1)“我从小到大都是优!你叫我怎么从良!”*这句话要翻出来很难。“从良”就是“由坏人变成好人”的意思,但是字面上理解,“从良”跟前面的“优”结合起来看,却又是“从优变成良”的意思。属于典型的“双关”(punch line)。在韩寒的理解看来,好人可能不坏,坏人可能不好。好与坏,本身就没有明确的界限,可以相互转化。I have been always bad. How can you tell me to change who I am?(注:英文中bad这个词有双关意味,可以指一个人很“坏”,又可以指一个人很“棒”。Michael Jackson有一首歌叫bad,翻译成真棒!。另,在棒球场上,若某选手击出全垒打,全场会呼喊“bad!”,大家可以体会其中意味。)2)“你连世界都没观过,哪来的世界观?”You never have a chance to see the world, then how can you develop a view of the world.3)“从小听了很多大道理,可依旧过不好我的生活。”I have heard tons of philosophies, but Im still not able to harness my life.4)“小朋友爱分对错,大人只看利弊。”*中文的博大精深告诉我们“对错”和“利弊”虽然是同义词,但是在不同语境下内涵是不一样的。“小朋友”眼中的“对错”指的是非黑即白的东西,而大人眼中的“利弊”更多地牵扯了自身的利益。Kids tell right from wrong, while adults merely tell advantages from disadvantages.5)“喜欢就会放肆,但爱就是克制。”*喜欢和爱在英文中很难表达,中文很矫情,一定要用两个词。英文中的喜欢和爱可能都是love,只不过程度不一样。你也可以把“喜欢”理解成“淡淡的爱”,把“爱”理解成“深深的喜欢”。Superficial love is characterized by indiscipline, whereas deep love is a restraint.6)“有时候,你想证明给一万个人看,到后来,你发现只得到了一个明白的人,那就够了。”Sometimes, you want to prove it to 10 thousand people but only to find there is one person who can really understand you. Thats enough.7)“跟人告别的时候,还是得用力一点,因为你多说一句,说不定就是最后一句,多看一眼,弄不好就是最后一眼。”Do it well when you say goodbye to someone, because at that moment, what you say could be your final words, and what you see could never be seen again.8)“带不走的留不下,留不下的莫牵挂。”What cant be taken wont stay. What wont stay shouldnt be a concern.9)“连家乡都没有了,我们跟野人也没什么区别。”Without home, we are no different to barbarians.10)“背井离乡,就得要出人头地。”Being away from home, we have nothing but a desire to make a figure.