英语周记 800 字带翻译:我家的新成员 今年大年初三,我家迎来了新成员,那就是我的弟弟。还记得我在产房从姑姑怀里看到他的第一眼,当时觉得太奇妙了,好面熟啊,像谁呢,啊,原来像我自己!哈哈!On the third day of the new year,my family has a new member,that is my brother.I still remember the first time I saw him from my aunts arms in the delivery room.At that time,I thought it was amazing.I was familiar with him.Who was he?Ah,I was like myself!Ha-ha!随着弟弟的出生,我们从三口之家变成了四口之家,从此生活中便多了更多的欢声笑语。弟弟像我一樣,刚出生就是个胖小子,看着他胖乎乎的小手和小脸,好几次禁不住想去捏捏他,爸爸笑着教我说:”你可以轻轻地摸摸他,不要太用力,可以跟他说说话,他可以听到的。”说着爸爸就要把我的手放在弟弟的手上,我激动又不安地伸过手去,当我碰到他软软的小手时,我心里真想告诉他:”嗨,兄弟,你好,我是你的哥哥,你要快乐成长,我会保护你的!”可是,我开口就说了一句:”你真是个胖小子!”惹着屋子里的爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈一下子都哈哈大笑起来。With the birth of our younger brother,we have changed from a family of three to a family of four.From then on,we have more laughter and laughter in our life.Like me,my brother was just born a fat boy.Looking at his fat hands and face,he couldn t help pinching him several times.My father smiled and taught me:“you can touch him gently,dont use too much force,you can talk to him,he can hear.”Said dad will put my hand on my brothers hand,I excitedly and uneasily extended my hand,when I met his soft little hand,I really want to tell him:“Hi,brother,Hello,I am your brother,you want to grow up happily,I will protect you!”But I said,“you are such a fat boy!”Make the grandparents in the house,father and mother all laugh at once.弟弟的出生不仅给我的生活带来了无限的欢乐,也通过不断制造”麻烦”来教会我成长。记得在一个周六的中午,我和妈妈正在吃饭,睡着的弟弟突然哭闹起来,原来是要换尿布了,妈妈着急地一边哄着弟弟,一边拿着换下的尿布对我说:”宝贝,快来把这个放在垃圾桶。”想想脏兮兮的尿布,想想我正在吃着香喷喷的饭菜,心里真是不情愿。这时弟弟哭得更厉害了,妈妈也更加着急地叫我,并对弟弟说:”看哥哥要来给你换尿布了,不哭不哭。”听到这里我突然意识到,我是哥哥,应该照顾弟弟,帮助妈妈,让弟弟快乐成长,让妈妈不再劳累。我立刻起身,飞快地帮妈妈换了尿布,耳边突然传来一声清脆的笑声,我定睛一看,喊道:”妈妈,快看,他会笑了!”妈妈也高兴地说:”那是在感谢哥哥呢。”听完我心里顿时美滋滋的。The birth of my younger brother not only brought infinite joy to my life,but also taught me to grow up by constantly creating“trouble”.I remember that at noon on a Saturday,my mother and I were having a meal when my sleeping brother burst into tears.It turned out that we were going to change diapers.My mother hurriedly coaxed my brother and said to me,“baby,put this in the trash can.”Think about the dirty diapers,think about the delicious food I m eating,I m really reluctant.At this time,my brother cried more,and my mother called me more anxiously,and said to my brother,“look,my brother is coming to change your diaper,dont cry or not.”Hearing this,I suddenly realized that I am a brother.I should take care of my brother,help my mother,let my brother grow up happily,and let my mother no longer work hard.I immediately got up and quickly changed my mothers diaper.Suddenly I heard a clear laugh in my ear.I looked at it and shouted,“Mom,look,he will laugh!”My mother said happily,“thats to thank my brother.”After listening to my heart immediately happy.弟弟的到来不仅带给我欢乐,也教会我成长,我会和爸爸妈妈一起爱他,陪他快乐成长,一起迎接新的未来!My brothers arrival not only brings me joy,but also teaches me to grow up.I will love him with my parents,grow up happily with him,and welcome the new future together!