完整的雅思作文写作步骤介绍 在雅思写作考试中,要在规定的时间内完成全部的写作,对考生来说肯定要规划好自己写作的每一步。接下来我为大家介绍一下雅思写作的几个步骤,包括从框架搭建到内容填充方面,我们都须要留意什么?我们一起来学习一下。 完整的雅思作文写作步骤介绍 雅思写作步骤之一:框架构建 雅思写作考试主要体型分类为:IDO模式(introduction discussion opinion即引入观点,正反论证和提出结论),PES模式(phenomenon explanation solutions 即现象描述,说明说明和问题解决)和issue模式(to what extant do you agree or disagree)。 所以考生在考试前有必要把每个模块的表达句型打算好,最好形成自己的模块,只要考到该考点都用相应的模式去写作,这是第一步。 下面以最常考的issue为例给大家一个范本,以有保留的确定作为基本立场,在此仅供各位做一个基本的参考: I agree with the speakers broad assertion that. However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to embrace. My points of contention with the speaker involve, as discussed below. I concede that the speaker is on the correct philosophical side of this issue. After all, . While, at the same time we should be circumspect about. After all,. The speakers assertion is troubling in two other respects as well. First, . Secondly . For instance In sum, the speakers assertion that begs the question, because. As for the broader assertion, I agree that. Nevertheless, . In the final analysis, given we are forced to strike a balance in how we . 当然,这里只是给大家一个例子,原委如何总结这个框架,和考生平常阅读是分不开的。可以从美文的范文或者官方给出的样文中自己提炼出属于自己的框架,但最重要的是要在平常针对不同的考试题目来反复娴熟的运用这个模块,才能保证自己在考场上能够熟识自如地运用这个写作思路。 雅思写作步骤之二:内容填实 如何填实中间段落的内容,主要从两个方面入手,一个是要驾驭常见题目的观点以及论据,另一个是要驾驭常见的论证手段。下面分别做简洁介绍。 常见观点的打算是特别重要的,肯定要针对雅思索试常考查的话题做考前总结,做到熟识话题,针对话题能够提出相应的观点,并且能自如的用英语表达相关的观点和例子。常见的考试话题范围做如下总结和归纳,希望考生考前做好应对打算:animal experiments; censorship; compete or play; youth drug abuse; e-book or p-book; female juvenile crime; intelligent machines replacement; mandatory retirement age; overweight; corporal punishments; littering problems; evaluate and criticize teachers; cities are becoming lager; the Olympic games; TV and children; vegetarian diet or eating meat; honest and white lies; taking a gap year; capital punishment; job-hopping; censorship of the internet; the disappearance of language and culture; marijuana; government subsidize artists and musicians. 这里给大家排列了常见的话题,大家做好充分的打算是特别有必要的,可以每个话题通过同意和反对或者现象说明解决等角度总结常见的词汇和表达。 当然打算一些通用性的观点也是特别有必要的,比如各位考生在考试没有太充分打算的观点是可以从如下几个方面加以考虑的:经济、时间、健康、便利、心理、感情、权利、环境、文化和道德。 提出观点后剩下的是须要论证观点了,要驾驭常见的论证手段:比如数据说明、试验结果、引用权威、逸闻趣事、实际事例、调查采访等等。这些段落也须要模块化,事先做好充分的打算,考试的时候可以干脆运用模块,替换内容即可。下面以引用权威的名人名言为例给大家做一个简洁介绍: To illustrate it profoundly and comprehensively, I would like to cite what one of my favorite writers Francis Bacon ever mentioned: Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. We can easily build up an accurate picture of implications behind his/her words. 考试可以根据须要替换内容,从而达到模块化过程。其他的例子限于篇幅不一一绽开,这里主要呈现一个基本思路。 雅思写作步骤之三:语言改错 许多中国考生雅思写作得到较低分数,其中一个很重要的缘由就是里面犯了大量的语法错误,这里讲给大家列出一个check list,希望同学们在练习完自己的文章以后针对这几个方面给自己做改错练习,长期训练将有效提高各位考生的写作质量: 名词:名词的可数单数肯定不能单独存在。留意单复数等基本问题。 动词:时刻留意“与时俱进”,任何时候用动词都要想清晰时态的运用。被动的结构不要出错,虚拟语气的动词运用也要特别留意,不要出错。 句子结构方面:肯定要留意句子结构完整性,不要出现run-on句子,一个句子只能有一个动词,每加一个动词就要加一个连词,留意关系代词和副词的正确运用。非谓语动词运用时留意主被动关系。 修饰关系:动词和形容词肯定要用副词修饰,这个至关重要,许多考生犯错误。 其他的小语法方面:主谓一样,序数词和计数词,代词和介词的运用正确性。 雅思写作步骤之四:语言包装 语言包装能够让语言生色不少,所以考前打算常见的语言包装技巧也相当重要。有许多方面都能提升自己的语言质量:比如长句扩充,短句融合,长短句结合,词汇多样性;强调句,倒装句,分词结构和插入语都是特别精彩的语言,可以大大增加文章的可读性,也能够满意雅思写作的高分标准,即词汇的多样性和语法结构的多样性。 词汇多样性即打算常见的雅思写作中高频运用的表达法,比如重要、比较、破坏、进展、吸引等表达法。句型多样性上面也给大家举了一些例子,下面以分词为例,给大家做一个简洁介绍如何打算语言包装技能。 假设考试会写两个很简洁的主谓宾的句子,通过分词结构可以融合成一个长句,这个过程也是可以模块化的:A do1. A do2. 我们可以表达成doing1, A do2. 这样一个原来很短的两个句子融合在一起了,而且运用了困难的分词句型,表达更具有可读性。例如I get up in the morning. I go to school happily. 可以转化成: getting up in the morning, I go to school happily. 假如要想再升一级,可以把分词作为插入语,即变成A, doing1, do2.更加增加语言质量。 雅思写作观点如何找:权利自由原则 动物: It is a breach of their natural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes. Animals have the right to be treated as beings of value in themselves, not as the means to human ends. 死刑: The right to life is inviolable and protected by law. One human right is the right to life and taking a life away by execution is cruel, inhumane and degrading. 极限运动: People should be free to participate in activities with others as long as it does not affect the safety of non-participants. 摄像机: They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices. 强迫老年人退休: Compulsorily retiring old employees can affect the older individuals freedom - and right - to work and can deprive society of valuable experience and insights. 禁酒: Banning alcohol infringes peoples civil liberties to an unacceptable degree. 禁烟: While a government has a responsibility to protect its population, it also has a responsibility to defend their freedom of choice. 