托福阅读解题技巧:推断题和细节题如何把握 托福考生对于托福阅读中的推断题和细微环节题都不生疏,这两类题目是托福阅读中比较简单混淆和做错的题目。大家在做这两类的题目的时候要把握肯定的托福阅读解题技巧。下面我们来详细地分析一下这两类题目。 托福阅读解题技巧:推断题和细微环节题如何把握? 一. 托福推断题和细微环节题的异同 我们先来看看两类题目的相同点,首先两类题目都会涉及到原文内容,都须要考生去原文中定位题目的相关信息,所以从做题的第一步来看,两类题目比较相像。但是这两类题目的做题方法却不一样。推断题须要考生对文中信息总结分析,结合整篇文章的观点找到最佳答案。细微环节题相对简洁一些,只要在原文中找到相应内容并且定位精确,就能找到答案了。 二. 托福阅读细微环节题解题技巧 细微环节题也被称为事实信息题,大家在做题的时候只须要在原文对应的内容中找答案就可以了,不须要结合上下文去分析。那么如何才能又快有精确地做对细微环节题呢?找关键词!关键词可以帮助我们快速定位题目在原文中的位置。假如是一些干脆以段落形式出现的细微环节题就不须要大家定位细微环节题选项位置,此时须要大家去对比选项和原文,快速找到段落中的同义句位置,筛选正确答案。给大家举个简洁的例子,小站托福官方真题Official第54套中第一篇阅读文章其次题: According to paragraph 1, all of the following characteristics of pine made it a desirable material for building in nineteenth-century America EXCEPT: A. It was long lasting. B. It was relatively easy to transport. C. Its softness made it easy to work with. D. It produced buildings that were especially attractive. 大家在做这道题的时候,要留意大写的“EXCEPT”,也就是说要找到不包含的信息,我们要快速在文章第一段定位同义句。下面是官方真题Official第54套第一段原文: In nineteenth-century America, practically everything that was built involved wood. Pine was especially attractive for building purposes.It is durable and strong(A), yet soft enough to be easily worked with even the simplest of hand tools(B).It also floats nicely on water, which allowed it to be transported to distant markets across the nation(C). The central and northern reaches of the Great Lakes statesMichigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesotaall contained extensive pine forests as well as many large rivers for floating logs into the Great Lakes, from where they were transported nationwide. 快速定位选项同义句以后,我们就能找到答案了,正确答案是D。大家要不要被“Pine was especially attractive for building purposes.”这句话迷惑了,细致分析后你会发觉,它和D选项表达的是完全不同的两种意思。 三. 托福阅读推断题解题技巧 托福阅读的推断题比细微环节题更难一些,细微环节题只要找到原文中对应的位置就可以了,但是推断题却须要大家结合文章主题做出正确推断。我们先来说说怎么定义一道题是推断题,其实推断题往往题干中会包含“infer、suggest、imply、indicate”一些单词。推断题不仅须要快速定位,还须要大家能够正确分析文中相关内容,集合文章供应信息推理出合理选项。另外,推断题还分为正向推断和逆向推断,正向推断要找到相应的句子关系,逆向推断要找到相应的内容,然后取反义。下面我们来看个详细的例子,仍旧是以小站官方真题Official54套第一篇阅读为例,第四题为推断题: What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about timber in America before the year 1860? A. Farmers of the American West earned most of their income by selling timber to newly arrived settlers. B. Timber came primarily from farmers who wished to supplement their income. C. Timber was much more expensive before the year 1860 because it was less readily available. D. Timber came primarily from large manufacturing companies in the East. 题干中我们发觉了推断题特别明显的标记“inferred from”,另外题干中已经标明在其次段,那么我们就从其次段中来看。此时每个选项都要进行详细的分析,A选项可以定位到文中“No longer were farmers in search of extra income the main source for shingles, firewood, and other wood products.”所以农夫已经不依靠销售木料增加收入了,A项错误。B选项可以要通过逆向推断来得知,原文中说到“1870年农夫不再通过木质产品增加收入”,所以可推断出木材来源主要在于一些农夫想要增加收入。C和D选项通过与原文内容对比也都不符合原文中的意思。C选项原文中并未提及,D选项与B冲突,故为错误选项。 考友共享托福阅读做题教训 当时做题一味想着驾驭技巧,想着怎样夺分,殊不知,好不简单拼来的分还抵不上因为马虎而失去的分,另人痛心,所以,我们不妨以退为攻,先改正自己易丢分的不良习惯或误区,力求在保证不轻易失分的状况下去夺分、去冲刺! 教训一:谙练把握常考词汇 良多考生在经由一段时刻的进修后,发觉托福语法并不难,每次做错题后一对谜底发觉问题问题现实很简洁,总有一种恍然年夜悟的感受,可是若干天往后又会再一次恍然年夜悟,走进一个一而再、再而三犯同样错误的怪圈。缘由是什么呢? 事理很简洁:首先,考生对于常识点必定是懂的,否则在对谜底后就不会恍然年夜悟;其次,考生在做题时对考点涉及的常考词不敏感,视而不见,根柢想不起来。所以考哨兵需谙练把握常考词汇,完备常识点。 教训二:细心应对考试陷阱 在托福阅读考试中语法得满分的同窗并不在年夜都,良多考生常常会很是缺憾地错了一两个完全会做的问题问题。究其缘由,不外乎两个:其一、过于轻率,还没看完A、B、C、D四个选项便做出了选择,或者是在看到正确选项前就已落入了ETS设置的陷阱。 教训三:长于找到自己的常识弱点 无论英语水平多高城市有常识盲点,有恍惚甚至完全不懂的处所。是以必定要长于找到自己的常识弱点。 那么考生若何知道自己的常识盲点呢?最简洁也是最根柢的体例就是做全真题。我剧烈建议考生筹备一个错题本,将自己每次托福阅读备考做习题过程中做错的题全数抄到错题本上,然后在恰当的时辰总结一下,看看自己轻易犯哪些错误。 大家平常做阅读题的时候要养成良好的做题习惯,尽量削减失分的机会,这样的话更加实在,但这也是许多托福考生忽视的方面,大家要引起重视。 