工作角色剑桥商务英语高级词汇工作角色剑桥商务英语高级词汇assist:v.1、to help sb to do sth;2、to help sth tohappen more easily;adopt:v.1、to take sb elses child into your familyand bee its legal parent(s);2、to start to use aparticular method or to show a particular attitude towardssb/sth:to formally aept a suggestion or policy by voting;specify:v.to state sth,especially by giving an exactmeasurement,time,exact instructions,etc.;static:adj.not moving,changing or developing:n.Unoise or other effects that disturb radio or televisionsignals and are caused by particular conditions in theatmosphere;interpret:1、to explain the meaning of sth;2、todecide that sth has a particular meaning and to understandit in this wayapproach:v.1、to e near to sb/sth in distance ortime;2、to speak to sb about sth,especially to ask themfor sth or to offer to do sth:n.a way of dealing withsb/sth;a way of doing or thinking about sth such as aproblem or a task;abreast:adv.abreast(of sb/sth)next to sb/sth andfacing the same way;prescribe:v.(used about a person or an organizationwith authority)to say what should be done or how sthshould be done;ponent:n.one of several parts of which sth is made:adj.only before n.:to break sth down into its ponentparts;approve:v.1、to think that sb/sth is good,aeptableor suitable;2、to officially agree to a plan,request,etc.;2、often passive to say that sth is good enough tobe used,or is correct;initiat:v.1、to make sth begin;2、initiate sb(intosth)to explain sth to sb and/or make them experience itfor the first time;3、initiate sb(into sth)to make sb amember of a particular group,especially as part of asecret ceremony;n.a person who has been allowed to join aparticular group,organization,or religion and is learningits rules and secrets.procedure:n.1、C,U a way of doing sth,especiallythe usual or correct way:2、U the official or formalorder or way of doing sth,especially in business,law orpolitics;reaction:n.1、what you do,say or think as a result ofsth that has happened;2、reaction(against sth)a change inpeoples attitudes or behaviour caused by disapproval ofthe attitudes,etc.of the past;3、opposition to social orpolitical progress or change:oupancy:n.the act of living in or using a building,room,piece of land,etc.:incidental:adj.happening in connection with sth else,but not as important as it,or not intended;n.somethingthat happens in connection with sth else,but is lessimportant:undertake:v.1、to make yourself responsible for sthand start doing it;2、to agree or promise that you will dosth:revise:v.1、to change your opinions or plans,forexample because of sth you have learned;2、to change sth,such as a book or an estimate,in order to correct orimprove it:demand:n.1、a very firm request for sth;sth that sbneeds:2、things that sb/sth makes you do,especiallythings that are difficult,make you tired,worried,etc.:3、the desire or need of customers for goods orservices which they want to buy or use:presence:n.1、(of a person)the fact of being in aparticular place;2、(of a thing or a substance)the fact ofbeing in a particular place or thing;3、the quality ofmaking a strong impression on other people by the way youtalk or behave:summarise:v.to give a summary of sth(=a statementof the main points);appropriate:adj.appropriate(for/to sth)suitable,aeptable or correct for the particular circumstances;v.1、to take sth,sbs ideas,etc.for your own use,especiallyillegally or without permission:2、to take or give sth,especially money for a particular purpose:preception:n.1、the way you notice things,especiallywith the senses;2、the ability to understand the truenature of sth;assign:v.1、to give sb sth that they can use,or somework or responsibility;2、to provide a person for aparticular task or position;3、to send a person to workunder the authority of sb or in a particular group;4、tosay that sth has a particular value or function,or happensat a particular time or place;5、to say that your propertyor rights now belong to sb else;motivate:v.1、often passive to be the reason why sbdoes sth or behaves in a particular way;2、to make sb wantto do sth,especially sth that involves hard work andeffort;3、to give reasons for sth that you have stated;disparity:n.a difference,especially one connectedwith unfair treatment;expectation:n.a belief that sth will happen becauseit is likely;explicit:adj.(of a statement or piece of writing)clear and easy to understand:illustrate:v.1、usually passive illustrate sth(withsth)to use pictures,photographs,diagrams,etc.in a book,etc.;2、to make the meaning of sth clearer by usingexamples,pictures,etc.;3、to show that sth is true orthat a situation exists;patible:adj.1、(of machines,especially puters)ableto be used together;2、(of ideas,methods or things)ableto exist or be used together without causing problems;3、iftwo people are patible,they can have a good relationshipbecause they have similar ideas,interests,etc;distinguish:v.distinguish(between)A and Bdistinguish A from B to recognize the difference betweentwo people or things;specification:n.规定,说明infringement:n.侵权pei chart:饼分图,圆形分析图workset colour:定工色牌re-align:v.重新调整peak oupancy:(酒店)入住顶峰期hierarchy:n.等级制的公司superior:n.上级clock in and out:记录上下班时间jet:vi.乘喷气式飞机飞行a huge say:有很大发言权initiative:n.主动权workshop:研讨班、培训班perception:n.认识,观念,看法attribut:n.品质,特性screen:n.筛选,审查