新闻审查: Banning advertisements is a severe restriction upon freedom of speech. We have accepted that freedom of expression should have limits. The risks of stifling free expression far outweigh the potential for unacceptable material. An individual's rights end when they impinge on the safety and rights of others. 媒体报道名人: Famous people deserve privacy and respect. Although, generally speaking, the media should not interfere in peoples private lives, there are times when it is correct to do so. 母亲在家带孩子: Mothers should have as much freedom as anyone else in society to decide what is best for them and their children. 家庭教化: If they feel that the child would be best educated at home, by them or by another, that is their right. 限制人口: They feel that this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves. 分开教化: Among these opponents are “equal education” advocates, who argue that every student has the same right to enjoying high quality education regardless of gender, race, wealth, and most importantly, regardless of their minor differences in intellectual abilities. 资助艺术: So-called "elite culture" should be available for all to enjoy, and not just confined to the rich. 雅思写作观点如何找:文化原则 1)文化重要性 捕鲸: Whale hunting is an important aspect of some peoples cultural heritage. 建筑: Architecture is part of a countrys cultural heritage. 语言: Language is a type of cultural heritage. Language is often seen as a badge of identity and more conflict may be created if the global community is seen to prefer one language to another. 电视: Television is mostly directed to films and shows that have commercial purposes but little cultural value. 旅游: It is not purely ecosystems which are damaged by the pressure of consumption (e.g. by sewage output or pressure on water resources), but also ancient monuments or heritage sites. 2)文化多元性 电视: It changes our society for the worse, making us all conform to a bland, "Hollywood" model of entertainment in which regional traditions and diversity are lost. 语言: The diversity of languages is endlessly fascinating. 政府资助艺术: Subsidised companies can afford to take more risks and to experiment, enabling new styles and forms of art to emerge and to become popular. 旅游: Tourism demands that an area conform to a certain stereotyped image, requiring the local inhabitants to make a caricature of their own culture. 寄宿学校:(多样性) Spending all your time in school restricts the circle of people you come into contact with. Interaction with other pupils is a crucial element of a childs development 体育: PE is an aspect of school being about more than just book learning it is about educating the whole person, a holistic education that betters us in an all-round sense, rather than a merely academic experience. 雅思写作观点如何找:道义原则 捕鲸: Killing whales for human use is morally wrong. Modern whaling is humane, especially compared to the factory farming of animals like chickens, cow and pigs, (themselves a relatively intelligent and social species). 捕猎: Traditional hunting methods are often particularly cruel. Overall, however, the essential point is that it is morally wrong to kill animals for pleasure and no amount of economic benefits can make that right. 动物试验: We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new products are treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity. Those against the use of animal testing claim that it is inhumane to use animals in experiments. I disagree completely. It would be much more inhumane to test new drugs on children or adults. 治疗还是教化: Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. 雅思写作观点如何找:教化原则 电视: Many scientific and cultural programs are shown on television, which give new educational opportunities for our society. 动物园: Zoos nowadays are not marketed as places of entertainment - they are places of education. 博物馆免费: Free and cheap access to the arts is crucial for education. 死刑: By executing criminals you are ruling out the possibility of rehabilitation. Some criminals are beyond rehabilitation; 怎样限制人口: This could be done by a process of education that points out the way a small family can mean an improved quality of life for the family members, as well as less strain on the countrys, perhaps very limited, resources. 童工: If learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in childrens development. 课外活动: If they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination? How can they learn physical co-ordination or learn important social lessons about winning and losing if they do not practice any sports? 完整的雅思作文写作步骤介绍本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页