Talking about St.Patricks Day Customs What Happens on St.Patricks Day?Watch the following video:https:/youtu.be/XI-_qbDipYI Listening Comprehension Questions 1.According to the teacher,what does St.Patricks Day celebrate?2.Why is St.Patricks Day such a big event in Chicago?3.Where do many people get together?4.What do many people eat?5.Whats the Irish color for good luck?6.What will happen if you dont wear green on St.Patricks Day?7.What countries that the teacher mentions,celebrate St.Patricks Day?8.What happens to the Chicago river on St.Patricks Day?Vocabulary&Expressions Matching Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right.1.traditional a.from or in the beginning;at first 2.originally b.to squeeze between the finger and the thumb 3.officially c.customs and beliefs that have existed for a long time 4.seriously d.to do something enjoyable to show happiness 5.pinch e.to suggest that someone does something 6.encourage f.with force 7.hard g.in a sincere manner 8.celebrate h.in a formal and public way Conversation About St.Patricks Day Traditions TEACHER:Hello class.It has been a long and cold winter,hasnt it?Pretty soon it will be spring!Let me tell you about one great holiday to enjoy just before the winter ends and spring officially begins.STUDENT 1:Do you mean International Womens Day?TEACHER:Good guess Shaniqua!That is an important event!But no,today I will talk about St.Patricks Day St.Patricks Day is a day to celebrate the culture of the people of Ireland.This holiday is celebrated in many different countries around the world.It is enjoyed in a lot of countries where there are people who originally came from the country of Ireland The United Kingdom,Argentina,Canada,and New Zealand are a few of the countries that celebrate St.Patricks Day.In fact,this holiday is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival!STUDENT 2:So,people who are Irish get a holidaybecause they are Irish?TEACHER:Not exactly Tyrone!On this day,everyone,even if they are not Irish,gets together for some fun.St.Patricks Day is celebrated on or around March 17th in many countries.There are a lot of fun,adult activities to enjoy on St.Patricks Day.The city of Chicago,in America,is home to a lot of people whose families originally came from Ireland.The holiday is very big in this city.People will get together in bars and restaurants to eat traditional Irish food such as corned beef and cabbage and shepherds pie.People often drink a lot of alcohol on this day.It is a tradition in many places to color the beer green on that day.Green is the Irish color for good luck.It is also very important to wear something green on this day.A lot of people will wear green hats and shirts that say Kiss Me Im Irish on them!It is a lot of fun.Chicago takes the festival very seriously!They even color the Chicago River green on this day!STUDENT 3:Mr.Letourneau,is there anything for kids?TEACHER:Wellit is mainly for adults.In many places,people who dont wear green on St.Patricks Day,will get pinched by other people!Its all in good fun!No one will pinch you hard.Its just a fun tradition.I will bring some green cookies to class as a St.Patricks Day treat for everyone.And remember class,it doesnt matter if you are actually Irish.On St.Patricks Day,everyone is encouraged to celebrate and have some fun!Answer Key Matching 1.C2.A3.H4.G5.B6.E7.F8.D Answers 1.The culture of the people of Ireland.2.It is home to a lot of people whose families originally came from Ireland.3.People will get together in bars and restaurants.4.They eat traditional Irish food such as corned beef and cabbage and shepherds pie.5.green 6.Youll get pinched.7.The United Kingdom,Argentina,Canada,and New Zealand 8.Its colored green.