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高考英语中译英测验 1()Section A(每题 3 分)这一建议是否能付诸实施任然是个问题。(prate)It rins a qestion whehe the sggesti ca be p t prie.她儿子成了一名飞行员,为此她感到自豪。(prou)Her n became pilot,which he was proud of.3 假如你一意孤行,你将为此付出代价。(pay)I o keep on doig like ti,o wi pa fo hat you have done.4.他在工作中粗心大意,却被提升为经理。(prmote)He is cales i work,but was promtd to anager.5 那个女孩因在这次灾难中的勇敢表现而受到高度赞扬。(praise)he gir is hgh prisd or her brav ehavio in te dstr.6.经理对他的工作如此挑剔,他只得辞职。(partcular)The anger as so partar aut his work that e had to u j.令人费解的是,他总喜欢不懂装懂。(ptend)Whats zzling s tht e lway etends to now wht h dnt knw.结果证明这项人任务比预想的要困难得多。(prv)T task proved to b uh mr ifficult hen expcted.9.这位年轻的教师对不太聪明的学生没有耐心。(patin)The yog teacher is n paient wit ess itelliget students 0.戴太阳眼镜可以保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的灼伤。(protct)eng un glae can protec or ees fro the strong sunligh.1.单单参加田径项目的就达到了人。(paricipate)Those wh paticipate in track and vns lone add u to 50.12.我宁愿上网购物也不愿去百货商店。(refer)I prefr hoppin onlin to shpping n dertmet tore.13.保险公司已经承诺赔偿我们的损失。(promise)T nurnce coany has osd to an p for ou los.14.你认为这学期谁在物理方面进步很大。(progrs)h d yo thik has e great ogress in phics ths term?1.许多书籍和杂志能我们提供精神食粮。(prvie)Many book an magais an prvid us ith piital fod.16.我竭力劝说他不要赌博,但是他根本听不进去。(pesuade)I tried had to rsuade i not gamble,ut e idnt isten a all.17 我们只有不断改善自我,才能跟上现代生活的节奏。(pace)nly y imrvng ourseles can w ep pa with od lif.1 她为这次求职面试做好了充分准备,一点也不紧张。(rar)She i ll prpare fr the ob inrview,so se snt neros at al.19 你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗?(posib)It s osible for you to attnd my irthday pr this vning?20 毫无疑问,他将因不遵守校规而受到严惩。(pnh)o oubt he i be seveely uished for ioeing the shol rule.ecio B(每题 4 分)1 中国制造的鞋子价廉物美,深受当地顾客的欢迎。(ppua)Se made i Cha ar ca but good,s thy re ver opular wih th lcal custos.2.你能在这人群中找出你多年未见的兄弟吗?(ck)Cn you pick u our broth who yo havnt seen o year th crowd?3.无论家人怎么劝说,她任然执意要和那个外国人结婚。(perist)N ate ho er ai tred rsuad he,sh persised n arryng the gne.4.她煞费苦心保持房子整洁,却总是被那只宠物狗搞得一团糟。(pas)She tok et pans to kee he ouse iy,but it s ay esed up by the pe dg.5 我们目前面临的问题是如何为明天的面试做好充分的准备。(rearation)The problem acin us ow is how to mde full eparatins or the inerw tomrrow.6.我正计划今年暑假去浏览一些名胜古迹。(n)Im plnng t it som places f ntet and historial stes duing his smmer holidy.必须采取严厉措施以阻止对苏州河的进一步污染。(prevent)ver aci mus be taen t pren th Shou River beng fuhe oluted 8 肇事司机故意隐瞒事实以逃避惩罚。(ppoe)e drier had cused e accdent ie the facs o prpose t espe punisent.专家指出,医疗不能代替均衡饮食在保健中的作用。(pon)Expets it ou ht meical cre can place a wellblanced diet in keeng halthy 10.电子邮件和电话一样,在日常交流中起着重要作用。(part)E-mail,as el as h tlepoe,lays mprant art i daiy omunication.