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    九年级中考英语“单词拼写”专项练习1.How clever the little boy is!He is able to c_ down from 100 to 0.2.When the door opens,all the fans run t_ the famous star.3.We will p_ about 600 cars in our factory next month。4.I dont want to buy the sweater because it is too _ for me.5.Yesterday Uncle Wang fell off his motorbike,but _ he wasnt badly hurt.6.W_ your help,I couldnt have passed the exam。7.Air pollution is one of the g_ problems in the modern world.8.The two-day G20 Summit kicked off on September 4 in Hangzhou of East Chinas ZhejiangP_。9.How useful the _(建议)sound!I think he will take them.10.Finally,my close friend _(成功)in helping me solve the math problems。11.You are not allowed to drive a car without a drivers l_。12.Tom is a polite boy.He never talks i_ to his parents or teachers。13.Two h_ students play computer games。14.-David,can you _(翻译)this English article into other languages?-Of course。I can speak five languages.15.I cant stand lemons。They tastes too s_(酸的)16.Alfred Nobel made money all by his own efforts,but he let the world share his wealth。Hisinventions and w_ stay with the world forever.17.The d_ of science have changed our life a lot。18.The ancient tomb wasnt d_ by people until 1900.19.The boy is eight years old now.He will have his _(第九)birthday next year.20.My cousin loves ball games very much,_(尤其)football。21.The air pollution in this area caused the d_ of many trees.22.In the modern society,people have more chances of r_ their dreams.23.The more fruit and vegetables you eat,the h_ you will be.24.To my _(高兴),summer vacation is coming soon。25.We cant help l_(大笑)when we watch Zhao Benshans performances。26.He was so c_ that he made many mistakes in the exam.27.Which do you p_,beef or pork?28.We will have a meeting on W_ afternoon.29._(千)of Iraqi people became homeless in the war which broke out in 2003.30.Please pay attention to your p_(发音)。31.When I was young,my h_ was collecting stamps,but now I like painting。32.Dont f_ to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom。33.This kind of thing only happens in films,not in r_ life.34.Your fathers brother is your u_.35.It is _(有礼貌的)to say“Thank you”when someone has helped you.36.Mr。Wang is our English teacher and he always says,“As teachers,we should bep_ to help students。”37.Miss Smart has a sweet v_.Her friends like her singing very much。38.-I left my mobile phone on the desk at home.Could you fetch(取回)it for me now?-Yes,Mom。Ill be back very soon.39.The climbers tried their best and reached the top of the mountain _(成功地)at last。40.We have nothing _(反对)exercising and all of us go to the playground after school.41.I dont know the p_ of this word,can you read it for me?42.He received many p_ on his tenth birthday,so he was very happy.43.We like our English teacher very much,because she has a good i_(影响)on us.44.English is w_ used in this world,so we should learn it well。45.-Could you help me carry the box?-With p_.46.My father always _(鼓励)me to learn English well。47.The Spring Festival is a t_ holiday in China.48.Hangzhou is very f_ for producing silk in China。49.The Internet is _(广泛地)used in most families in our country today.50.There are some green l_(叶子)on the tree.51.It is very hot.The temperature is above 36 d_。52.He _(克服)all the difficulties and succeed in the end.53.Throwing litters everywhere is h_ to our environment。54.Please read these i_ carefully before you use the machine.55.I missed the early bus because I o_ in the morning。56.Young children are taught road safety to a_ road accidents.57.The British teacher is very h_.He always tells us interesting jokes.58.Sandy went into her sisters room without k_ on the door。That made her sistermad.59.Each different part of China has its own special forms of _(传统的)art.60.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very _(真实的).61.Do you know who is the o_ of the garden?62.The foreigner speaks slowly and c_ so that everybody could follow him.63.I felt very n_ when I first made a speech in public。64.The farm p_ the school with fresh vegetables.65.Jack received many gifts from his friends on his _(十二)birthday。66.He took an active part in all kinds of activities,i_tennis,swimming,running and soon.67.The little boy o_ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus。68.He is about to give us a s_ about how to learn a foreign language。69.Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _(成功)。70.Its nice of you to provide us with _(有价值的)information.71.Its the s_ between you and me,.You should not tell others。72.C_ Day is on December 25th。It is celebrated almost all over the world。73.The disease s_ quickly in this area。More than 1,000 children got this disease.74.P_!I cant follow you。Could you speak more slowly?75.The hospital offers phone service to old people。It is very c_.76.Lei Feng is a good p_,he is glad to help others。77.Theres something w_ with my bike,so I have to walk home。78.The children enjoyed t_ in Disney Land。79.Its too dark to see c_.Why not turn on the light?80.Last year the movie Wedding Dress m_ me feel very sad.


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