托福阅读真题1 In 1903 the members of the governing board of the University of Washington, in Seattle, engaged a firm of landscape architects, specialists in the design of outdoor environment Olmsted Brothers of Brookline, Massachusetts to advise them on an appropriate layout for the university grounds. The plan impressed the university officials, and in time many of its recommendations were implemented. City officials in Seattle, the largest city in the northwestern United States, were also impressed, for they employed the same organization to study Seattle's public park needs. John Olmsted did the investigation and subsequent report on Seattle's parks. He and his brothers believed that parks should be adapted to the local topography, utilize the area's trees and shrubs, and be available to the entire community. They especially emphasized the need for natural, serene settings where hurried urban dwellers could periodically escape from the city. The essence of the Olmsted park plan was to develop a continuous driveway, twenty miles long, that would tie together a whole series of parks, playgrounds, and parkways. There would be local parks and squares, too, but all of this was meant to supplement the major driveway, which was to remain the unifying factor for the entire system. In November of 1903 the city council of Seattle adopted the Olmsted Report, and it automatically became the master plan for the city's park system. Prior to this report, Seattle's park development was very limited and funding meager. All this changed after the report. Between 1907 and 1913, city voters approved special funding measures amounting to $4,000,000. With such unparalleled sums at their disposal, with the Olmsted guidelines to follow, and with the added incentive of wanting to have the city at its best for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909, the Parks Board bought aggressively. By 1913 Seattle had 25 parks amounting to 1,400 acres, as well as 400 acres in playgrounds, pathways, boulevards, and triangles. More lands would be added in the future, but for all practical purposes it was the great land surge of 1907-1913 that established Seattle's park system. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The planned development of Seattle's public park system (B) The organization of the Seattle city government (C) The history of the Olmsted Brothers architectural firm (D) The design and building of the University of Washington campus 2. The word engaged in line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) trained (B) hired (C) described (D) evaluated 3. The word subsequent in line 8 is closest in meaning to (A) complicated (B) alternate (C) later (D) detailed 4. Which of the following statements about parks does NOT reflect the views of the Olmsted Brothers firm? (A) They should be planted with trees that grow locally. (B) They should provide a quiet, restful environment. (C) They should be protected by limiting the number of visitors from the community. (D) They should be designed to conform to the topography of the area. 5. Why does the author mention local parks and squares in lines 14 when talking about the Olmsted plan? (A) To emphasize the difficulties facing adoption of the plan (B) To illustrate the comprehensive nature of the plan (C) To demonstrate an omission in the plan (D) To describe Seattle's landscape prior to implementation of the plan 6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about how citizens of Seattle received the Olmsted Report? (A) They were hostile to the report's conclusions. (B) They ignored the Olmsted's findings. (C) They supported the Olmsted's plans. (D) They favored the city council's seeking advice from another firm. 7. According to the passage , when was the Olmsted Report officially accepted as the master plan for the Seattle public park system? (A) 1903 (B) 1907 (C) 1909 (D) 1913 8. The word sums in line 20 is closest in meaning to (A) problems (B) amounts (C) services (D) debts 9. According to the passage , which of the following was most directly influenced by the Alaska-Yukon- Pacific Exposition? (A) The University of Washington (B) Brookline, Massachusetts (C) The mayor of Seattle (D) The Seattle Parks Board PASSAGE 55 ABCCB CABD 托福阅读真题2 The term folk song has been current for over a hundred years, but there is still a good deal of disagreement as to what it actually means. The definition provided by the International Folk Music Council states that folk music is the music of ordinary people, which is passed on from