酒店市场销售部培训-产品知识 Task 任务:PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE 产品知识 Code 序号:OH-SM-CS-C01 Objectives 目的:At the end of this session,each trainee will be able to:培训结束后,每位受训者应能做到:1.Familiar with the hotel product knowledge.掌握饭店产品知识。2.Know how to update the product information.了解如何补充自己的产品知识。3.Aware the profession knowledge of catering.清楚宴会销售专业知识。Standard标准:Refer to S&P 参照标准与程序 Resources 培训器材:Handout 培训资料,Flipchart 白板 Method 培训方式 Training Steps 培训步骤 Time 时间 Introduction 介绍 Discuss 讨论 Prepare on Flip Chart 准备白板 Contents 课程 Question 问题 Prepare Flip Chart Show“W.I.F.M.”(objective)表明从此课所能学到的内容(目标)The importance of familiar with the hotel product knowledge.了解饭店产品知识的重要性。The course should be divided into three parts:课程可分为三部份:1.List the hotel product.列出饭店经营产品。2.Explain the service facility and additional items of each operational department.了解各运营部位的服务内容及特色,以及可 提供的特殊服务。3.Catering knowledge.宴会知识。4.Hotel surroundings 酒店周边环境 Q:Who can list the service items of our hotel?(Prepare a brochure of hotel)问题:谁能列出我们饭店的服务项目。准备一份饭店宣传资料。10min 5min 5min 50min 5min 5min 准备白板 Explain 讲解 Demonstration 演式 Roll Play 角色扮演 Critique 评估 Summary 总结 Record the answer on the flip chart.将问题结果记录在白板上。1.Add the extra products on the flip chart(the answer),and explain the service,product of each one.在白板补充上没有提到的饭店服务项目,并依次讲解每项目服务的具体特色。2.Explain the catering knowledge to trainees(refer to S&P).讲解有关宴会销售的专业知识(根据标准与程序上所提到的项目)。The purpose of knowing the product knowledge is to serve the client more effective&flexible.学习饭店产品知识的目的在于更灵活有效的为客人服务。How to suggest a wedding banquet?如何为婚宴客人提出 建议。After it,refer to the flip chart,review/discussion how to use the product knowledge.演式结束后,对照白板,重温并讨论如何使用饭店产品知识。Each trainee practice first as a guest and then as a Catering Sales associate.In the roll play,the Catering Sales associate should use the product knowledge to advice the client.每位培训生应在角色扮演中首先扮演客人,然后是宴会销售人员。在练习过程中,宴会销售人员应运用饭店产品知识来为客人提出相应建议。First is the Catering Sales associate,the client,then the classmate.At last will be the trainer.评估顺序为首先是宴会销售人员,客人,然后是同事,最后是训导师。1.Ask question and have participant explain.提问,并请回答者解讲其内容。2.Summarize the point of this session.总结此次课程要点。20min 20min 10min Total:65min