选用教材 营销管理 美菲利普科特勒著第十一版 上海经济出版社 第八章 渠道策略 教学目的:通过对分销渠道基本概念与知识的讲授,使学生理解关于“市场营销渠道”的相关理论框架结构知识,并对掌握渠道策略的设计原理及对相关问题具有一定实际分析能力。教学重点:分销渠道的含义。教学难点:在当今的市场环境下,如何真正理解渠道扁平化问题?教学时数:6 学时(讲授、讨论、实践)教学内容与步骤:Chapter 8 Designing and Managing Value Networks and Marketing Channels Kotler on Marketing Establish channels for different target markets and aim for efficiency,control,and adaptability.Chapter Objectives In this chapter,we focus on the following channel questions from the viewpoint of the manufacturers:What is the value network and marketing channel system?What work is performed by marketing channels?What decisions do companies face in designing,managing,evaluating,and modifying their channels?What trends are taking place in channel dynamics?How can channel conflict be managed?What is a Value Network and Marketing-Channel System?Value Network Marketing channel What is a Value Network and Marketing-Channel System?“Go-to-market”or hybrid channels IBMs sales force sells to large accounts,outbound telemarketing sells to medium-sized accounts,direct mail sells to small accounts,retailers sell to still smaller accounts,and the Internet to sell specialty items Charles Schwab enables its customers to do transactions in branch offices,over the phone,or via the Internet Staples markets through traditional retail,direct-response Internet site,virtual malls,and 30,000 linked affiliated sites What is a Value Network and Marketing-Channel System?Channel integration characteristics:Ability to order a product online,and pick it up at a convenient retail location Ability to return an online-ordered product to a nearby store Right to receive discounts based on total of online and off-line purchases What Work is Performed by Marketing Channels?Many producers lack the financial resources to carry out direct marketing In some cases direct marketing simply is not feasible Producers who do establish their own channels can often earn a greater return by increasing their investment in their main business.What Work is Performed by Marketing Channels?Channel Functions and Flows Key functions include:Gather information about potential and current customers,competitors,and others Develop and disseminate persuasive communications to stimulate purchasing Reach agreements on price and other terms so that transfer of ownership or possession can be effected Place orders with manufacturers What Work is Performed by Marketing Channels?Acquire funds to finance inventories at different levels in the marketing channel Assume risk connected with carrying out channel work Provide for the successive storage and movement of physical products Provide for buyers payment of their bills through banks and other financial institutions Oversee actual transfer of ownership from one organization or person to another Figure 17.2:Five Marketing Flows in the Marketing Channel for Forklift Trucks What Work is Performed by Marketing Channels?Forward flow Backward flow What Work is Performed by Marketing Channels?Channel levels Zero-level channel(a.k.a.direct-marketing channel)One-level channel Two-level channel Three-level channel Reverse-flow channel Service Sector Channels Information Highway Channels Figure 17.1:How a Distributor Effects an Economy of Effort 0-level channel As more retailers develop a web presence,they often move from a“brick-and-mortar”to a“click-and-mortar”business model where customers expect channel integration.Can you identify any potential