person to person by being listened to rather than learned from the printed page. Other factors that help shape a folk song include: continuity (many performances over a number of years); variation (changes in words and melodies either through artistic interpretation or failure of memory); and selection (the acceptance of a song by the community in which it evolves). When songs have been subjected to these processes their origin is usually impossible to trace. For instance, if a farm laborer were to make up a song and sing it to a-couple of friends who like it and memorize it, possibly when the friends come to sing it themselves one of them might forget some of the words and make up new ones to fill the gap, while the other, perhaps more artistic, might add a few decorative touches to the tune and improve a couple of lines of text. If this happened a few times there would be many different versions, the song's original composer would be forgotten, and the song would become common property. This constant reshaping and re-creation is the essence of folk music. Consequently, modem popular songs and other published music, even though widely sung by people who are not professional musicians, are not considered folk music. The music and words have been set by a printed or recorded source, limiting scope for further artistic creation. These songs' origins cannot be disguised and therefore they belong primarily to the composer and not to a community. The ideal situation for the creation of folk music is an isolated rural community. In such a setting folk songs and dances have a special purpose at every stage in a person's life, from childhood to death. Epic tales of heroic deeds, seasonal songs relating to calendar events, and occupational songs are also likely to be sung. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) Themes commonly found in folk music (B) Elements that define folk music (C) Influences of folk music on popular music (D) The standards of the International Folk Music Council 2. Which of the following statements about the term folk song is supported by the passage ? (A) It has been used for several centuries. (B) The International Folk Music Council invented it. (C) It is considered to be out-of-date. (D) There is disagreement about its meaning. 3. The word it in line 8 refers to (A) community (B) song (C) acceptance (D) memory 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a characteristic of the typical folk song? (A) It is constantly changing over time. (B) It is passed on to other people by being performed. (C) It contains complex musical structures. (D) It appeals to many people. 5. The word subjected in line 9 is closest in meaning to (A) reduced (B) modified (C) exposed (D) imitated 6. The author mentions the farm laborer and his friends (lines 10-14) in order to do which of the following? (A) Explain how a folk song evolves over time (B) Illustrate the importance of music to rural workers (C) Show how subject matter is selected for a folk song (D) Demonstrate how a community, chooses a folk song 7. According to the passage , why would the original composers of folk songs be forgotten? (A) Audiences prefer songs composed by professional musicians. (B) Singers dislike the decorative touches in folk song tunes. (C) Numerous variations of folk songs come to exist at the same time. (D) Folk songs are not considered an important form of music. 8. The word essence in line 16 is closest in meaning to (A) basic nature (B) growing importance (C) full extent (D) first phase 9. The author mentions that published music is not considered to be folk music because (A) the original composer can be easily identified (B) the songs attract only the young people in a community (C) the songs are generally performed by professional singers (D) the composers write the music in rural communities PASSAGE 56 BDBCC ACAA 托福阅读解题技巧:推断题和细微环节题如何把握本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第19页 共19页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页