关于五一劳动节英语作文范文带翻译:五一南山行 盼望以久的五一假期终于到了,我们一家三口按原计划开车去了一趟被称为南方的”呼伦贝尔”的湖南南山牧场。The long-awaited May Day holiday finally arrived.Our family of three drove to Hunan Nanshan ranch called Hulunbuir in the south according to the original plan.经过几个小时的长途跋涉,我们来到了平均海拔1760 米,俗称”八十里大南山”之称的南山奶粉产地,南国最大的现代化山地牧场-南山牧场。到了牧场后,放眼看去,牧场很大,草地绿绿的,小草比我的脚背还要高,石头墙和木围栏把奶牛围起来,好像把草地分成一块一块的绿格子;既象是一块块碧绿的翡翠,嵌镶在的崇山峻岭之上,又象是绿色的波浪在崇山峻岭之中翻滚。我们还看见牧场上到处都是奶牛,奶牛头上长了两个小小的角,身上还有黑白的花,很漂亮,我以前没有见过奶牛,这是第一次,于是,急忙让妈妈拿出照相机,让她帮我跟奶牛合影留念。拍完照爸爸又带我骑着马在小河边、蒙古包边玩耍、射弩。After a few hours of trekking,we came to the Nanshan milk powder production area,the largest modern Mountain Ranch in South China-Nanshan ranch,with an average altitude of 1760 meters,commonly known as“80 Li big Nanshan”.When I arrived at the ranch,I could see that the ranch was very large.The grass was green,and the grass was even higher than my instep.The stone walls and wooden fences surrounded the cows,as if they divided the grassland into green squares.They were like green emeralds,inlaid in the mountains,and like green waves rolling in the mountains.We also saw cows everywhere on the ranch.The cows had two small horns on their heads and black and white flowers on their bodies.They were very beautiful.I had never seen a cow before.This was the first time.So we hurried to ask my mother to take out a camera and ask her to take photos with the cows for me.After taking photos,my father took me to play and shoot a crossbow by the river and Mongolian 后来,我们继续沿着当年红军走过的老山界盘山公路,来到了山顶的”高山红哨”,哨所由营房、调堡、战壕、地道、蓝球场组成,山顶上还有中国人民解放军装备部捐赠的坦克和歼灭机。参观完后,我们就下山了,在下山的路上,我还看见公路两旁漫山扁野的映山红,有粉色的、红色、紫色的、还有。好看极了!我慢慢的欣赏着,不知不觉我们就到了山脚下回沅陵的路了。Later,we continued to follow the old mountain road passed by the Red Army,and came to the“high mountain red sentry”on the top of the mountain.The sentry consists of barracks,Diao fort,trenches,tunnels and blue ball fields.On the top of the mountain,there are tanks and fighter planes donated by the equipment department of the people s Liberation Army.After visiting,we went down the mountain.On the way down the mountain,I saw the red mountains on both sides of the road,including pink,red,purple,and.It s very beautiful!I appreciate it slowly.Unconsciously,we are on the way back to Yuanling at the foot of the mountain.因为我们事先没看地图、也没了解路况,回来的路上先是爸爸开车跑错了路,后来是因为在修路路很烂,颠簸得历害,并且一过灰尘扬得老高,再加上有点晕车,车子只能慢慢地前进,所以只到晚上 11 点多我才到家结束这次旅行。Because we didnt read the map or understand the road conditions in advance,dad drove the wrong way on the way back first,and then because the road construction was terrible,the bumps were serious,and the dust was high,plus a little carsick,the car could only slowly move forward,so it was only after 11:00 p.m.that I got home to finish the trip.要问我这次族行的感受,那我告诉你吧:南山的风景可美了,奶牛太可爱了,映山红太美了;还有就是车坐饱了,灰尘吃饱了!呵呵!If you want to know how I feel about this trip,let me tell you:the scenery of Nanshan is beautiful,cows are lovely,YINGSHANHONG is beautiful,and the car is full and the dust is full!Ha ha!