problems for these companies?Can you identify any unique marketing opportunities that such a change would offer these companies?Wholesaler Jobber Retailer Consumer Consumer Retailer Consumer Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer Mfg 2-level channel Mfg 3-level channel 1-level channel Manufacturer The advent of print media,the telephone,radio,television,and the Internet have all provided new ways for marketers to get their message to their intended audience.As various technologies advance,these information channels offer more precise delivery of a message.Can you identify an emerging information distribution channel?The advent of print media,the telephone,radio,television,and the Internet have all provided new ways for marketers to get their message to their intended audience.As various technologies advance,these information channels offer more precise delivery of a message.Can you identify an emerging information.Channel-Design Decisions Push strategy Pull strategy Designing a channel system involves four steps:Analyzing customer needs Establishing channel objectives Identifying major channel alternatives Evaluating major channel alternatives Channel-Design Decisions Analyze Customers Desired Service Output Levels Lot size Waiting time Spatial convenience Product variety Service backup Channel-Design Decisions Establish Objectives and Constraints Identify Major Channel Alternatives Types of Intermediaries Number of Intermediaries Exclusive distribution Exclusive dealing Selective distribution Intensive distribution Channel-Design Decisions Terms and Responsibilities of Channel Members Price policy Conditions of sale Distributors territorial rights Evaluate the Major Alternatives Economic Criteria Figure 17.4:The Value-Adds versus Costs of Different Channels Figure 17.5:Break-even Cost Chart Channel advantage Control and Adaptive Criteria Channel-Management Decisions Selecting Channel Members Training Channel Members Motivating Channel Members Producers can use:Coercive power Reward power Legitimate power Expert power Referent power Channel-Management Decisions Distribution programming Distributor-relations planning Evaluating Channel Members Modifying Channel Arrangements Channel Dynamics Vertical Marketing Systems Conventional marketing channel Vertical marketing systems(VMS)Corporate and Administered VMS Corporate VMS Administered VMS Channel Dynamics Contractual VMS Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains Retailer cooperatives Franchise organizations Manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise Manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise Service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise Channel Dynamics The New Competition in Retailing Horizontal Marketing Systems Multichannel Marketing Systems Channel Dynamics Roles of Individual Firms Insiders Strivers Complementers Transients Outside innovators Channel Dynamics Conflict,Cooperation,and Competition Types of Conflict and Competition Vertical channel conflict Horizontal channel conflict Multichannel conflict Causes of Channel Conflict Goal incompatibility Unclear roles and rights Differences in perception Channel Dynamics By adding new channels,a company faces the possibility of channel conflict which may include:Conflict between the national account managers and field sales force Conflict between the field sales force and the telemarketers Conflict between the field sales force and the dealers Channel Dynamics Managing Channel Conflict Diplomacy Mediation Arbitration Legal and Ethical Issues in Channel Distribution Exclusive distribution Exclusive dealing Tying agreements 本章习题 一、思考题 1、高科技产品与一般的产品有何不同?