Procurement Collaboration Collaboration Production Production Requirements Requirements Planned PlannedR/3R/3R/3R/3OrderOrderProcessingProcessing Collaborative Supplier ManagementiTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderiTec Customer services enter an order in SAPiTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderSCPThe order details are passed to Supply Chain Planner(SCP)that analyses the current inventory and materials availability,and plans the materials requirements necessary to fulfil the order.iTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderSCPThe materials requirements are posted on Collaboration Planner Procurement Collaborator(CP-PC)for the attention of iTecs primary&secondary suppliers of the necessary goods.CP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowseriTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderSCPSeahorse logs on to CP-PC and their Material Promise.Due to a production fault,they cannot meet iTec full requirements.CP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowseriTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderSCPThe iTec planning team receives the alert from Seahorse and immediately contact Dolphin to request an increase in supply relative to the initial proportional request generated in SCP.CP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowseriTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderSCPDolphin logs onto CP-PC.Receiving the alert,they are now aware of the situation and can update their supply position accordingly.CP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowseriTecActiveDataWarehousePrimary Supplier-SeahorseSecondary Supplier-DolphinCustomerOrderSCPMaterial promises from both suppliers are sent back to SCP for final planning.CP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web BrowserCP-PC Web Browser演讲完毕,谢谢观看!