商务对话美国商谈建议 明天我和美国客户谈判。 Ill negotiate with my American client tomorrow. 你最好先谈主要问题,然后再攻细枝末节。 Youd better approach the main points first and then the details after. 可是我认为还是应处该先解决细节问题扫清这些障碍后,主要问题自然也就凸现出来。 . But I think details should sort out come first, and when the details are sorted out, the main points stand out themselves. 那是中国式谈判胜利假如你那样做的话,将无功而返。 Thats the Chinese way. If pay off you adopt this way your negotiation will not pay 有那么严峻吗? To such a degree? 毫不夸大。西方人,尤其是美国人,实行直奔主题式的.谈判方法。他们认为转弯抹角、不谈正题是不礼貌的,甚至是让人厌烦的举动。他们会感到困惑,最终放弃谈判。 Indeed, Westerners, esp. Americans take a direct-to-the-point approach. They think beating about the bush is impolite or even annoying. They will become so perplexed that they will finally give up. 喔。多亏和你谈一谈。 Well. Thanks to talking with you. 【商务对话美国商谈建议】