这些不现的地方对分销渠道的设计有什么影响?2、什么是直接渠道和间接渠道,它们之间有什么区别?二、案例题 1、渠道扁平化问题分析 案例 1、国内空调渠道模式比较 在国内空调市场上,美的、海尔、格力、志高等企业的分销渠道有着各自的特点,我们对其进行比较。1、美的空调销售渠道组织结构图 这一渠道模式是采取鼓励大批发商的做法,大批发商成为渠道中举足轻重主导力量。2、格力空调销售渠道组织结构图 格力渠道模式最大的特点就是格力公司在每个省和当地经销商合资建立了销售公司,即所谓的经销商之间化敌为友,“以控价为主线,坚持区域自治原则,确保各级经销商合理利润”,有多方参股的区域销售公司形式。(1)省级合资销售公司:由省内最大几个批发高同格力合资组成(2)区级合资销售公司;格力的二级管理机构,由各地市批发商组成相应的合资分公司(3)零售商:由合资公司向所在区域内的零售商供货,零售商在此模式中没有什么发言权,且其毛利很低。3、志高空调销售渠道组织结构图 志高模式的特点在于对经销商的倚重 4、海尔空调销售渠道组织结构图 海尔分销渠道模式最大的特点就在于海尔几乎在全国每个省都建立了自己的销售分公司海尔工贸公司。海尔工贸公司直接向零售商供货并提供相应支持,并且将很多零售商改造成了海尔专卖店。5、各种模式下企业盈利水平及模式综合比较 盈利水平比较:各渠道模式综合比较:案例 2、戴尔计算机的直销模式 计算机销售最常见的方式就是由庞大的分销商进行转销。而戴尔却抗拒了种潮流,决定通过网络直销 PC 机,并接受直接订货,精采地演绎了 IT 界的经典故事。戴尔公司从 1988 年,正式宣告直销模式开始,其核心理念为“消除中间人,以更有效率的方式来提供电脑”。直销模式使戴尔公司能够提供最有价值的技术解决方篥:系统配置强大而丰要,无与伦比的性能价格比。这也使戴尔公司能以富于竞争力的价格推出最新的相岂技术。按单定制的直销模式使戴尔公司真正实现了“零库存、高周转”。由于戴尔公司按单定做,它的库存一年可周转 15 次。相比之下,其他依靠分销商和转销商进行销售的竞争对手,其周转次数还不到戴尔公司的一半。对此,波士顿著名产业分析家 J.威廉格利说:“对于零部件成本每年下降 15以上的产业,这种快速的周转意味着总利润可以多出 1.8%3.3%。”t 现象:随者市场竞争的加剧,冗长的销售渠道使信息传递速度放慢,市场反馈迟钝。位于较下游的分销商无法跟上厂家的步伐,而厂家也无法快速对市场变化作出反应。同时,在传统分销网络经常面监这样的问题:“窜货”使市场一片混乱;经销商仿佛永远难以喂饱不断增加的各种费用的要求大大增加了企业的营销成本及经营风险;经销商忠诚度、信用度在下降;在与厂家合作过程中表现出明显的投机性、功利性;渠道成员普选缺乏营销意识,难以真正形成信息共享利益共享的营销网络。另一方面,在中国,买方市场的形成,人们消费能力的增强,使得消费者在交易中的地位愈来愈重要。这一客观事实的一个直接结果就是,使得与消费者直接联系的零售终端(特别是在日用消费品市场),如连锁超市、超级大卖场、便利店的分销销售能力不断增强,同时在整个销售渠道中的作用日益增强。制造商或代理商日益重视零售终端战术的运用。不少企业提出了“决胜在终端”的口号。最典型的例子莫过于丝宝集团舒蕾洗发水品牌的“终端制胜”战术。丝宝正是利用这个“法宝”,制造了与宝洁、联合利华销量名列三甲的“神话”。更多的日用消费品企业犹如看刭救命的稻草,纷纷仿效,采用终端上强大的人力和物力的投人来扩大自己的市场份额。所以,有人说告别经销商时代已来临!问题:通过以上两个案例及当前销售市场存在的渠道现象,给我们什么样的启示,你是否认为告别经销商的时代真的已到来?三、单选题(20 个)1、产品从生产领域向消费领域转移时,一般要经过()介入。A 分销商 B 代理商 C 中间商 D 零售商 2、消费品销售渠道模式,概括起来有()种模式。A 四 B 五 C 三 D 六 3、生产资料渠道模式,概括起来有()种模式。A 四 B 五 C 三 D 六 4、以下中间商中,大商品交易过程中,拥有商品所有权的是()经销商 代理商 零售商 批发商、连锁商店最大的优势在于()价格便宜 成本较低 营业费低 可电话订货、推销人员直接上门推销企业产品的直销模式为()传销 访问推销 直复营销 定制产品、直复营销的关键问题是()地点的选择 人员的培养 数据库的建立 顾客定位、生产者在某一地区仅通过少数几个经过精心挑选的中间商来推销产品的渠道策略是()普遍性销售策略 选择性销售策略 专营性销售策略 复式销售策略、以下企业中采用直销模式的是()联想 海尔 微软 戴尔、超级市场的销售特点是()经营商品范围广种类多,品种及规格全 自动售货、薄利多销、顾客自我服务 售货灵活、方便 自动式售货,很少服务,设备较简单 、被很多耐用消费品和选购品的生产企业所选用的渠道模式是()生产者消费者 生产者零售商消费者 C 生产者代理商消费者 D 生产者代理商经销商消费者 、消费品销售渠道的传统模式是()生产者零售商消费者 生产者代理商经销商消费者 C 生产者代理商消费者 D 生产者批发商零售商消费者 、生产资料销售中占主要地位的渠道模式是()A 生产者生产资料用户 B 生产者生产资料经销商 用户 C 生产者代理商用户 D 生产者代理商经销商用户、受托负责代销生产企业的全部产品,不受地区限制且有一定的售价权的代理商是()企业代理商 销售代理商 寄售商 经纪商、以下不属于专业批发商的是()五金电器批发商 承运批发商 货车贩运批发商 现货自运批发商、以下不属于零售销售模式的是()方便商店 流动售货 百货公司 工厂内销售部、直复营销与访问推销的明显区别在于()是否有推销员的介入 是否依赖于电脑网络 是否能看见商品 是否能产品适货上门、网络营销的策略是()产品、顾客、渠道、促销策略 产品、价格、市场、促销策略 产品、价格、渠道、促销策略 产品、顾客、市场、促销策略、规模大、实力强、管理水平高的企业适于采有()渠道策略 普遍性销售策略 选择性销售策略 专营性销售策略 复式销售策略、某经销商或代理商,抱怨生产企业在价格方面管理过死,而提供方便条件较少,这属于()横向渠道冲突 纵向渠道冲突 不同渠道间冲 非渠道冲突 四、多选题(10 个)1、以下为生产资料销售渠道模式的是()。A 生产者生产资料用户 B 生产者生产资料经销商 用户 C 生产者代理商用户 D 生产者代理商经销商用户 E 生产者代理商批发商零售商用户 2、以下为销售渠道特征的是()。A 销售渠道的起点是生产者,终点是消费者 B 中间商的介入往往是必不可少的 C 常引发转移商品所有权的行为。D 分销渠道引发转移商品经营权的行为 3、销售渠道选择模式的影响因素有()A 产品因素 B 市场因素 C 企业自身因素 D 政府因素 E 市场竞争情况 4、按在流通中所起作用不同,中间商可分为()A 批发商 B 代理商 C 经销商 D 零售商 E 经纪人 5、以下属于中间商的有()A 银行 B 代理商 C 批发商 D 保险公司 E 经纪人、以下中间商中,属于零售商的是()超级市场 电影院 自动售货机 连锁商店 麦当劳 、以下属于特许经营组织形式的是()制造商筹组的零售特许代营 制造商筹组的批发商特许代营 服务性行业筹组的代理商特许经营制造商筹组的零售商特许经营 服务性行为筹组的批发商特许代营、直复营销的形式包括()A 定制产品 直接邮购 电话营销 电视营销 网络营销、企业的渠道策略包括()普遍性销售策略 选择性销售策略 专营性销售策略 复式销售策略 竞争性销售策略、渠道调整通常的方法为()增减某个中间商 调整与某个中间商的关系 增减某个渠道 调整整个销售渠道体系 调整渠道成员的评价体系